Every mom should have a baseball bat!

Winnie G

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Woman takes bat to man who smoked near her children

June 10th, 2009 @ 12:26pm

By Randall Jeppesen

OREM -- A woman decided a baseball bat was the best way to keep a man from smoking near her children.

Monday, Orem police got a call that a woman was chasing a man outside with a baseball bat near 1200 North 900 West. It turned out the call was true.

"One of them had a baseball bat and was swinging at the other individual," Orem police Lt. Gary Downey said.

He says the man had been at the woman's house with a friend, but then he started smoking a "suspicious" substance in a pipe around her children. She did not like that, but the man wouldn't leave, so out came the baseball bat.

And the man got whacked a few times. When police got there the woman still had the bat in her hands. Police say the man didn't have any serious injuries from the bat. He refused to press charges, and no one ended up going to jail.

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That was all that was printed.

ksl.com - Woman takes bat to man who smoked near her children

It brings back the memory of my oldest son chasing off a group of young men gathered under his sisters bedroom window.

He came in and asked why were these boys under his sisters window and I said "shes holding court she grounded"

He asked "would you like me to get rid of them"? Sure!

he reached around the door in to the fount hall grabbed a baseball bat and went screaming down the street after the them. :viking:

Her Majesty never held court again.:king:

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Guest JoshDwellington

... he started smoking a "suspicious" substance in a pipe around her children. She did not like that, but the man wouldn't leave ...

there's a difference between smoking a cigarette and smoking pot lol

Would you really want your kids to risk inhaling some THC ?

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Just imagine if they did accidentally inhale some THC?

They might go in to a life of crime to support their Twinkie habit, gain three hundred pounds and end up getting harpooned when they go swimming in the ocean on vacation.

Or they could vote Democrat! :(

Do you just make a crack at liberals? For shame! ;)

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Lots of people that I knew that did smoke pot used a pipe more often than a joint or blunt.

Back in my youth(inactive years) I did, because I couldn't roll a joint. The only non-pot smoking people I knew who could roll a cigarette were my Mom, Dad, uncles and other cigarette smoking Cowboys & Cowgirls! Then I bought a cigarette roller from Zig Zag Cigarette Papers.
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"but the man wouldn't leave, so out came the baseball bat."

So, this doesn't seem to be a smoking thing, but a violation of castle laws. I like this person's take on the issue.

To be clear, the focus of this incident was not that the man was smoking, but because he was asked to leave and refused.

Castle defense laws, which are alive and well in Utah—thank goodness—don’t require you to eliminate someone from your home only IF you have a “viable reason” (such as second hand smoke, child abuse, robbery, etc.). Legally this woman could have asked the man to leave simply because she didn’t like the look of his creepy toupee. (I have no idea if he was wearing one.)


The issue is not what the man was smoking, who he was smoking near, or even that he was smoking anything. The issue is that a person requested someone to leave their home—even multiple times—and that the now defined “intruder” would not comply. It doesn’t matter that the person may have been “invited” to enter the home previously. Any homeowner or rightful tenant of a home can change their mind as to who is or isn’t invited in their home.


The woman’s request (or reasoning to request) for his departure is not what changed or escalated this scenario. It was the man’s refusal to leave that turned the tables dramatically on this woman and thus she had every right to defend her fortress and her family with whatever means necessary.


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thank you LM. I agree!

If someone refused to leave my home...you bet there'd be consequences. Since my usual mode of anger is yelling, I'd probably start yelling. If that didn't work I would call the police. I don't have a bat handy but if I did well I don't know. But I applaud this woman's courage. I'm sure that man who wouldn't leave her home AFTER smoking and refusing to leave, won't be coming back and if he does he certainly won't smoke in her house. I'm sure his friends won't be going around there either. And I'm sure her neighbors will leave when she asks them to.

The only thing I would have done differently...I wouldn't have chased him down the street. Once he was out of my house I would have considered the job done.

Men know not to come between a Grizzly Bear Mom and her cubs. Why do they think they can ignore a Human "grizzly bear" Mom??? I most definitely think this man was smoking something that impaired his judgement. :tsktsk: Otherwise he would have left as soon as he saw the bat.

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I would have taken a can I water flowers with and pored out in teh pipe... Ihope there ahd not been any fertilizer... or who cares... a little PAM would do that person good... I mean BANG (I wrote finnish there)

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What happened to the good old days when if you were going to catch a buzz you were very discreet about it?

Instead of a baseball bat, perhaps the Mother should have pulled out the 'ol fire-exstinguisher' (I know everyone has one of those, don't they?) and emptied it all over the guy and his pipe.

I mean what if that Mother had busted that dude up the side of his head and killed him?

Oh well, I guess desperate things require desperate means if your in the moment. :rasta:

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