A Catholic exploring LDS.


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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

Why be a Mormon?

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

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Having been a life-long Mormon -- I sometimes wonder these things myself. :)

First of all, realize that we're "just human beings" like anyone else. We're imperfect. We try to be Christlike, but often don't succeed. But we'e trying.

What is so great about being a Mormon?

For me, it is the idea that I can be with my family forever, that I am, in fact, part of one great big family. I have a loving Father in Heaven, and brother, Jesus Christ. They are trying to help me make the right choices so that I can return to them one day.

Why be a Mormon?

This is a very personal decision. I was born into the Church. Growing-up I was taught all of the "Mormon" ways of looking at life and the world around me. The most salient truth for me has been -- Jesus Christ is my guide. He powers my efforts. I don't try to do things alone. I counsel with Him in all my doings.

We believe we have real Priesthood power, flowing from Christ Himself. We also believe that through that power, all necessary ordinances for returning to Him have been revealed, and made available in our temples.

How do Mormons view the Holy Bible?

We offer a copy of the Holy Bible, free of charge, to anyone who requests one. We believe the Bible to be the word of God. We do believe that some truths have been lost over the years, due to errors in translation. But as far as it is translated correctly, we follow it's precepts. Were it not for the Bible, the Book of Mormon would lose the full power of it's message!! The Book of Mormon is yet another witness of Jesus Christ, not a replacement for it. One was never meant to exist without the other!

As far as views on secular music, video games, television, etc. -- we are counseled to enjoy these things -- but to pay attention to content. If we find music to be full of vulgarity, we stop listening to it. Same for video games and television. There is a handy little feature called the "OFF" button. :)

Edited by tomk
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1) Other than being a member of Christ's church? :P Just yankin your chaing

I guess a lot of it has to do with the knowledge of where I came from, why I'm here, and where I'm going. I have a knowledge that Christ still talks to man on earth. I have a more initmate knowledge of the power of the atonement and what it truly is.

There are more things of course.

2) I was born into the Church, baptized at 8. However, there came a point in which I had to decide what I truly believe. It came with great study, and great prayer, but eventually I recieved my answer.

3) We hold it equal to our other standard works. It is the word of God to man. There have been mistakes made in the bible, mistranslations, and additions not of God. But if read prayerful and with careful study one will find the word of our Heavenly Father in there.

4) If it's wholesome, go ahead and partake of it. If it's not, there's no value to be had in it.

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What is so great about being a Mormon?

For me, it's the sure knowledge of the bigger picture. Knowing where I came from, why I'm here on Earth, and where it is I'm going is HUGE for me. Knowing that - though life can really suck at times - in the "big scheme of things" it's only a brief moment of discomfort, and that it's all for my good and development.

I also love the support network of being a Latter-Day Saint. I can travel the country - or world, even - and find people that I share an intimate bond with because I know that they feel exactly the same as me about so many things, and that they, too, recognize me as a fellow child of God. Words don't do justice to the feeling I'm trying to convey, but the kinship that exists is a huge component of my social world.

(NOTE: social perks are not a legitimate reason to join the church... but it's a nice benefit once you've made a careful, prayerful choice.)

Why be a Mormon?

Again, this is just my opinion, but I believe that a faithful Latter-Day Saint is one of the happiest, most-at-peace people on earth. Referring back to question #1, the comfort and security that comes from truly knowing and understanding God's will and His intentions for us, bring indescribable peace and joy. It gives us direction, discipline, goals, etc.

Plus, it's a lot of fun! We, as a people, have a great time together. We do everything we can for each other. We celebrate together, we mourn together, we help each other out, we impart freely of our goods...

(NOTE: I repeat: social perks are not a legitimate reason to join the church... but it's a nice benefit once you've made a careful, prayerful choice.)

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

It appears as the first book in our collection of scripture for a reason. The Bible is the FIRST testament of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is another witness of Him.

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

We have 13 Articles of Faith that Joseph Smith penned to better convey some of our basic beliefs. The 13th one reads as follows:

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

That which is good and uplifts and inspires is of God. That which does NOT is of the devil.

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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

Why be a Mormon?

