Word of Wisdom and Obesity?

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OBESITY IS NOT AGAINST THE WORD OF WISDOM, eating unhealthily is. I eat 90% healthy I even start the day with brown sludge and eat lentils, rice beans etc mostly. I cook most things from scratch I am about 14lbs overweight my husband even more so. My brother eats any amount of junk and until recently was under 100lbs at nearly 6ft. Fact is I know obese people that are far fitter and healthier than me, and skinny m'links who aren't as healthy. Being obese does not mean you are disobeying any commandments and it won't prevent you from entering the temple

Unless you eat a 100% word of wisdom diet, very little meat, diet high in fruit, vegatables and grain, never drink soda etc you cannot condemn someone else

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Unless you eat a 100% word of wisdom diet, very little meat, diet high in fruit, vegatables and grain, never drink soda etc you cannot condemn someone else

That statement would be correct except for the fact that soda isn't against the Word of Wisdom. That and it still wouldn't give you the right to condemn another person.

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Well all know condemning another for anything is wrong and this thread wasn't meant for us to judge someone who is not fit. This thread was just a question why the church doesnt help in this area more and Hemi pointed out that they are. I guess I have come to the conclusion that it's not talked about more in the scriptures because it's not important as long as it's not hindering you spiritually and in your service and that there's allot bigger issues to deal with. I thought the body and the natural man tendencies are the main reasons for obesity but as many have pointed out there are many reasons for it.

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That statement would be correct except for the fact that soda isn't against the Word of Wisdom. That and it still wouldn't give you the right to condemn another person.

it is as its unhealthy and taking something into your body that is unecessary. Someone who is 100% living it probably wouldn't condemn another I agree, have only ever met one LDS that lived the word of wisdom perfectly until he as hampered by his mission:)

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it is as its unhealthy and taking something into your body that is unecessary. Someone who is 100% living it probably wouldn't condemn another I agree, have only ever met one LDS that lived the word of wisdom perfectly until he as hampered by his mission:)

If you want to get picky, anything more than water and sufficient bread to keep you alive is "taking something into your body that is unecessary."

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If you want to get picky, anything more than water and sufficient bread to keep you alive is "taking something into your body that is unecessary."

Better be something more than Wonder bread, calories aren't the only thing a body needs. New from Crazy Guy Bakeries Vitabread, now containing 20% of your RDA of minerals and vitamins in every slice. :D

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OBESITY IS NOT AGAINST THE WORD OF WISDOM, eating unhealthily is. I eat 90% healthy I even start the day with brown sludge and eat lentils, rice beans etc mostly. I cook most things from scratch I am about 14lbs overweight my husband even more so. My brother eats any amount of junk and until recently was under 100lbs at nearly 6ft. Fact is I know obese people that are far fitter and healthier than me, and skinny m'links who aren't as healthy. Being obese does not mean you are disobeying any commandments and it won't prevent you from entering the temple

Unless you eat a 100% word of wisdom diet, very little meat, diet high in fruit, vegatables and grain, never drink soda etc you cannot condemn someone else

Fourteen pounds over weight is not really bad; its probably a good cushion in case you get sick.

Now your 6 foot brother at less than 100 pounds - I would think he would be a walking skeleton. Is he functioning or is he in the hospital?


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I thought the body and the natural man tendencies are the main reasons for obesity but as many have pointed out there are many reasons for it.

Right on both counts, there are other reasons for it however, most cases are thought to be excessive calorie intake with a lack of physical activity. And these are the only factors we can control.

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Fourteen pounds over weight is not really bad; its probably a good cushion in case you get sick.

Now your 6 foot brother at less than 100 pounds - I would think he would be a walking skeleton. Is he functioning or is he in the hospital?


he functioned fine, he has now put on more weight and is closer to 130lbs but he is almost 30, its just the way he is built he was that way until about 3 years ago. I have 2 other brothers just like him lol but not as extreme. But my point is I know people who eat better than me who are much bigger in build and some that eat worse that are thin

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it is as its unhealthy and taking something into your body that is unecessary. Someone who is 100% living it probably wouldn't condemn another I agree, have only ever met one LDS that lived the word of wisdom perfectly until he as hampered by his mission:)

What is perfectly though? As we haven't been directed in all things concerning the Word of Wisdom..how do you define perfect?

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Today, return home for life insurance renewal on my expired policy. What was interesting from last week to today, was loosing weight from 261 to my weigh-in today at 247lbs. One can still eat but it was proportional food intake, along with avoiding anything that was considered fattening was completely eliminated.

