Do you walk around the house in your garemnts ?


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I've been a parent for 9 years and only during the first year do my children see me in less than full dress as I bathe with them during that time. After that they'll only see anything when nursing and once weaned, nothing. It's not hard to toss on a robe, and that's on the rare occasion I don't sleep fully dressed (maybe once a year). Heck, my kids have never seen my husband shirtless or out of his house shorts. I don't buy that parenting automatically creates an environment where one can't keep those things private. Not that there's anything wrong with those choices, but it's certainly not a given :)

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I walk around in just my garments all the time. My children are currently 6 and 2. In fact both my children have seen me naked and I often bathe them in the nude. Then again both of my children are furry have a cold wet nose and four legs. Oh and they both sleep with me at night.

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I have done so in the past. My kids are 8 and 10. I did start to feel not so good about it. Mine aren't as concealing, imo, as my husbands. So, in the middle of the night - because who else gets up to deal with kids but the wife ;) I started to think it might be a bit skimpy and not as "sacred" as I want to portray. I made a point of purchasing the lightest, coolest (I mean not warm) jammies to go over top. That was my biggest issue, wearing jammies over top was way to hot at night before I went and bought some that would work. My husbands seem more heavier cotton and less see-through. :)

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doesn't bother me lol but then I grew up in a non LDS family where I often glimpsed one or other of my parents in the nude - my Dad wearing my Mum's knickers on his head was worse for embarrassment lol but kind of glad they ignored my protests as now I am relaxed myself. My kids are 6, 3 and 10 months and they don't think twice about me with no clothes on or in my garments. I think its good for them to learn that there are times to be covered and times not to be. Now I just need to teach my 3 year old that dancing on the windowsill in the nude is not acceptable even when you close the curtains so Mummy can't see you lol

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My parents always did and I got in the habit before I had kids and then after too. If you don't wear jammies to bed you get used to taking care of kids in just your garments. My kids are getting older and my husband and I try to be more careful now. I don't want them embarrassed as I was and I want them to understand that they have special meaning.

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I came across this post and just thought I'd share my two cents:

My husband and I currently don't have children, but what we wear now is probably what we'll continue to wear around our children ... my husband never walks around with just his garments on, he always wears shorts over his bottoms, with occasionally (sp?) just the garment top on, though sometimes he wears a t-shirt. I personally feel that his bottoms are pretty revealing and it would make me uncomfortable for my children to see. I generally cover myself up completely; someone earlier stated that her garments are a little bit more revealing than her husband's ... so true in regards to the tops! Even before I was endowed I always wore pajamas, so covering them up seems natural to me. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife thinks I am a prude because I think parents need to be dressed around the kids. She was raised in a very "open" household but my family was very conservative. Is it proper to only wear your bottom garments until your hair is dry? What age should your kids be under if this is how you dress?

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i no problem being undressed around my kids and that will continue until someone feels uncomfortable with it, but then they have the option of walking away. My husband is more conservative so he stays dressed. Neither is improper or breaking the law of chastity. My kids are 6,3 and 1 and usually join me in the bath

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I know this is going to be personal, but I normally walk out of my master bathroom and into my bedroom topless. Yes, it's true! Completely bare-chested! This usually happens when I have showered, and I will remain topless until I have finished my morning grooming rituals. I try to embarrass my children into leaving my room during this time, but they don't seem to mind. I honestly don't see what the big deal is. Familial modesty in the home is different from 'outsiders' modesty. We don't go around with our genitalia flopping about for everyone to see, but walking around in your own home in your underwear with your private parts covered is a normal part of home life. I saw my kids in various states of undress all the time they were growing up, and they have seen me in similar state of undress. Sorry, but if a child wakes me up in the middle of the night after having a bed dream, I'm not taking the time to fully dress before going to comfort them. They don't seem to have been traumatized by seeing me that way, their issues with me are more complex than that.