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

Glad to hear your interested. I'll try to answer a few questions.. I was raised Catholic FWIW.

1) Nothing is 'so' great. It's the small things that make it different imo. That can mean alot of things.. specifically how 'efficiently' they operate. The organizational methods they use are second to none. Most importantly.. the people are (almost) overly helpful. You scrape a knee you get a dinner ^_^

2) Why be a Mormon.. tough question. Main thing for myself is the heavy emphasis our Church places on families. I enjoy how open members (specifically missionaries) can take honest questions with enthusiasm... it's encouraged. Intelligence is a terrible thing to waste.. and our church really wants us to strive to be at our best intellectually.

3) We view the Bible the same way we view our own scriptures. It's the Word of God as long as it's translated [interpreted] correctly. It's not infallible and is subject to the error of man.

4) View discretion advised. If you feel okay watching it... by all means do so. It doesn't have to 'uplift' or 'inspire' you to be of God. I do not think God has anything against entertainment.

Edited by bmy-
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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

Why be a Mormon?

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

I was a Roman Catholic until my early twenties when the LDS missionaries knocked on my door and left me the Book of Mormon. It didn't take me long to find out that was true and to be baptized.

That was about 40 years ago. The LDS Church has worked for me, I could not imagine what my life would have been like without it those 40 years. But I continue to appreciate the strong moral values I was taught by Catholic parents.

I'm really looking forward to being with my family forever.

I wish you the very best with your research Brenlae.

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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

Why be a Mormon?

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

Hi Brenlae,

Thanks for your curiousity~As you can tell, you will receive a lot of feedback from your questions. We hope to hear back from you in your search!

The greatest thing for me about being a mormon is sensing that the covenants (promises to God at baptism) I've made are real and honored by God, and that He has given me the gift of the Holy Ghost as a result. The Holy Ghost is my daily guide, and the neatest things I feel through the Holy Ghost on a daily basis is God's love for me and others.

I am a "mormon" because truly to me that means I am a member of Christ's church, I have taken upon myself His name, and this is where He wants me to be.

We believe the Bible to be Holy Scripture, and true events.

While Secular things are fun, we are careful about their content.

Best of wishes to you, Brenlae. I hope we can be friends :). Feel free to e-mail me if you'd like. Best of luck


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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

First off, we are Christian. And it is great to be Christian, because we have faith in God the Father and in his Son, Jesus Christ.

But Mormonism adds another dimension to being Christian. We believe many ancient teachings have been lost, and needed to be restored. For example, unlike most Christians, we believe we are the literal spiritual children of God. Most Christians believe God is of another substance, and we can never quite be like Him. We believe we literally are his children, and that he loves us as a good father loves his children.

We also have a greater understanding of our purpose here on earth, where we will go to after this life, and God's hopes for his children.

Why be a Mormon?

It is an option for those who would like a more remarkable form of Christianity. It is for those who want to understand God and Christ better, through modern revelation. It is for those who receive a witness through the Holy Spirit that there are greater truths and knowledge available for Christians seeking such things. It is for the person who wishes we had a modern day Moses to lead us.

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

We see it as inspired of God. It is the foundational scripture for Christianity. In addition, we add additional scripture (the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants) to the Bible, expanding our knowledge of Christ and Heavenly Father's work.

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

We encourage members to use wisdom in the things they partake of. Joseph Smith taught that we teach correct principles and then allow the saints to govern themselves. we recognize there is much uplifting stuff available in the media, but also there are many things that can damage our spirits, waste away our time, and dull our intellect. We are encouraged to seek after things that are praiseworthy and of good report, things which will lead us to Christ and good works.

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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

I was raised a "holiday Catholic" myself :) I never did the Communion or anything, as my parents went inactive (or whatever you call it when Catholics go to church for Christmas and Easter) shortly after I was born. Both my brother and sister did all of that though. I was baptized almost 4 years ago (in March).

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:


What is so great about being a Mormon?

Being LDS is awesome! The people are great and most are not hypocrites, but true believers who really strive to live the gospel. They don't just go through the motions like so many Catholics I know. I also love that our church teaches a positive message about the true and living Christ who is the Messiah to mankind. God as we worship him is a God of love and fairness. I'm not sure how the Catholics see him, but I hear from so many people who are not LDS that God is angry and vengeful and will stop at nothing to thrust sinners down to Hell. That's not the God that we love and worship at all.

