Pet Peeves


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I logged into my e-mail account one morning to find about 20 e-mails, all sent from two different people. Basically it was an argument between the two, but the person who initiated the argument had "accidently replied all" to an e-mail sent by the intended recipient of his e-mail to several people a few months previously, both him and I being in those recipients. The intended recipient realised there had been a reply all, but due to the argument already being made public, she decided to keep it public, hence the build up of 20 or so e-mails.

Ayiyi! The one that precipitated my posting was actually a fairly benign one. I just dislike Reply All in general. My best friend's sister-in-law had had a baby the other morning, and her mother (my best friend's mother-in-law) had sent a group email announcement. One of the other recipients of the announcement replied to everyone, congratulating the new grandma. So not really any harm done, just a little nuisance. Most of them time though, it seems like a lack of understanding.

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It is possible that a person might prefer the TASTE of a diet soda to the regular version. I do not like regular coke or pepsi. I do prefer diet coke. However I cannot drink carbonated drinks at all anymore.

Exactly!!! Regular is just toooo sickingly sweet. Diet pop is just right! :)

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People that hate bmw drivers. It is called the ultimate driving machine for a reason... because they perform really well on the road. Dont hate me because I just out drove you on the road. And no I am not one of those people that cuts everyone off only to slow down and turn right at the last minute. And the left lane is for passing not for driving exactly the speed limit alongside another car blocking the entire road. Some times people are in a hurry for a real reason like I need to take my dad to the hospital get off the road if I have to pass you on the right!

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People who are rude to customer service reps and/or waiters/waitresses

With one caveat, the reps aren't rude themselves. What really gets me is when someone abuses the wait-staff or customer service over something beyond their control. The waiter had nothing to do with the restaurant running out of Pepsi and the guy manning the counter at the Post Office has nothing to do with why your package hasn't arrived yet*.

* Okay, that one may not be true, I know when I was a postal clerk I conspired to make your priority package take 5 days instead of 3 using my occult powers and connections with the Illuminati. :diablo:

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With one caveat, the reps aren't rude themselves. What really gets me is when someone abuses the wait-staff or customer service over something beyond their control. The waiter had nothing to do with the restaurant running out of Pepsi and the guy manning the counter at the Post Office has nothing to do with why your package hasn't arrived yet*.

* Okay, that one may not be true, I know when I was a postal clerk I conspired to make your priority package take 5 days instead of 3 using my occult powers and connections with the Illuminati. :diablo:

I worked a few summers for the post office, and I learned that marking a package "fragile" can often be counter-productive.

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I worked a few summers for the post office, and I learned that marking a package "fragile" can often be counter-productive.

Mine was a small contract post office only 4 people worked there. I always treated things well once they were in my hands, no idea how well they were treated before that... well okay some idea. When all that makes it is a crumple box with tire tread marks on it, you know it wasn't pretty.

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People who are rude to customer service reps and/or waiters/waitresses

I agree with you, aharon. On the flip side, Customer Service Reps, waitpersons and cashiers who are rude to customers/clients.

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My pet peeve: Someone has a problem with me and does not tell me to my face, or heck, even in an email to me. If you have a problem with me, please please PLEASE, tell me! I'll be more motivated to change if I hear it from the source, rather than 2nd or 3rd hand. I'm a big girl, I can handle it.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know, it just is. I can't stand it when after I clean up and the house looks really good, someone comes and messes with something and doesn't pick up after themselves.

That has to be the biggest pet peeve I have. I'm not a clean freak or anything, but it ticks me off a little after I cleaned up for a couple of hours for someone to mess up what I just clean.

Is that such a bad trait? I really hope my future spouse doesn't hate that about me.

But really.. why can't some people pick up after themselves?

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lol my husband shares that frustration. the problem is we have 6 kids, 5 of them between the ages of 8 and 2. nothing is ever done for very long. someone will always mess it up seconds after you are done. it used to bother me but i've learned to accept it. nearly 10 yrs and he still can't grasp that he's got to get over it, instead he thinks i like the mess. you aren't alone in hating that but i do suggest you try to come to terms with it before you have a family. or prepare to be very very annoyed all the time. lol

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Lol thanks Gwen. =). I'm the 7th child out of 7 girls my parents had. We always cleaned up after each other and I guess that's where I get my cleanliness from.

I'm sure with kids around those age there will be a mess a lot quicker than when you clean it. I babysit and I see this happen, but of course I don't leave their house a mess before I leave.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way =).

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oh lol i didn't mention that 4 of mine are boys. yes that makes a difference. also your being the youngest makes a big difference. you were the one being cleaned up after rather than doing the cleaning. ask the oldest how she feels about it. lol bet you will get some stories .

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When you have kids you have to get over this. Maybe it wont be a peeve when its kids, since they can be so helpless. I will say though I get so sick of picking up the same thing 10 times a day.

I totally agree with you about your pet peeve. That is annoying.

I cant stand to hear people sneeze.

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Guest Kamperfoelie

Your own kids you can teach to pick up after themselves, if you are so inclined.

For a while i had a neighbours kids over daily and they were clearly raised differently from mine (who learned from a young age that toy two does not come out until toy one has been put away).

Every day they would spend the first two hours of their stay at my house tipping out all the toys onto the ground, and after they left it took me half an hour to just get everything back in its place.

This annoyed me a while, until i realised i was thinking about it backwards. They were not undoing my tidying up every day. I was undoing their messmaking. Every day, over and over again, it took them a full two hours to make their mess, safe in the confines of the playroom. Time during which i could safely study, do the dishes etc. It was only when they were done making their mess that they required my active attention again. I developed the habit of putting the toys back in different places every time, so they would take longer to find everything.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest mormonmusic

My pet peeve -- students who can't get their work done on time, then tell excuses and expect me to do flips to accomodate them. Or students who use the "you made a mistake so now you owe me marks, an extension, etcetera" argument. Very common in post-secondary education. Good thing I took steps to fix this two semesters ago.

Amazing how everyone's mother stopped dying when I instituted a "no late work accepted for any reason unless arrangements made 12 hours in advance of the deadline". I think OBAMA should include that in his health care reform. Car accidents ceased, everyone's children stopped getting sick, there were not more doctor's appointments or dental surgeries necessary that interefered with their school work, and better yet, everone's hard drives and computers stopped malfunctioning on the day assignments are due!

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Most of my professors had a no late work ever but I drop the lowest assignment or at least one class period or day in advanced policy and I got the sense from most of them that if I ended up in the ICU unexpectantly they'd understand but I better have some way to prove it.

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When you post on a thread and realize that by the time you type and edit and type some more some others (oh a few 5-10 ) have already said what you had to say and then some. (sigh) So you delete :0) and start over or maybe not. :) OR

My drummer is just beating to a diffrent drum and I miss what the thread was really about :)(sigh) I think I need a new set of drums :)

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