I've really screwed up.


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I have made some extremely bad mistakes and am sure that I will not make it to the Celestial Kingdom...the fact is, it is too late for me to fix this so I ask this...

...will my wife have the opportunity to be with someone who deserves her in the afterlife? We were sealed but it's obvious we will not be together...

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1: It is never too late. Satan is working hard on you to believe that. Despair does not come from God.

2: Read the Miracle of Forgiveness. It applies to you.

3: Talk to your Bishop about what has occurred. If it's so bad that you feel that there is no way you'd ever make it to the Celestial Kingdom then it is something you need to talk to your Bishop about. He will help you.

4: How do you feel about the idea of not making it? How do you feel about the idea of your wife being with someone else?

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I was in a similiar situation to you. I thought it was too late for me. Hay you might have done "worse" things than me but who knows maybe I've done worse things than you. But you know that doesn't really matter as Jesus Christ died for the sins of all man kind me, you, the next person regardless of wether in our eyes they "sinned more or less than ourselves". My bishop said some thing that really helped, when we realise we've done wrong and feel true sorrow and guilt and remorse then we're half way there!! The other hardest thing to do is being able to truly forgive yourself and to accept that Christ loves and forgives you (this is usually hard if your feeling low after all why would Christ want to forgive you especially if you cant find it in your own heart to forgive yourself?!) But the fact is Christ DOES want to forgive he DOES love you regardless of whatever terrible thing it is you've done.

I suggest speaking to your bishop and being as open as you can be, also have a real heart to heart with your father in heaven. You don't even have to start by asking for forgivness the process can begin with a simple aknowladgment and confession and a question if you can ever be forgiven for these terrible things, (thats how I began and I personally, had an overwhelming feeling that I could be forgiven but I must never repeat what I had done).

Please speak to your bishop, please prey, please read your scriptures daily, the amazing feeling of freedom when the chains of guilt are released by the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is so beautiful and you deserve that just as much as me and as much as any one.

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You do not sound like a person who is past feeling & one who has lost the ability to repent. For those people do not care about repenting or do not see their wrong doings like you can. So clearly, you still have enough conscience left to be able to repent. The only people who can't repent & have gone too far, are those who are so deep in sin that they don't know they are sinning anymore, thus how can you repent when you don't think you are sinning. That's past feeling, when we have chased away our conscience too far to feel guilty anymore. Again, you can't be one of them, so you can still repent fully.

Yes, your wife could find someone else if you choose not to repent, but doesn't she want to be with you?

Do not underestimate Heavenly Father's ability to save, he is much more powerful than we know.

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What it sounds like is that you're suffering from major depression. When someone goes in to depression, they oftentimes feel that everything is hopeless, that they're the worst person in the world, and that their self-hatred is justified by all that their actions cause.

If this sounds like you, get help. Your wife deserves for you to be better and so do you. Go to a Doctor. Get help.

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Pray to your Heavenly Father in that he will forgive you of your sin(s) and will give you strength in order to turn your life completely around for the sake of your marriage. Secondly, you and your wife need to go to someone who is truly a trained professional in these matters and has the experience to pinpoint and solve your problems and that is a marriage counselor (preferably an LDS one) and try to resolve all your issues with him/her and see where you need to go from there. Best of luck to you. As long as you truly repent, the celestial kingdom will still be there for you and your wife.:)

Edited by Carl62
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Well, I appreciate the guidance...I do,...but nobody has actually answered the question I asked. Putting me aside,...forget it was me that asked and I will rephrase..

Hypothetically; A couple are married and sealed in the temple. Everyone makes mistakes, but he makes a very bad mistake. He either chooses not to repent or simply has no time to repent so, in the end, they are both in the afterlife, he without ever starting the repentance process. Obviously, he cannot make it to the Celestial Kingdom as God cannot accept him into His presence. So, now the question, will his "eternal mate" who, hypothetically lived a "Celestial" worthy life be alllowed to find another worthy Celestial mate?

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Well, I appreciate the guidance...I do,...but nobody has actually answered the question I asked. Putting me aside,...forget it was me that asked and I will rephrase..

Hypothetically; A couple are married and sealed in the temple. Everyone makes mistakes, but he makes a very bad mistake. He either chooses not to repent or simply has no time to repent so, in the end, they are both in the afterlife, he without ever starting the repentance process. Obviously, he cannot make it to the Celestial Kingdom as God cannot accept him into His presence. So, now the question, will his "eternal mate" who, hypothetically lived a "Celestial" worthy life be alllowed to find another worthy Celestial mate?

I think she wiil be ... or else, we don't have to worry about her because our HF will do what is right, everyone will get what they deserve in the afterlife..

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I have made some extremely bad mistakes and am sure that I will not make it to the Celestial Kingdom...the fact is, it is too late for me to fix this so I ask this...

...will my wife have the opportunity to be with someone who deserves her in the afterlife? We were sealed but it's obvious we will not be together...

