A field trip to Hooters


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I read this a couple days ago. I would be upset enough to say something to the person in charge of the field trip, but not in a big way, just a mention. I would ask if they were doing field trips, again, where the kids were going to eat and make sure my child DID NOT EAT THERE, AGAIN. It is NOT national news. Perhaps local news, but not national.

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Great advertisement for Hooters. Anyone that had not been there might go just to find out what the fuss is about.

Worthy of national news? No

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Wait... What?

Has anyone actually been to Hooters? Other than their name, they have waitresses that look like... Pretty much any other waitress. They wear short shorts and tight tees.

The food is good, plentiful and not expensive - Or was, about 7 years ago when I lived close to one and would grab lunch to go for work. I don't know about now.

Hooter's gets a bad rap because of its name.

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Sure it's national news. The very definition of "national news" is "crap that happened, that people like to get upset about". I guess the real question would be "shouldn't we demand a higher standard out of our news sources?"

Yes, I'd be upset, because this is a 'voting with your dollars' issue. I don't support businesses that objectify, package, and present the mammary glands of women for the viewing pleasure of their male clientelle. Not sure who paid for lunch - but whether it was tax dollars or lunch money from parents - it's not acceptable.

Back when my wife was in high school, a bunch of her male buddies were trying to spin hooters like FunkyTown. She said "Cool - I'll go apply there then!" You never saw such backtracking. Because no matter how well it's spun, guys know why they go there, and the waitresses know why they have a job there. And it ain't for the "good, plentiful and not expensive" food.

Funky, you ought to know better.


Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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Wait... What?

Has anyone actually been to Hooters? Other than their name, they have waitresses that look like... Pretty much any other waitress. They wear short shorts and tight tees.

The food is good, plentiful and not expensive - Or was, about 7 years ago when I lived close to one and would grab lunch to go for work. I don't know about now.

Hooter's gets a bad rap because of its name.

I actually like going to Hooters. I go for the wings.

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I don't think this is worth national news - probably local. I would be very upset if my daughter was on a field trip and they stopped at Hooters.

I know the one closest to us (about an hour drive from our house thank goodness) will only hire female servers who are bra cup size C or bigger. Males who work there are either cooks or busboys - don't remember the politically correct term now, lol. Not to mention the servers wear shorts that are so short they could be mistaken for underwear and tank tops that are skin tight with as low cleavage as would be allowed for a restaurant where kids are allowed by law. My family does not support those type of businesses.

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I'm feeling no particularly strong emotion here. Especially after reading the article.

Take a look at this map. Hooters is to the west of the Aquarium (where the kids were on the trip). The article reports that the group of 100 kids broke into several groups and went to different restaurants because taking all 100 kids to one place would be overwhelming.

So it looks like the chaperones were trying to stay close to the Aquarium based on the choice of nearby restaurants.

I found this quote for the article interesting: "Superintendent Wayne Brookhart says that while he wishes the group's coed chaperones had chosen another restaurant, he has not received any complaints from parents."

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Of course this is national news. Loudmouth is right...it's headline candy, sure to generate sales. It's also a hot today, gone tomorrow type story.

Personally, yeah, I'd be upset. I'd probably complain. On the other hand, I wouldn't expect anyone to get more than a, "Next time, we might want to think twice..."

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Thanks for the responses. My reaction was more one of, “Why is where a bunch of 8th graders from Pennsylvania ate lunch in my Atlanta newspaper?” than one of being upset by it.

I do think that it is odd since no parent complained that a reporter even knew to report it.

I, personally, don’t eat at Hooters. Even if I were young and shapely, I would never work at Hooters. But I can understand the dilemma of the chaperons trying to find a restaurant close to the aquarium and the eating establishments where the other kids were eating. As a parent, I probably would’ve had the attitude, “I wish they had chosen somewhere else.” But I don’t think that I would have complained.

I suspect that many of those children were probably patrons of Hooters and helped choose the place.

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I think some people need to lighten up just a bit! This restaurant is no different than the way women dress on the beach. So when you go to the beach, do you cover little Johnny's eyes every time he sees a woman in a bikini? Are we this skiddish about allowing our children to see a womans arms or legs? BTW, they said that there were NO complaints issued to the school from any of the parents whose children were there.

