Am I The Only One Stocking Up?

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And there are plenty who will see an improvement, like ADoyle and me.

And I'm really happy for you, but that does not negate that there are people out there who will suffer from this and have had the choice took away from them. There are many people whose migraines are triggered from fluorescent lighting and there are many epileptics who are light sensitive that have to avoid them.

I still believe that this is one choice that should not be removed.

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We been using the new ones also, I think the ops main argument was that the government is starting to control more and more of our lives and its wrong. Before long they will be telling us what kind of toilet paper we are allowed to use and how many sheets...

Oh, but they have already tried going after your Charmin 2 ply, my learned friend. Check this out...

Greens Want To End Plush Toilet Paper | Sweetness & Light

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I have actually found that my migraines have DECREASED since we switched to CFL's. Everyone has different triggers, so don't assume that migraine sufferers the world over are all going to get worse because of CFL bulbs.

I'm glad you found the perfect lightbulb to fit your lifestyle. Why make others follow suit?

I'm sorry, that's ridiculous. The government decides what speed I should drive and whether or not I can shout "fire!" in a crowded building if there is no fire. Because of these things, should I now be afraid that I won't be allowed to cook what I want for dinner?

You're exhibiting the same error in logic as Loudmouth Mormon by offering analogies that don't fit. This isn't a protest against laws in general that keep the public safe, it's a protest against laws that micro manage how we live our lives. Telling you how fast you can drive is not the same as telling you what you can eat, wear, what lightbulbs you can use and how many gallons your toilet can flush.

Geez, it's a freaking LIGHT BULB!!!!

That goes both ways. If it's so insignificant, a "freaking LIGHT BULB", then why force everyone to use a certain type.

I can't believe that Mormons of all people are so willing to give up hard won freedoms.

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I'm glad you found the perfect lightbulb to fit your lifestyle. Why make others follow suit?

You're exhibiting the same error in logic as Loudmouth Mormon by offering analogies that don't fit. This isn't a protest against laws in general that keep the public safe, it's a protest against laws that micro manage how we live our lives. Telling you how fast you can drive is not the same as telling you what you can eat, wear, what lightbulbs you can use and how many gallons your toilet can flush.

That goes both ways. If it's so insignificant, a "freaking LIGHT BULB", then why force everyone to use a certain type.

I can't believe that Mormons of all people are so willing to give up hard won freedoms.

You'll find that we're pretty divided on political stuff. Personally, I think this CO2 business is politically charged, highly exaggerated pseudoscience. The more likely cause of climate change is either the fact that we're overdue for another ice age or the effect of cosmic rays.

Edited by PrinceofLight2000
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Do you remember when they limited the water capacity of flush toilets so now you need to flush 2 or 3 times to get it down?

Methinks you need to use less toilet paper if you require 2-3 flushes each time you go to the bathroom. I've never needed to flush more than once.

However, your desire to not go along with what is best for all concerned simply because you don't like being told what to do seems a bit juvenile.

And that's what this is all about. OP, you're a grown man -- quit whining, or do something about it!

And stop attacking everyone who disagrees with you and then complaining that you're the one being insulted.

No kidding!

Geez, it's a freaking LIGHT BULB!!!!


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Long ago I stopped using incandescent bulbs, and I plan to go to full LED when the Tech and finances get to the right point to make that workable.

So stockpiling incandescent bulbs makes no sense for me. Getting all worked up and frothing at the mouth without a constructive outlet also does not work for me.

Do I like that the government is once again overreaching? Not of course not. But I am not going to stockpile something I will never use in the hope in some vague way that the government understands that I am given them the middle finger and am not happy with them. The government isn't that bright.

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In this case, whining would make a somewhat effective tactic. Freedom of speech is a powerful thing.

It's all about who you whine to though. Whine to the right people and you are engaging in the political process, whine to the kids at the park about the New World order and you are the crazy guy people are wondering if they can ban from the park.

There are of course degrees in between but there is effectual whining and then there is just pointless whining. Whining at those who aren't up on arms on this board about CFL is probably more the latter than the former.

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It's all about who you whine to though. Whine to the right people and you are engaging in the political process, whine to the kids at the park about the New World order and you are the crazy guy people are wondering if they can ban from the park.