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Guest Alana

My kids see me in my garments and naked. I really don't care. They don't care. Now that my son is 6 I notice he'll turn his head but won't leave the room. He doesn't care if I see him naked (either do I.)

As far as the garments go, the kids are reminded that I wear garments. They know they are sacred. They see that I don't throw them on the floor with the other dirty clothes. They know I wash them all by themselves. I'm hoping these will be good examples of the specialness of the garments. I don't think it's wrong for them to see me in them, doesn't diminish their sacredness in either of our site.

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I agree with John Doe. Late in the evenings I strip down to my garments, my kids don't seem to even notice. Then again my door is always open and its nothing for my kids to walk in when im naked. I have 2 girls 13 and 9 and a 7 yr old son. My son walks in on me all the time he doesn't even pay attention. I will soon have to start shutting the door around him though just as a matter of comfort for me. My husband is a little more modest than me. He doesn't chill in his garments like I do, but if he needs to get up with the kids in the middle of the night, his concern isn't covering his garments. My family is not LDS so when my sister or other family members visit I make it a point to keep my garments fully covered just because of the sacredness.

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My parents do this and it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying.

I dont think you should ever walk around in just your underwear around your kids after they are past like 5 years old.

Im 35 now and I just moved back in with them and THEY STILL DO it. Personally I find it disgusting. I dont want to see all their bits. I also think at a younger age it created a kind of 'opinion' about wearing garments as far as I felt about them.

I think if you dont want to wear clothes then you should stop for a second and just throw on a robe. Nobody wants to see that...not your one.

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My coworker told me of the surprise he and his wife got when they went to Germany to pick up their son from his mission. They spent a couple days as guests of a local Branch President, whose aged parents lived nearby. The home included a swimming pool. They decided to take a dip in the pool, so they went to change. When they returned, the grandpa said he wanted to join them, so he went over to a corner of the house, stripped down to his birthday suit, and jumped into the pool with them. He swam a few laps, treaded water for a while, then got out and got dressed again, without any concern about who was looking or who he was with. No one in the family acted as if there was a thing unusual or wrong about this scenario, even the young grandchildren.

My point is, we Americans sometimes get a little too uptight about seeing a naked body, we can't seem to do it without automatically being obligated to tie nakedness or near nakedness with some sort of sexual connotation. I don't know what the answer is, but it does seem silly at times the lengths we will go to avoid the suggestion of accidentally seeing someone's private parts.

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I'll one-up you on the too much information JD...when I get out of the shower, I usually walk to my room completely undressed. My daughter is two years old now. About six months ago she was a little curious about the anatomy, but she soon realized that it was just part of dad. In another year or so her curiosity may develop again and we'll make an effort to teach her about the differences of men and women's bodies in an age appropriate way. But quite honestly, I want her to become comfortable asking questions about sexuality while she's still young in hopes that it will make it less awkward for her when she's a teenager (whether or not it will work is anyone's guess).

That isn't to say I spend a lot of time in the nude. In fact, I spend very little time nude. But in situations where being without clothing has an advantage, I go without clothing and I don't worry about who in my house sees it.*

That being said, if my daughter-or any subsequent children-every tell me that they are uncomfortable with my dressing habits in the home, I'll ask them why it makes them uncomfortable, and adjust my behavior to make them more comfortable. It just isn't that big a deal.

* I've said it before, if not for my covenant to wear my garments day and night, I'd have no problem living a nudist lifestyle.

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Guest mormonmusic

My coworker told me of the surprise he and his wife got when they went to Germany to pick up their son from his mission. They spent a couple days as guests of a local Branch President, whose aged parents lived nearby. The home included a swimming pool. They decided to take a dip in the pool, so they went to change. When they returned, the grandpa said he wanted to join them, so he went over to a corner of the house, stripped down to his birthday suit, and jumped into the pool with them. He swam a few laps, treaded water for a while, then got out and got dressed again, without any concern about who was looking or who he was with. No one in the family acted as if there was a thing unusual or wrong about this scenario, even the young grandchildren.