Why be a Mormon?

For me, the best part of being LDS is that it's very personal. The church doesn't try to dictate our every move and tell us what to do with our lives. Our prophets interpret scripture and tell us how God would have us live. At the same time, we are given the ability to know for ourselves various truths and directions from God. We believe in personal revelation, which is great for helping us apply the Gospel to our lives. The LDS Church is a way of life, not just a building that we go to every Sunday when we're through partying all week and being as un-Christlike as we please.

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

We believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly. There are so many translations and versions out there that are completely different from each other. We believe the King James Version to be that best translation. Further, Joseph Smith went through and made some inspired changes to it that really show the true nature of God and Jesus Christ. We also believe that certain books have been left out of the Bible, removing many "plain and simple truths."

As a Catholic, it might interest you to know that we believe parts of the Apocrypha may be true as well... But again, it's a matter of discerning truth by inspiration from the Holy Ghost.

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

We believe that anything good comes from God, anything bad from the devil. We're encouraged to stay away from rated R movies, Mature television shows, graphic video games, and music with explicit lyrics or things of that nature. However, I don't think there's necessarily a commandment to stay away from them. Some members are okay with rated R and graphic games and music... Most avoid them though.

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

I hope I did well enough :) Thanks for asking great questions. I hope that you will be greatly blessed as you look into our church, whether you end up joining or not. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is THE true church of Christ. I know that the church, as it is today, is truly a restoration of the one that Christ set up during his Earthly ministry. I have done a lot of research about the church and I will tell you, without a doubt, that the church stands true through any criticism I have heard. Most of all, HE LIVES! He is the great Meshiac and redeemer of mankind. Through faith in him, all things are possible, and you WILL be led to the truth if you ask him in faith to lead you in the right direction.

Happy Christmas :cool:

Edited by cjmaldrich
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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

Why be a Mormon?

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

Because I "know" what blessings and truths have been confirmed to me thru spiritual promptings. and i see the wonderfull light that is in those whom live obediently.:)
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Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

Why be a Mormon?

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

1) Answer a few questions??? Sure, why not! :)

2) Well, I can tell you what I think is great about being a Mormon....or looking at the world thru LDS understanding....... is that we know where we came from before this earth life, why we are here on earth, and where we are going after we die. There is great peace in this eternal perspective. It helps make life's difficulties and confusions make sense. It helps us keep our eyes on the ball, so to speak, and not miss the forest for the trees. I also enjoy our understanding of Salvation. You see it really isn't about what church you belong to. It is about truth and what truth you adopt and how you live. God takes care of the parts of the puzzle we don't or can't have access to here on earth (IE: the people who never even heard the name of Jesus, or had chance for proper baptism etc.) and we are judged, evaluated, welcomed home based upon what we chose according to our understanding. I love the broad generousity of such a message of salvation vs. the black and white, heaven or hell view of many other Christian denominations who claim to understand grace, but who miss the vastness and merccy of the concept.

3) Why be a Mormon? Well, it certainly isn't for the faint of heart. This church is demanding. It is a 24/7 proposition and fence sitting usually isn't a viable option. Most people fail greatly in their understanding of us. Some even hate us. But as with all things that require sacrifice.....the blessings and gifts and capacities and understanding fill our buckets to overflowing! Nothing really great comes easy. But I assure you that the true path of a Mormon is so much more than just belonging to this church. It is about true discipleship and repentance and transformation thru Christ and absolute dedication and obedience to the Master of us all and all the glorious development inside ones character and spirit as one attempts such a pursuit.

The real answer to "why be a mormon" can only be discovered by those who have the courage to attempt the journey. It is much like the parable of the 10 virgins. No one call give you oil to fill your lamp. You must fill it yourself.