There are of course degrees in between but there is effectual whining and then there is just pointless whining. Whining at those who aren't up on arms on this board about CFL is probably more the latter than the former.


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You're exhibiting the same error in logic as Loudmouth Mormon by offering analogies that don't fit

Unless you're living in a bubble where you generate your own clean power and create water from nothing, your usage has an impact of the rest of us.

I can't believe that Christians, of all people, are so willing to be irresponsible stewards of creation.

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It's true that fluorescent lamps (call me pedantic but they're "lamps", not "bulbs" - the "bulb" is simply the glass envelope - I used to work for a lighting company so I should know!) are more expensive then incandescent ones, but they also use less power (one kind of saving), last longer (another saving) and are less affected by knocks and vibrations.

On the other hand I agree they contain more noxious substances than incandescent lamps (a good case for more efficient recycling) and the quality of light is harsher (though that is improving). And I'm generally against intrusive legislation - whether it be against fake-violent pornography, referring to homosexuals as "sinners" or saying the holocaust never happened - so I'm more-or-less behind you.

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You'll find that we're pretty divided on political stuff. Personally, I think this CO2 business is politically charged, highly exaggerated pseudoscience. The more likely cause of climate change is either the fact that we're overdue for another ice age or the effect of cosmic rays.

And that's what this is all about, isn't it? The whole "save electricty, save the earth" is predicated on the myth of global warming, a scam that scientists are abandoning like rats fleeing a sinking ship. So the whole argument rests on a shaky foundation to begin with. In dealing with naturally occuring cyclical climate change, I think it's the height of arrogance to suggest that we can do anything to start or stop it.

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It's all about who you whine to though. Whine to the right people and you are engaging in the political process, whine to the kids at the park about the New World order and you are the crazy guy people are wondering if they can ban from the park.

There are of course degrees in between but there is effectual whining and then there is just pointless whining. Whining at those who aren't up on arms on this board about CFL is probably more the latter than the former.

Ultimately telling others to "grow up and stop whining" is a self defeating exercise in hypocrisy. We all whine and our levels of maturity constantly fluctuate. Such statements are designed to shut down discussions and are usually said by those who are unwilling or unable to engage the subject at hand.

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I'm with the OP on this one.

I can't use CFI's. Amazingly, my turtle got very sick due to CFI as well.

I'm too lazy to go back and quote people but I saw these comments on this thread:

1.) If you don't like the law leave the country.

This is the problem with democracy... because in a country of 5 wolves and 2 sheep, democracy is great unless you're the sheep. So yeah, saying this popular mantra is basically telling people - my needs are met, sorry sheep, you can move to China.

Yeah, I'm still busy fighting the legislation that bans ownership of pet snakes - do you know how many people equate snake with evil? Eve and the apple and all that stuff. So yeah, sheep. Yeay me.

2.) If the market doesn't correct behavior, government will.

Bull-hokey. If the science is compelling, the market will trend... the market itself cannot stop progress. Government can stop progress or can route it the way it wants to go. So basically, government can act without science behind it. So, equating CFIs with buggies is silly. The engine was a very compelling market driver. The CFIs... not so. Good or bad, the government is forcing the market to go one way without compelling science. This is like the government banning circumcision...

And no, I haven't really done anything to fight the CFI law. I'm still busy fighting the snake ban! Sheep. Yea.

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I'm with the OP on this one.

I can't use CFI's. Amazingly, my turtle got very sick due to CFI as well.

I'm too lazy to go back and quote people but I saw these comments on this thread:

1.) If you don't like the law leave the country.

This is the problem with democracy... because in a country of 5 wolves and 2 sheep, democracy is great unless you're the sheep. So yeah, saying this popular mantra is basically telling people - my needs are met, sorry sheep, you can move to China.

Best. Quote. Ever.

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Ultimately telling others to "grow up and stop whining" is a self defeating exercise in hypocrisy. We all whine and our levels of maturity constantly fluctuate. Such statements are designed to shut down discussions and are usually said by those who are unwilling or unable to engage the subject at hand.