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I think some people need to lighten up just a bit! This restaurant is no different than the way women dress on the beach. So when you go to the beach, do you cover little Johnny's eyes every time he sees a woman in a bikini? Are we this skiddish about allowing our children to see a womans arms or legs? BTW, they said that there were NO complaints issued to the school from any of the parents whose children were there.

I try to avoid taking my children to public beaches and cringe when we do so (which, ironically, is at my wife's insistence -- she's a beach bum) for this very reason. Current women's swimsuit "fashions" leave very little to the imagination. Even in my Stone Age childhood, women's swimsuits were revealing, and I got a lot of sex education ogling the women on the beach. I do not think this is a good thing, but as I wrote before, our society is so saturated with pornography that we don't even realize it any more.
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I think some people need to lighten up just a bit! This restaurant is no different than the way women dress on the beach. So when you go to the beach, do you cover little Johnny's eyes every time he sees a woman in a bikini? Are we this skiddish about allowing our children to see a womans arms or legs? BTW, they said that there were NO complaints issued to the school from any of the parents whose children were there.

Part of this may well be perception...but there it is. Hooters celebrates immodesty, flirtation, mild seduction. Get the boys a bit reved up, waitresses, and enjoy the tips.

BUT...if we are commanded to be modest, is that really supposed to be OUR scene? When churches began shedding dress codes the older generations warned us..."Some day, Saints will even entertain the likes of Hooters, I reckon!"

Were they right??? :eek:

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Does this deserve to be national news? I'm taking class in that now taught by Ball State and the New York Times! I just read a chapter on what is considered news, what is national and what is not.

It can be national because there are lots of parents out there all across the country who have kids in school and they go on field trips. So they can relate to this. Also this is sort of a uniqe story since most field trips don't go to Hooters. And there is some shock value to it. I mean when you hear about it you probably are surprised at least a little.

I have been to Hooters a few times in Florida. My brother loves their wings and wanted to take me. I was surprised. The girls were not as scantily dressed as I thought they would be. I've seen worse at Wal-Mart. It's clear this company is using women as sexual objects to sale their product, food and drink. That is disgusting.

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Guest Chouchou

1.) no. when i was in high school there was a group of ninth/tenth graders that ended up going to hooters for lunch while on a field trip. gossip/conversation worthy. not national news worthy.

2.) i wouldn't be thrilled, but there are worse things your child could do than go to hooters. Honestly, i don't think hooters is a bad as everyone thinks. no, it's not exactly a family restaurant or anything, but it's not that bad....

now if they took them to a strip club....that would be yes for both questions.

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Guest Chouchou

I try to avoid taking my children to public beaches and cringe when we do so (which, ironically, is at my wife's insistence -- she's a beach bum) for this very reason. Current women's swimsuit "fashions" leave very little to the imagination. Even in my Stone Age childhood, women's swimsuits were revealing, and I got a lot of sex education ogling the women on the beach. I do not think this is a good thing, but as I wrote before, our society is so saturated with pornography that we don't even realize it any more.

just my opinion here, but i think there is a difference between just nudity and pornography. and i think that in our society we're so afraid of the human body it's sad. nudity can be sexual and nonsexual. we should be teaching our kids that ,i think. a naked body =/= a sexual object. it can. but it doesn't have to. and a lot of that has to do with presentation.

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just my opinion here, but i think there is a difference between just nudity and pornography. and i think that in our society we're so afraid of the human body it's sad. nudity can be sexual and nonsexual. we should be teaching our kids that ,i think. a naked body =/= a sexual object. it can. but it doesn't have to. and a lot of that has to do with presentation.

Spoken like someone who is not male.

I have always had a fascination with the human body. At ten, I could tell you more about human anatomy and physiology than most adults. At 16, and to my frustration, I knew far more about biology (human and otherwise) than my high school biology teacher. I fully intended to be a physician until about a year before graduation, when I figured out that I was a terrible student and that being "smart" wouldn't get me through medical school. My fascination with biology and human anatomy and physiology was sincere.

Yet from my young childhood, well before age eight, I have understood the prurient interest that draws men into pornography. I was fortunate to escape the ravages that pornography inflicts on those drawn into its clutches, but I don't believe any boy in our society escapes completely unscathed. If you think the sight of a woman's crotch (even if covered by a piece of fabric) doesn't rivet a man's attention and awaken his desires, you do not know anything about men.