Have you met our eternal parents? Have you spoken to the Savior, face-to-face? If no, there is a wayback...;)

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Pray to your Heavenly Father in that he will forgive you of your sin(s) and will give you strength in order to turn your life completely around for the sake of your marriage. Secondly, you and your wife need to go to someone who is truly a trained professional in these matters and has the experience to pinpoint and solve your problems and that is a marriage counselor (preferably an LDS one) and try to resolve all your issues with him/her and see where you need to go from there. Best of luck to you. As long as you truly repent, the celestial kingdom will still be there for you and your wife.:)

Good point...adding here, after his burden is lifted, he needs still seek out forgiveness from his Master.

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Well, I appreciate the guidance...I do,...but nobody has actually answered the question I asked. Putting me aside,...forget it was me that asked and I will rephrase..

Hypothetically; A couple are married and sealed in the temple. Everyone makes mistakes, but he makes a very bad mistake. He either chooses not to repent or simply has no time to repent so, in the end, they are both in the afterlife, he without ever starting the repentance process. Obviously, he cannot make it to the Celestial Kingdom as God cannot accept him into His presence. So, now the question, will his "eternal mate" who, hypothetically lived a "Celestial" worthy life be alllowed to find another worthy Celestial mate?

I believe that if a couple are married for eternity (destined for the Celestial Kingdom) and one decides that they really do not love the other enough to remain with them in eternity and they do not want an eternal marriage - but the other does desire such a thing ---> I believe that there is in the grace a G-d a "way" that they both will find blessings according to their desire. I believe we all will be blessed by grace according the the desires of our heart. The reason there is more than one kingdom of Heaven is because different individuals have different desires.

The Traveler

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I know how your feeling. I've made some really terrible mistakes too and I am trying to find a way to repent for them as well....here is the thing though, for a long time I felt the way you do, that I was way too far gone and that there was no hope for me. That i'd never be able to make it to the celestial kingdom. I promise you we are both wrong. there is so much hope to be had in the Atonement. Christ suffered and died so that we could return to our Heavenly Father in spite of sin. No matter the sin, He did enough to overcome it.

From what I understand, when it comes down to it we are not judged on our sins...we are judged on our relationship with Christ. the goal in repentance is to rebuild that relationship with Him, because sin destroys it. The beauty is, He never left the relationship, nor will he ever, it was us that left, and all we have to do is reset our course to Him and he will make up the rest. regardless of where a person is in life as long as they have a desire to repent the Lord can overcome all.

You asked if your wife will have the opportunity to be sealed to someone who deserves her....here is the thing, she married you and was sealed to YOU because she loves you, she deserves to have YOU forever, and that is still entirely possible. believe it or not, despite everything you've done you are no more dependant on the atonement than she is. every single one of us is absolutely dependant on the atonement of Christ to reach exhaltation, and regardless of the sin, big or small, each of us still has that opportunity if we will just turn to Him.

I am a terribly long way from all this, BUT I know that its true. I have no doubt now that the Lord loves us and will overcome even our greatest shortcomings if we let Him. Please do speak with your bishop, he will give you great counsel and help you get back on the right path....the beauty is its not that far, you just have to change directions and head toward Chrst.

Please have hope in Him.

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Well, I appreciate the guidance...I do,...but nobody has actually answered the question I asked. Putting me aside,...forget it was me that asked and I will rephrase..

Hypothetically; A couple are married and sealed in the temple. Everyone makes mistakes, but he makes a very bad mistake. He either chooses not to repent or simply has no time to repent so, in the end, they are both in the afterlife, he without ever starting the repentance process. Obviously, he cannot make it to the Celestial Kingdom as God cannot accept him into His presence. So, now the question, will his "eternal mate" who, hypothetically lived a "Celestial" worthy life be alllowed to find another worthy Celestial mate?

No time to repent? That's another way to say he has no desire to repent. Each person has to decide for him/herself whether they desire the Celestial Kingdom enough.

Anyone who is sealed in the temple and remains faithful will receive all the blessings of the Celestial Kingdom. Her responsibility is to be sealed and then live worthily. She has no control over if you sin or choose to repent.

We all hope that the sinner will repent. Why? Because the great blessings offered are totally indescribable. Also, if you choose not to repent now, you will be compelled to totally repent in the spirit prison, where you will first pay for your entire sin by yourself, before Christ's atonement will step in and save you from the 2nd death.

Jesus begged us to repent in D&C 19, so that we do not have to suffer as he, even God, did. He bled from every pore because of the intensity of the pain, and I just can't imagine anyone wishing to go through that just for a temporal pleasure and pride. It will be akin to Alma's agony for three days (only longer) before he fully and totally gave up all his sins to Christ. So will it be for telestial beings, who must be compelled to repent. God saves some people in spite of themselves into the Telestial Kingdom. Of course, the Sons of Perdition will refuse to ever repent, and will remain in misery forever.

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