4. How do we view the Bible? Well, we like it. We believe in it. We preach from it and study it in our homes and families. It is the only account of the Savior of us all and his Atoning sacrifice! What would we have to believe if we didn't have that? But......We don't believe the canon is closed. We don't believe the Bible is the sum total of God's dealings with man. It certainly doesn't contain the entire life of the Savior or all of his interactions with the children of men. We don't believe the Bible is absolutely flawless. But we do believe it as far as it is translated correctly and deeply thank those who sacrificed so much so that it is preserved for the world today. It is an essential part of the Christian puzzle and we revere it. We believe that all scripture must be discerned by the Spirit of the Lord to know if what we think we understand or what we are taught is truly correct.

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What is so great about being a Mormon?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Thanks! :D

Glad to oblige on these two items Brenlae:

1. What is so great about being a Mormon?

We are a happy people who make a mean green Jell-O salad. Additionally, belonging to the Mormon Church meets our spiritual needs and gives us a pathway for our eventual return to our Heavenly Father.

2. What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

That Monk is our favorite TV series. That we like secular music as long as it does not contain the works of Marylin Manson. That Unreal Tournament 3 is our favorite video game and that there are great graphics in Far Cry 2. Also that we shun the Grand Theft Auto series.

Hope this information is useful to you!


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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

Why be a Mormon?

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

Welcome. I'll cut to the chase.

1. What is so great...? Jesus established His Church in the Meridian of time. The apostles were eventaully killed and priesthood authority was taken from the earth. We call this the "apostasy" or "falling away". Christ RESTORED His Church in these latter days with the same structure....apostles, prophets, etc. It is so great because it IS CHRIST's church and he is at it's head.

2. Why be a Mormon? Basically, see #1. IF this IS Christ's church, then it is the only source of truth and authority. Further, Paul taught that there is "one faith" and "one baptism"....not several contradicting faiths and several types of baptisms.

3. How do we view the Bible? We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. (See Articles of Faith) We all know that the Bible is a compilation of books/letters that were compiled by religiously minded folk. THEY decided what to put in and what to exclude. THEY translated it. There is really no claim that these religously minded folks were prophets or that they were otherwise acting under authority of God. Well, in short, they left some things out, added to, translated incorrectly, etc. The original writers (Moses, Isaiah, Matthew, Paul, etc) wrote the will of the Lord. Later, some truth was lost.

4. Secular music, video games, etc: Brigham Young (our second prophet in these latter days) said: "I teach them (the saints) correct principles and let them govern themselves." We believe that we need not be commanded in all things but that we should seek to do good of ourselves. However, we are counselled to avoid anything that would not be condusive to the presence of the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit). We believe in staying morally clean in thougtht and in deed. We have saying in the church, that we should be "IN the world but on OF the world." That is, we don't become hobits and hide from the world but we strive to avoid WORLDLINESS (caring for the things the world treasures versus what God treasures) Generally, we play video games, watch movies, listen to music (especially George Strait....J/K) and dance. In fact, we celebrate dancing more than most religions. While somehwat lost now, the saints of the 1800's danced up a storm.

The best advice I can give, is to read the Book of Mormon and think about it as you do. We believe it to be Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

Good Luck

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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

Why be a Mormon?

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

My friend, go to Mormon.org - Home and watch the movies and read the literature there. It is the best representation and most accurate representation of our beliefs. Start there, and if you hear anything that differs with it, its wrong.

First, good luck in your spiritual journey for truth. I had mine a decade or so ago, and the one question I had for God is--what is the truth? And in short, the only person any of us can actually believe and trust completely is God himself.

So, Why am I a Mormon? I already believed in God, Jesus Christ and the Bible, but I chose to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it was true. The book itself says that God will tell you through the Spirit (Moroni 10:3-5), so I sincerely sought an answer. Long story short--God said yes, and that He calls prophets still today, and that Joseph Smith was the one who placed His true church on the earth. I have never felt so much joy, peace, love, and comfort in knowing that God still speaks to man--for He had spoken to me personally, and can speak to you personally as well through His spirit, and confirm the truth of the Book of Mormon and the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS. We believe the Bible is scripture, and has the fulness of the gospel. We believe the Book of Mormon is scripture as well. Go to mormon.org and check out the rest of your questions. Good luck with the adventure. God will never fail His children who sincerely seek His counsel.

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For most of your questions there are many answers as there are LDS lol but I love answering questions so here goes

What is so great about being a Mormon?