I am amazed at women who, on the one hand, talk about the harmlessness of "artistic nudity", the wonders of the human form, and the silliness of those uptight Puritans that freak out over a little skin, but then on the other hand condemn without mercy those men who are addicted to the "high" of seeing naked women.

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I hate Hooters with a passion and can't understand why some people call it a family restaurant. Would I take my kids to a restaurant named "Wieners" with only shirtless male servers? Heck no.

What ticks me off even more are the coffee stands featuring women in bikinis. There was one nearby with a sign that said, "Modest is the hottest." Love it! I'll just assume that if you can't sell your product without resorting to putting scantily clad women on display, your product is crap.

Put the women in modest owl costumes and I'll eat at Hooters. :P Also, notice how it's one letter away from being "Hookers".

Did I mention I hate Hooters?

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I hate Hooters with a passion and can't understand why some people call it a family restaurant. Would I take my kids to a restaurant named "Wieners" with only shirtless male servers? Heck no.

I think you mean "pantsless male servers".
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Spoken like someone who is not male.

Yet from my young childhood, well before age eight, I have understood the prurient interest that draws men into pornography. I was fortunate to escape the ravages that pornography inflicts on those drawn into its clutches, but I don't believe any boy in our society escapes completely unscathed. If you think the sight of a woman's crotch (even if covered by a piece of fabric) doesn't rivet a man's attention and awaken his desires, you do not know anything about men.

I am amazed at women who, on the one hand, talk about the harmlessness of "artistic nudity", the wonders of the human form, and the silliness of those uptight Puritans that freak out over a little skin, but then on the other hand condemn without mercy those men who are addicted to the "high" of seeing naked women.

Why would a woman's crotch rivet a man's attention? It certainly never riveted my attention seeing woman in swim wear, if it did you then you have problems mate.

Certainly if a woman was wearing a revealing outfit I would notice but it certainly wouldn't turn me into a seething monster full of desires.

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Guest Chouchou

Spoken like someone who is not male.

i could get my husband to say it if that would help. he totally shares my views.

I have always had a fascination with the human body. At ten, I could tell you more about human anatomy and physiology than most adults. At 16, and to my frustration, I knew far more about biology (human and otherwise) than my high school biology teacher. I fully intended to be a physician until about a year before graduation, when I figured out that I was a terrible student and that being "smart" wouldn't get me through medical school. My fascination with biology and human anatomy and physiology was sincere.

Yet from my young childhood, well before age eight, I have understood the prurient interest that draws men into pornography. I was fortunate to escape the ravages that pornography inflicts on those drawn into its clutches, but I don't believe any boy in our society escapes completely unscathed. If you think the sight of a woman's crotch (even if covered by a piece of fabric) doesn't rivet a man's attention and awaken his desires, you do not know anything about men.

I am amazed at women who, on the one hand, talk about the harmlessness of "artistic nudity", the wonders of the human form, and the silliness of those uptight Puritans that freak out over a little skin, but then on the other hand condemn without mercy those men who are addicted to the "high" of seeing naked women.

but might it be because you were taught to think of it that way in your society? think about breasts for a minute...or take the example of, i guess i should say XD we're gaga for them here. but not in all cultures. because they were brought up thinking that breasts had a purpose other than being a sexual object.

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but might it be because you were taught to think of it that way in your society?

Assuming for a minute that you are 100% correct: Hooters is still taking advantage of this society, to attract customers by objectifying, packaging, and presenting the mammary glands of women for the viewing pleasure of their male clientelle.

"What's wrong with society" is surely a valid discussion, but no matter how it turns out, I'm thinking that Hooters is still the bad guy from an LDS perspective.

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Why would a woman's crotch rivet a man's attention?

Seriously? If you have to ask, I guess I can't explain it to you. Most men of my acquaintance understand this intuitively.

It certainly never riveted my attention seeing woman in swim wear, if it did you then you have problems mate.

I guess I have problems then, mate. As do most men.

Do you suppose women would wear such skimpy swimwear if men didn't find it pruriently attractive? If so, why didn't they wear it a hundred (or even fifty) years ago?

Certainly if a woman was wearing a revealing outfit I would notice but it certainly wouldn't turn me into a seething monster full of desires.

Your qualifier is noted.
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