As I told my beloved companion, not hard once you start the program but can be annoying when you have to remind everyone what foods you can eat and what not to eat.

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Kind of a related question.

When we are resurrected we will be the prime of our life and health right? It's going to weird seeing everyone skinny. LOL :rolleyes:

We've had this discussion before and I believe most agreed that everyone wasn't going to be "skinny" or "exceptionally beautiful" but we'll be ourselves in our best form, whatever that may be. So I doubt everyone will be cookie-cutter frame and size in what mainstream society sees as "perfection". I still think that some of us will remain bigger build than others and some of us will remain smaller builds than others.
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Today, return home for life insurance renewal on my expired policy. What was interesting from last week to today, was loosing weight from 261 to my weigh-in today at 247lbs. One can still eat but it was proportional food intake, along with avoiding anything that was considered fattening was completely eliminated.

As I told my beloved companion, not hard once you start the program but can be annoying when you have to remind everyone what foods you can eat and what not to eat.

Nice Job Hemi! It's hard to maintain.... I really have to try hard, I love food. Going to be nice when I don't have to worry about feeding myself anymore. :twothumbsup:

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We've had this discussion before and I believe most agreed that everyone wasn't going to be "skinny" or "exceptionally beautiful" but we'll be ourselves in our best form, whatever that may be. So I doubt everyone will be cookie-cutter frame and size in what mainstream society sees as "perfection". I still think that some of us will remain bigger build than others and some of us will remain smaller builds than others.

You know that's a whole new thought for me. I've never really thought of it that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am very skinny and I never had weight issues. I used to think those LDS members who are extremely overweight were just that way because they wanted "after all they can change if they want to". Well, after watching several documentaries I changed my mind. MOST of them are actually dealing with personal issues, some of them even traumatic events (abuse, etc) and they use food as a medication, as a escape. Everyone deals with their problems in a different way but I don't think we should be so harsh in condemning people because you never know the root of the whole problem and unless you are in their shoes, you just don't know how you would react.

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Thankyou for that post Suzie....

I want to admit here that I am clinically obese (about 150 lbs overweight). Also, that I am obese because I eat too much. Diet and exercise is an effective way for me to lose weight; but, Suzie shows a lot more understanding as to why I do overeat. Traumatic childhood events being one.

I am also diabetic and I have a personality of addiction (smoking and gambling also). I write this here because I am one who struggles with all of these things.

These addictions, while I don't condone them, do well to numb the emotional pain I feel so often. It is a daily battle to overcome them.

Because of my diabetes, I have received a lot of education on healthy eating. I am well aware of the importance of diet and exercise in my life. I think they are as important for me as daily prayer and scripture study. I believe that I will give an accouting for how I've treated my body at the last day. Yet, even as I write this, I feel God's love for me, His compassion and understanding as to what a battle this is for me. My struggle with obesity is an invaluable lesson in self restraint and self mastery.

It saddens me that there have been posts that have been unkind to anyone struggling with any kind of addiction. This reminds me of being teased by mean kids at the playground in grade school. It just seems so calloused and judgemental in the finger pointing. As has been said, we all struggle with different weakenesses and failings. Just because there are more obvious ones, such as obesity and the smell of cigarette smoke, doesn't give anyone (except God) the right to point their fingers at us. Don't forget the three pointing back.

I am not faulting anyone for being obese (except myself) because we all have different reasons for being so.


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Hello, Suzie,

Thanks for your kind response.

Oh, yes, I have worked with psychologists and psychiatrists for many years now. I'm actually losing the best therapist I have had pretty soon as the funding for my counseling is being lost.

While counseling and medications are helpful for me in dealing with these things, I am convinced that it is the daily effort (with the help of God's grace, love and support) that is the most effectual. For me, the "enduring" is the hardest, doing it day in and day out, week in week out, year in, etc. The keeping at it is so important.

When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, it frightened me so badly that I strictly dieted and exercised. At that time I was 145 lbs and quite fit. I was never so happy as I was in that time of my life. It was wonderful!

Thanks for your concern and advice :-)

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I wish I was living near you! I helped a good friend of mine lose 100lbs. It wasn't easy at all, she also had a traumatic childhood, she struggles still but feels so much better. I hope you find another good psychologist and overall, keep in mind the Lord is there for you...ALWAYS. Hang it there, I am rooting for you! :)

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