My point is, we Americans sometimes get a little too uptight about seeing a naked body, we can't seem to do it without automatically being obligated to tie nakedness or near nakedness with some sort of sexual connotation. I don't know what the answer is, but it does seem silly at times the lengths we will go to avoid the suggestion of accidentally seeing someone's private parts.

Yes, but in America you have to be careful about laws such as indecent exposure. For example, I've often heard of men being brought up on charges because they "exposed themself" to children. One person I know decided to change in the car at a soccer game. He parked a way off from the field and changed into shorts. Someone opened the door and kids saw him, he said. Big problem because parents made a fuss and he was accused of sexual deviance.

You have to be careful in America because of situations like these.

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My parents do this and it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying.

I dont think you should ever walk around in just your underwear around your kids after they are past like 5 years old.

Im 35 now and I just moved back in with them and THEY STILL DO it. Personally I find it disgusting. I dont want to see all their bits. I also think at a younger age it created a kind of 'opinion' about wearing garments as far as I felt about them.

I think if you dont want to wear clothes then you should stop for a second and just throw on a robe. Nobody wants to see that...not your one.

if you don't like it don't look. its your decision, but its their home, they are not breaking the law of chastity and its your choice to be embarrased, I wouldn't think twice about seeing my parents or my brother,. My Dad never came downstairs in the nude but upstairs at certain times of day his knickers were more likely to be on his head than his bottom, sure I went through the embarrased stage, but actually think in todays society its good for kids to see proper bodies

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Yes, but in America you have to be careful about laws such as indecent exposure. For example, I've often heard of men being brought up on charges because they "exposed themself" to children. One person I know decided to change in the car at a soccer game. He parked a way off from the field and changed into shorts. Someone opened the door and kids saw him, he said. Big problem because parents made a fuss and he was accused of sexual deviance.

You have to be careful in America because of situations like these.

As far as I'm aware, indecent exposure laws don't hold up well on private property when only the family is present. If you did this in front of other people's kids, it might be an issue, but not in front of your own.

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Yes, but in America you have to be careful about laws such as indecent exposure. For example, I've often heard of men being brought up on charges because they "exposed themself" to children. One person I know decided to change in the car at a soccer game. He parked a way off from the field and changed into shorts. Someone opened the door and kids saw him, he said. Big problem because parents made a fuss and he was accused of sexual deviance.

You have to be careful in America because of situations like these.

maybe if their parents had walked round in the nude or their undies more often they wouldn't have been so shocked and that person wouldn't have been charged. because their kids would have known it was impolite to gawp.

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Perhaps I should just make a new thread for this (Let me know if I should and I will), but this has me intrigued. I've read about the sacred undergarments a bit and had to try to field a couple questions about the 'magic underwear' when I told my classmates I got baptized Mormon, but I'm not completely sure what their purpose is.

What exactly is the significance of them? Does every LDS have to wear them or is it a personal choice? If you wear them, do you wear them all the time (like including swimming, etc)? Any other info would be appreciated. As far as I've understood, this is a touchy subject so I'm sorry if anyone is offended by what I've asked.

I'll answer the question, just so I'm on topic :P. I live in a non-LDS home with just my mom. She doesn't care if I see her in her underwear/nude (I'm 16), but that doesn't mean I stare. I just look away or leave the room. My sisters are both not very concerned with being seen in immodest clothing if I happen to walk in while they're getting dressed or something. Personally, I could care less if you're naked and I see you, it's people who use clothing to flaunt what they have that makes me uncomfortable (odd, I know).

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Perhaps I should just make a new thread for this (Let me know if I should and I will), but this has me intrigued.

Rather than discussing it in this thread or starting a new one, you can use the advanced search feature on the site to find threads on the topic. Garments have been discussed numerous times and you can probably find the answers to your questions in already existing threads. Good luck!

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