If you'd honestly wanted to discuss the matter you would have done so, instead you rather quickly jumped to effectively accusing people of drinking the Kool-Aid which isn't something designed to foster discussion but to shut down discussions and are usually said by those who are unwilling or unable to engage the subject at hand. Or to poke at the over the top nature some use to discuss subjects. So if there are people here guilty of hypocrisy you certainly aren't exempt from the charge.

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I'm with the OP on this one.

I can't use CFI's. Amazingly, my turtle got very sick due to CFI as well.

I'm too lazy to go back and quote people but I saw these comments on this thread:

1.) If you don't like the law leave the country.

This is the problem with democracy... because in a country of 5 wolves and 2 sheep, democracy is great unless you're the sheep. So yeah, saying this popular mantra is basically telling people - my needs are met, sorry sheep, you can move to China.

Yeah, I'm still busy fighting the legislation that bans ownership of pet snakes - do you know how many people equate snake with evil? Eve and the apple and all that stuff. So yeah, sheep. Yeay me.

2.) If the market doesn't correct behavior, government will.

Bull-hokey. If the science is compelling, the market will trend... the market itself cannot stop progress. Government can stop progress or can route it the way it wants to go. So basically, government can act without science behind it. So, equating CFIs with buggies is silly. The engine was a very compelling market driver. The CFIs... not so. Good or bad, the government is forcing the market to go one way without compelling science. This is like the government banning circumcision...

And no, I haven't really done anything to fight the CFI law. I'm still busy fighting the snake ban! Sheep. Yea.

There has been an effort by Republicans (God bless the GOP!) to introduce legislation rescinding the ban. Unfortunately, I don't think it will gain much traction since there are more pressing issues Congress is dealing with. If certain states like Idaho and Montana enforce their newly passed sovereignty laws, then incandescent lights, as well as many other products, can continue to be manufactured within those states and not be subject to federal regulation. This latest trend of states pushing back is heartening.

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If your needs mean that you can not use these bulbs, then it might be a good to stock up. Our world today is not the world for the one. If we do not learn to take care of ourselves then we will pay the price. I am not saying that it has to be "Annie get your gun". I am saying that the prophet has told us to have a years supply of needs. ;0) I think that means light bulbs also. I also think the ratio of wolves and sheep have increased. You also have that saying about wolves in sheep's clothing that could also apply.

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And that's what this is all about, isn't it? The whole "save electricty, save the earth" is predicated on the myth of global warming, a scam that scientists are abandoning like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Sounds like you missed part of my first post:

I bought my first CFL back in the early '90's for forty bucks. It lasted for about a dozen years of daily use.

There is an economic benefit to you and me personally, to convert to a more efficient light bulb. Let's do the math:

Case 1 - 12 years of incandescant

12 bulbs = $15 (assuming a bulb lasts about a year)

60 watts * 3 hrs/day * 12 years = 788,400 watts = 788.4 Kw

Average electricity per Kw = $0.10 (Rough guess of cost in the '90's. Average was $0.12 in 2009.)

$15 bulb cost + 78.84 electricity cost = $93.84

Case 2 - 12 years of my CFL in the early '90's

1 bulb - $40

13 watts * 3 hrs/day * 12 years = 170,820 watts = 170.8 Kw

Average electricity per Kw = $0.10

$40 bulb cost + $17.08 electricity cost = $57.08

So, it made good economic sense back in the mid '90's. It makes even more sense today with electricity costs going up, and CFL prices going down. (Although the average modern CFL only lasts 5-7 yrs). I figure we save a hundred bucks a year or more using 30 CFL's (including outdoor lighting) than 30 incandescants.

I don't buy into the global warming hysteria either. CFL's make economic sense and help me save money - that's the only reason I care. My wife's migraines have gotten worse over the years, but it's not due to lighting, because she'll turn the lights off when she has one.

Take a 2nd look at my analogy /w buggy whips. As America retooled itself from horse-drawn transportation to horseless carriage transportation, our road system on the federal, state, county, and local level did indeed effectively help destroy the buggy whip industry.

Does anyone here still feel the bite of unjust government regulation because they can't hitch up their horse and drive the buggy to the grocery store?


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