Personality Types (everyone should take this) ^^


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I am an INFJ also. :)

Whilst in my training to become a Counselor, we studied typology in great depth. I found it a fascinating tool and at times have used it in my work with my clients.

As a typical INFJ, I confused myself at times. Doing this test and studying what an INFJ is, helped me realise who and what I am. It helped me understand why I found social situations so difficult and helped me to understand that I was not 'weird', I was just 'different'.:lol::lol:

As an INFJ I feel the Gospel appeals to me as it taps into my feeling and intuition. In my work I use a lot of gut instinct, and I use this with the Gospel too; It's how I discern spiritual matters. It would be interesting to actually know what the ratio of types were within the Church.

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I am an INFJ also. :)

As an INFJ I feel the Gospel appeals to me as it taps into my feeling and intuition. In my work I use a lot of gut instinct, and I use this with the Gospel too; It's how I discern spiritual matters. It would be interesting to actually know what the ratio of types were within the Church.

that's cool, i feel the same too :D

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it's intresting that alot of LDS people have answered INFJ

there has not been one other person(non-member) i know that has had that personality type. (and i've tested many)

just an observation, but seeing as there's more in the church (and the church being a small percentage of the whole world population (rare)) maybe most of the INFJ's are in the church lol

famous people who had this personality type:


Mother Teresa

I once read an article on an LDS blog that said there were a couple of these types that are overrepresented in the Church. He said he was an INTP and that INTPs have a hard time in the Church, but that leaders in the Church seemed to have lots of INTPs. I have a cousin who is INTP and he will not accept anything said in Church unless he argues it in his mind, and then argues with everyone else. He then will adopt some Church principles quite devoutly, if they can be justified cerebrally, but others he will rationalize that it has to be in the scriptures or it is only cultural opinion. He recently got a body piercing and made sure to tell everyone on his Facebook.

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  • 1 month later...

My whole family took this test a couple years ago, and new comers to my family, adn clsoe friends are always talked in to taking it by my father. But yeah, as I have already stated in my profile, I am of the INFP personality type... the dreaming healer/idealist. Go me! :P lol

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I don't think this sort of personality test lends to changing... basically, you are who you are by the time your 18, unless something drastic happens... and while we often think things are drastic when they happen, truth is they aren't nearly as big as we think they are in the grand scheme of things, and you're able to go back to as you were before... thus your personality doesn't really change once its been formed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

it's intresting that alot of LDS people have answered INFJ

there has not been one other person(non-member) i know that has had that personality type. (and i've tested many)

just an observation, but seeing as there's more in the church (and the church being a small percentage of the whole world population (rare)) maybe most of the INFJ's are in the church lol

famous people who had this personality type:


Mother Teresa

Sorry to burst this bubble but.....there goes that theory....for now. ;)

Be of good cheer tho we are proving scripture

Moroni 7:46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth.

Wherefore, cleave unto charity,which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—

47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day,

it shall be well with him.

Your Type is:

INFJ -The Protector

Strength of the preferences %

Introverted 44

Intuitive 38

Feeling 50

Judging 11

Only 11% Judging...I think this test is wrong. :lol:

But since its better than what I expected I'll take it I guess.

Ok maybe there is something to this

They seek long-term, lifelong relationships, although they don't always find them. :(

Edited by Therauh
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Oh i'm not saying that there aren't other INFJ's that are not in the church. Just saying that I've seen more here than anywhere else. That's all

What I have to wonder is if that test is as accurate as it claims. I am an INFJ but I have taken the official test that takes about an hour to complete. It has multiple sections and different parts to each section. But the official test is copyrighted and is only available through the Meyers Briggs system which usually costs money. I do wonder if the test linked is as accurate as the official test.

As for being like a horoscope I actually find the Meyers Briggs test to be one of the more accurate of the personality tests out there. I am actually part of a few INFJ groups out there and it is interesting to see what things we are similar on. Sure not everyone who is the same personality type is going to be exactly alike, but often there are very distinct similarities.

What I find most interesting about the Meyers Briggs test is that it really gets down to making distinctions between different types of Introverts and Extroverts. Which is something I have studied quite a bit.

I also like the Color Code personality test, but I don't find it to be quite as concise as the Meyers Briggs is. But for a work environment the color code test works pretty well.

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I am usually an ENFP but the E to I ratio is a little close so sometimes I go into INFP mode.

My husband is a strong INFJ. The part about INJFs having almost psychic abilities is dead on. It amazes me that so many INJFs are LDS! It makes sense in retrospect, but I had not considered doing a study that would draw correlation between personality type and religion. I would love to see this done across a broader range of faith traditions.

My husband got me interested in this test a while ago and I find it completely fascinating. He has encouraged several of our friends (non members) to take the test and we have found very few INFJs anywhere except here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your Type is


Introverted 56

Intuitive 38

Feeling 38

Judging 11

moderately expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

slightly expressed judging personality

I retook it, thinking about each question more, this result is far my accurate. I'm a very family orientated person, no matter how weird mine is (haha). I'm definitely into my arts and I'm very passionate about, the arts, music (is an art form still). I've also always been one to internalize feelings and things that irritate/anger me. It's the only way of 'dealing' with it that supposedly works for me..

Edited by Kerasene
Retook quiz, took the time to ponder it further... far more accurate now.
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What I have to wonder is if that test is as accurate as it claims. I am an INFJ but I have taken the official test that takes about an hour to complete. It has multiple sections and different parts to each section. But the official test is copyrighted and is only available through the Meyers Briggs system which usually costs money. I do wonder if the test linked is as accurate as the official test.

Where would I find this test that you speak of? I'm always interested to see what they say about me.

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