Women with short hair?


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Combining 2 threads here, the one on men with long hair, and the one about how much women spend on their hair got me wondering.

Are there any women here who have short hair?

Do you (they) "take heat" (from certain members) in the same way that some men with long hair do?

Seems like verse 14 is emphasized, while 15 is forgotten.

14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

Anyone who knows me knows i wouldn't judge anyone (man or women for their hair) just wondering if the same "standard" is shared.

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I have short hair. My DH dont like it, he likes long hair. I think long hair is too much trouble, it takes for ever to dry and I love to swim in the summer and I even use the shower sometimes (at least once a day as I go to gym). Besides my hair is stright = ugly when long and it is getting gray ... if it would be curly or really wavy and thick I would keep it long... but YACK stright thin long hair UH! :(

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I dont think its wrong for a woman to have short hair. Some woman look good in short hair and not good in long hair and vs a versa. To each their own. And if you cut it and you dont like it, dont worry it will grow back soon enough.

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I was raised Fundamentalist Baptist and many of them do not allow short hair on women.

I have never had short hair in my life and still keep it long.

I personally feel that I Corinthians 11: 14, 15 etc is valid for us today.

I realize that other Christians don't feel that way. I don't think it's a huge issues but since the topic came up, I thought I'd throw out my thoughts on it.

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To me, it's not the length, it's the cut. There is the 'butch' cut favored by a certain type of woman; you know what I'm talking about. Then there's a severe short cut that I usually see on middle aged women, often out with their husbands, so I'm going to go out on a limb and assume they aren't gay. : )

It's just so unfeminine, I'm surprised the husbands don't say anything. It's like the women have given up. There are various cute short haircuts for all types of hair; I don't know why straight women would want to be so unattractive.

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What about those women that can't grow longer hair?

Is there a reason they can't? My wife is required to keep her hair up (can't touch collar) for work and has long hair.

Again I'm not one to judge on looks. In fact I'm taking a year off shaving and haircuts , (Think i will make one of those take a pic every day youtube vids) but trying to determine if women take the same flak for short hair, that men do for long.

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I was raised Fundamentalist Baptist and many of them do not allow short hair on women.

I have never had short hair in my life and still keep it long.

I personally feel that I Corinthians 11: 14, 15 etc is valid for us today.

I realize that other Christians don't feel that way. I don't think it's a huge issues but since the topic came up, I thought I'd throw out my thoughts on it.

Is that the same group where women only wear dresses?

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A related question to Hordak's question--I've read and heard that women in the US sometimes feel pressured from other women into doing a away with bangs or long hair after they reach a certain age, say 40 or so. As you answer Hordak's question, could you also think of this as well since it does involve short, or shorter hair, on women?

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THIS is about the way I would like to have my hair:


But orange on the topp and green on sides... BRIGHT! :)

There was a green one I loked better, but I am not sure if I can post the clothes in it here...

Edited by Maya
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THIS is about the way I would like to have my hair:


But orange on the topp and green on sides... BRIGHT! :)

There was a green one I loked better, but I am not sure if I can post the clothes in it here...

That woman looks like a Unicorn!

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Is that the same group where women only wear dresses?

Yes. I pretty much only wear skirts or dresses. I have long hair and so do my daughters. Skirts/dresses need to be long. No part above the elbow exposed. No thigh exposed. No area under the clavicles exposed. I have lived my whole life like that and I have to admit, I like it. No one makes me do it...it is a choice. I also used to wear a headcovering in church. I still cover my head when praying sometimes but I know that Mormons don't do that in church so I really don't want to stand out like that.

It is still really funny to me to see women in church with short hair or wearing pants. No headcovering.

I said to my husband the other day "these Mormons are so liberal!!!!" :D

I say that in a joking way so no one get upset. ;)

I really like the LDS but I miss my Fundamentalist Church. I feel kinda homesick somedays.

Anyway...that was my thought of the day. :D

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I always wear pants... except in the Church. Long hair gives me head ace. When you can rull your entire hair in a ponitail which thickness is about an inch or even less you really dont fele like growing long hair... beides what would you do with it... put it on pigtails when you are 60? :confused:

My sister has had hair all teh way trom top to under her butt all her life.... I wonder what she will do with it when hitting 60.... in 10 years...

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