MISSION : I don't know if I'm going anymore

Guest JoshDwellington

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Guest JoshDwellington


As some of you may know, I was to serve a mission in Australia.

Due date in MTC New Zealand : 19th Aug 2009.

Last tuesday, I got home after the temple and got a call from the Travel Office in Germany. The Sister told me that my departure would be delayed, my visa can't be reviewed b/c the sponsorship is still waiting. My bishop and I were both very surprized . . .

The sister said she'd have to call Salt Lake for a new date, and my Mission President too . . . Delay is 6-8weeks AT LEAST.

After more than a year of waiting and getting prepared, I told my bishop I wouldn't serve this mission if I had to wait more than 2 months.

I am tired, I have no money, my mom suffers from serious illnesses, parents going to lose their job. For the last 12 months, I have stopped everything just to get prepared materially and financially . . . I can't take it anymore and my bishop understands that perfectly :

I pressed the pause button 12 months ago, I can't let the world move forward and wait endlessly

Oh by the way, I was to leave for february- april originally, then august, now october.

What's next ?? January 2010 ?!

Be honest please :

do you think I'm over-reacting ??

Am I lacking patience ??

Several guys in my stake received their mission call AFTER me, and they're going to leave before me . . .

Edited by JoshDwellington
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Yep, and yep.

Remember the other thread regarding attempts to thwart your serving financially, and why you might be having such difficulty?

I did some visa waiting, albeit after I had entered the MTC. Even that wasn't easy to deal with. I feel for you.

What is two more months in the scheme of the eternities?

Consider this, there may be very purposeful reasons your departure is being delayed - something that you are needed for at home in that time, or timing that has to be right in the field. Time to not worry so much about what you are thinking, and get on your knees and find out what HF is planning. :)

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Josh, did YOU make that decision or did you make that decision with confirmation from the Spirit?

You are frustrated. That is completely understandable. But there are other things to consider besides your feelings of frustration. Did you not receive confirmation that you need to serve a mission? Are you going to tell God that sorry, You aren't working on my timetable, so see ya?

I actually can understand how you feel. I had to wait 3 years before I could serve a mission. At one point, I told God, "forget it. Since I can't serve right now, I'm just not going to serve at all." I was miserable. I knew that I had receive an answer to my prayer about serving a mission. I knew it and God knew it. Then I let my inner 2 year old throw a tantrum and told God to stuff it (in essence). When I prayed again about serving, I was given the very distinct impression to wait for Him. He knows what's going on and I needed to be patient, do my part, and I will serve when the time was right.

I finally was able to serve after waiting 3 years (actually 4 years from the first time I prayed, but I couldn't serve until age 21 and I had to wait 3 years after that to actually serve). I still don't know why exactly I had to wait as long as I did, but I do have faith there was a reason. I had too many spiritual experiences to tell me that I served where I needed to be when I needed to be there.

So, my advice to you is this. Pray about it. Sincerely pray, let God know your frustrations, your concerns, your feelings of responsibilities, and everything. If He confirms that you shouldn't serve, then you can feel good about your decision.

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I had to wait for my visa, as well. I was in the MTC for two months, then another two-and-a-half months waiting for my visa to come through. In all, it was nine or ten months from receiving my mission call until I finally got visa approval.

Be strong, stay close to the Spirit, determine to serve God in whatever manner he sees fit, no matter the consequences. If you do these things, you can't go wrong.

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Only two months Vort? I ended up being in the MTC 3.5 months. Regular 2 for learning the language, 1.5 in the telecenter just after it started. Then it was 4.5 months in a temporary mission stateside before finally shipping out. Visa waiting can be trying.

Edited by ryanh
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If a 2 month wait is make-or-break for you, I suggest you go ahead and quit now so you can go do something you REALLY desire to do. How long did the Lord wait for you to be ready? Did He give up on you? How long did the Saints suffer? How long was Joseph Smith imprisoned? Did they give up?

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Sounds like your parents will continue to suffer difficulties whether you go on a mission or not. If on the mission, your regular life is still on hold for two years. Have you considered that? Plus, has the motivation for going on a mission in the first place changed?

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Be honest please :

do you think I'm over-reacting ??

Am I lacking patience ??

Several guys in my stake received their mission call AFTER me, and they're going to leave before me . . .

Rest assured that a time will come when you will look back at this and see that it was all to your good. Maybe there is something for you to learn in this... or maybe you will be placed in a mission at a certain time for a certain purpose. Whatever the reason, there is a purpose that is for the Good.

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I can remember when I went to Ricks...there were two Elders there waiting on visas to go to Brazil. They had both been out almost 18 months and still waiting on their Visas...I don't think they ever went to Brazil.

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I went on a mission just over a year after I converted to the church. It wasn't something I thought of or planned to do for years. I didn't have the money to go. It was what Heavenly Father wanted. At first I fought it then I let his will not mine be done. Looking back I left such a lost depressed little girl and I returned a very strong spirited woman. I grew so much during that 18 months there are times I look back and don't know the person I was pre mission.