For me its the strong personal relationship that having the Gift of the Holy Ghost gives us with God, its the wisdom of knowing he guides my everyday life even with mundance things as long as I listen. Its knowing the pain and sacrifice that happens in life is actually blessings in disguise, and turning life from negative to positive. Its being able to step out my front door and recognise my Heavenly Father in the things around me making everyday life exceptional and fun

Why be a Mormon?

I am because Heavenly Father wants me to be

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

This Mormon views the Bible as Holy and Sacred and Beautiful it has much to teach us of God but nothing replaces a personal relationship with God and the Words of the Prophet God gave us in 2008, for me both of those come before anything.

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

This is where I use the Holy Ghost and prayer to determine what is right for me to do in each circumstance, personally I am working on my love of books and TV which has a lot of murder in it lol, but prior to this year it was something I hadn't consider changing, I haven't stopped but have so far reduced myself to about 6 murders a week across all forms of media


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I am a former Catholic who joined the LDS church 13 years ago. I can only answer your questions based on my own perspective, of course:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

For me, it's knowing that my family can be a family unit forever. It's knowing the truth of the gospel and having a greater understanding of my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Why be a Mormon?

Because I believe it is true and right. For me, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. If I didn't believe this church was true, I would not be a member.

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

We love the Bible as the inspired word of God.

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

It depends on the game, music or program. Church leaders advise us to avoid 'R' rated films and other media of similar quality, and also advise us to seek out media which invites the spirit and edifies us. I know I feel better when I watch uplifting films than I do when I watch violent ones or ones filled with foul language.

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I agree with a lot of the things said here, but I will add my touch to it too... I would advise you to invite missionaries to teach you. If you can't have them at your home, meet them at church. They will answer a lot of questions for you. When I was being taught, I already knew I wanted to be a member of the Church, and I didn't realize how much I would learn in the months and years after being baptised. I think one of the best parts of being mormon, for me, is knowing. Having the answers to so many questions that didn't seem right before to me, such as the trinity. I couldn't grasp how the father and the son and the holy spirit were all one and the same. I didn't feel in my heart it was right. I couldn't understand how a priest had to be a part of the process of forgiveness. What if I wanted to speak with Heavenly Father on my own? I found my answers at Church meetings and in prayer and in scriptures. It is a wonderful thing. I wish you well, and I hope that your journey is a good one!

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Hi, first off, I'm not much of a Catholic, and have been doing a lot of soul searching. The LDS faith has interested me enough to aquire a free copy of The Book of Mormon. It's very interesting.

Now, I have a favour to ask, could some of you answer a few questions?:

What is so great about being a Mormon?

Why be a Mormon?

How do Mormon's view the Holy Bible?

What about views on secular music, video games, television, etc.?

Anyway, if anybody could answer any number of the above questions, that would be great. :)

Thanks! :D

if it is your destiny, then you cannot avoid it. a person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. (how is that for a buddhist giving advice to a catholic about things lds? ;) )

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if it is your destiny, then you cannot avoid it. a person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. (how is that for a buddhist giving advice to a catholic about things lds? ;) )

hahahaha I love it. :lol:

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Differences: No candles, incense, wine, latin....:)

Harder to be a one day a week member.

Through scriptures and prayer you have to work to find your answers or you will grow weary.

Both churches have a strong central leadership that guides the church.

You do not have to go to the Bishop for routine confession. Only grevious wrongs need to be addressed and confirmation times when you go to the baptismal interview, temple etc. Either you are doing or you're not. If you're not he sends you back to the Lord or helps you find ways to get you back on the gospel path.

Moderation, temperance, purity, family , relationships and self control are emphasized.

There is peace through knowing where we came from, what God wants us to be here on earth, and in the future.

The Book of Mormon is much easier to read and follow than the Bible:)

While it may seem like more work in the LDS church it seems easier. simpler to understand and apply, and with much more freedom.

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While it may seem like more work in the LDS church it seems easier. simpler to understand and apply, and with much more freedom.

I have to second that. It did seem like more work to me at first, but as I grew in knowledge and understanding, it became easier and now it's second nature.

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