I left knowing there was trouble at home (horrible trouble) but I knew that if I did my part Heavenly Father would do his and whatever happened at home it would turn out for the best.

I went, my small Branch stepped in and helped pay. The troubles at home seemed for that time to ease.

If you are truely called of God to serve then wait be patient! Remember Heavenly Father does everything in his own due time not ours. This seems like a long time to you but to him it just a blink of an eye. Be strong have faith and endure! Your life will so richly be blessed if you are patient and serve your mission well.


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Guest JoshDwellington

first, thanx for those who took the time to share their personal experience regarding their own mission, as well as the kind words :)

Helped me get things back in the whole picture / better perspective

I know I'm not the first one that has to wait, but I was so psyched up to leave, ahhhh!!

Think I was way down, b/c my whole ward left for their holidays and the only member I talked to was my bishop, who felt even worse than me (dead serious !) He almost cried, said " I'm so helpless, I'm sorry I can't help you, I'm so sorry this is happening to you" that made me feel real bad b/c it wasn't his fault at all and he did all he could do . . .

Sounds like your parents will continue to suffer difficulties whether you go on a mission or not. If on the mission, your regular life is still on hold for two years. Have you considered that? Plus, has the motivation for going on a mission in the first place changed?


My motivation has not changed, I still want to go !

But the thing is, I know I may not be able to wait for months and months.

My departure has already been postponed twice, and the 2month wait is a minimum

i agree with what everyone else is saying.... but... if you feel you really have to go now can the bishop send a letter to salt lake about a reassignment?

mmhm, Travel Office said they'd ask Salt Lake for a new date (mtc) and hopefully they'll let me in on the same mission . . . please!

Just think about how long those you are going to teach have been waiting for the Gospel?

they're going to wait a few more months :lol:


A very good female friend (molly mormon lol) told me something along the lines of :

" oh, don't worry, if you're tried that hard now it's B/c satan knows you'll do a great job there"

I was like, yeah (really depressed ahh)

And she went on :

" that's why he wants to hurt you now, so that you remain here while all the souls are waiting for you there!"

" don't worry 'bout your family, they're going to be SOOOO blessed, etc."

She's younger than me, but her overall attitude + innocence and faith kinda made me feel bad I'm just being a whiny cry baby ^_^

that girl's sooo coool

Thanx for the support once again guys

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that girl's sooo coool

Ok, now I understand the reason for not wanting to go!:wub::D:P:lol: Just kidding.

What's that line from the animated jungle book? "Don't pay no attention to them things, they aint nothing but trouble!"

Seriously, I think we can all understand how a third delay would be a blow that would thow most any of us off balance. But we all want to see you pick yourself back up, shake it off, and remain resolved. Easier said than done. But in the case of a mission, it will be WELL worth it.

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Whenever I feel frustrated and ready to give up on something that seems to be taking a looooooong time to become a reality, (like weightloss :lol: ) I just remind myself that two months... a year...two years... whatever, are going to pass, whether I'm working towards my goal or not, so I might as well keep plugging away. You'll be blessed for your endurance. :)

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do you think I'm over-reacting ??

Am I lacking patience ??

Yes, and yes.

I can remember when I went to Ricks...there were two Elders there waiting on visas to go to Brazil. They had both been out almost 18 months and still waiting on their Visas...I don't think they ever went to Brazil.

Pam, was that back when they went on missions for three years? :)

If it wasn't, it was close. My dad was called to Cali Columbia on his mission (in '75, I think). He spent over four months in the LTM waiting for a visa. Then he was sent to the San Diego California mission (ironic, since he was from Long Beach), where he served for about four months before being reassigned and sent to Spain.

She's younger than me, but her overall attitude + innocence and faith kinda made me feel bad I'm just being a whiny cry

Yeah, I'd have to agree with that.

You cannot give the Lord an ultimatum.

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If it wasn't, it was close. My dad was called to Cali Columbia on his mission (in '75, I think). He spent over four months in the LTM waiting for a visa. Then he was sent to the San Diego California mission (ironic, since he was from Long Beach), where he served for about four months before being reassigned and sent to Spain.

If that was back in 75' the San Diego California mission didn't exist yet. It was the Southern California Mission. Went from the border to Yuma, up to El Monte, California.

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Guest JoshDwellington

Hey !

thanx for the support :)

much appreciated

yesterday i served at the temple (first time serving hehe) with my bishop and his wife.

It was great, but we were all exhausted

today, he called me and said : blessing from the temple, check your mail !!

UPDATE : october the 1st

woot !

but . . . not so fast, the time i'm spending at the MTC got from 2 months to 3 weeks . . .?! :confused: asked my bishop to check that again, just to be sure everything's perfectly clear


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