Tattoos and the Church


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Basically, does anyone have a good answer as to why we aren't suppose to get any tattoos? Is it in the scriptures somewhere, or a Prophets talk? I've heard about the whole graffiti on the body thing but I honestly don't understand that. People treat their bodies like garbage disposal units, shoveling junk food in day after day and doing terrible things. I could tattoo every square inch of my body and it would probably still be a cleaner temple than many church members. Then theres all of the church members who get plastic surgery. How are the two any different? Bigger boobs and a sexier nose... or a bit of art that you can hide under your garments...?

I dunno, I'd appreciate any ideas. I'm not interested in them for rebellion or whatever, just have always wanted some.

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I think it's like any decision in life. We may regret it, or it may hinder us in life. It's not that tattoos are inherently evil or wrong, but they do affect the way people treat you and how you may see yourself in years to come. Tattoos are permanent (or expensive to remove). I have a coworker who wears long sleeve shirts every day because he has some pretty intense ink from shoulder to wrist, and you can tell he is a bit self conscious about it in the workplace.

I kind of see it the same as dating outside of your culture. Sure, there is nothing wrong with it inherently, but it will likely cause problems down the road with mother in laws.

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Pres. Hinckley said this:

"I recently spoke to your mothers and your fathers. Among other things, I talked with them about tattoos.

What creation is more magnificent than the human body? What a wondrous thing it is as the crowning work of the Almighty.

Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, said: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

“If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Cor. 3:16–17).

Did you ever think that your body is holy? You are a child of God. Your body is His creation. Would you disfigure that creation with portrayals of people, animals, and words painted into your skin?

I promise you that the time will come, if you have tattoos, that you will regret your actions. They cannot be washed off. They are permanent. Only by an expensive and painful process can they be removed. If you are tattooed, then probably for the remainder of your life you will carry it with you. I believe the time will come when it will be an embarrassment to you. Avoid it. We, as your Brethren who love you, plead with you not to become so disrespectful of the body which the Lord has given you.

May I mention earrings and rings placed in other parts of the body. These are not manly. They are not attractive. You young men look better without them, and I believe you will feel better without them. As for the young women, you do not need to drape rings up and down your ears. One modest pair of earrings is sufficient.

I mention these things because again they concern your bodies.

How truly beautiful is a well-groomed young woman who is clean in body and mind. She is a daughter of God in whom her Eternal Father can take pride. How handsome is a young man who is well groomed. He is a son of God, deemed worthy of holding the holy priesthood of God. He does not need tattoos or earrings on or in his body. The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve are all united in counseling against these things."

Here: A Prophet?s Counsel and Prayer for Youth - Liahona Apr. 2001 - liahona

I don't think that it is helping to to explain that one sin, of tattooing, is less than the sin of eating bad things...we don't get to do those sins that we think are 'lesser' sins when compared to can find a worse sin than just about anything. Like, well I may have committed adultry, but at least I didn't do it with a child...doesn't really work. One is not made any less serious by comparing to another. While, I am in no way comparing tattooing with those type of acts with a minor, comparing sins against each other is not a justification to commit the 'lesser' sin.

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Guest Julielaraine

The human body is God's creation.

God, the greatest artisan of all, formed him or her in the most fitting way.

Permanant writings or pictures on this body, do not seem reverant to this sacred creation.

I do not need the Church or anybody else to tell me that. Its the way I feel when I see someone with tatoos. A gut feeling.

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Basically, does anyone have a good answer as to why we aren't suppose to get any tattoos?

Because it's not treating the body like a tabernacle for a holy being.

People treat their bodies like garbage disposal units, shoveling junk food in day after day and doing terrible things.

That's not treating the body like a tabernacle for a holy being either.

I could tattoo every square inch of my body and it would probably still be a cleaner temple than many church members.

I've seen some very clean walls that have grafiti painted on them - they still have grafiti painted on them.

Then theres all of the church members who get plastic surgery. How are the two any different? Bigger boobs and a sexier nose... or a bit of art that you can hide under your garments...?

Elective surgery for the sole purpose of making you more sexy, is yet another example of not treating the body like a tabernacle for a holy being.

See, you're not really making a case for tatoos here. "Well, other people abuse their bodies and do dumb stuff for the wrong reasons, so why can't I" isn't a good argument.

Can I ask how old you are?

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Basically, does anyone have a good answer as to why we aren't suppose to get any tattoos? Is it in the scriptures somewhere, or a Prophets talk? I've heard about the whole graffiti on the body thing but I honestly don't understand that. People treat their bodies like garbage disposal units, shoveling junk food in day after day and doing terrible things. I could tattoo every square inch of my body and it would probably still be a cleaner temple than many church members. Then theres all of the church members who get plastic surgery. How are the two any different? Bigger boobs and a sexier nose... or a bit of art that you can hide under your garments...?

I dunno, I'd appreciate any ideas. I'm not interested in them for rebellion or whatever, just have always wanted some.

I'll just say that there have been some good responses to why as to not to have tattoos. if you honestly can't keep away from tattoos I'd suggest checking out the indian henna stuff as its not permanent.

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Guest mirancs8

I think Tatoos are a personal issue. If you want one and you feel right about it that's your choice. I've had a Tatoo for years and no regrets attached to having it.

It's your body, and in the end it's between you and God what you choose to do. Feel the same way about plastic surgery.

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Frankly, I'm more against tattoos for the nature of them and their permanence than anything the Church has said. (I hate the idea of a once neat-looking picture fading and getting wrinkly....)

All I can say is, treat your body like a temple. If you don't like what others are doing to their bodies, you can't really change that.

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It is not really the tattoo that is the problem it is what it represents. I have a tattoo of a bicycle crank on my right leg that I got in a bicycle accident. I have come to think of it as kinda of cool - but I would not recommend it. Getting a tattoo is more painful than you think.

The Traveler

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Do these same ideas apply to a little plastic surgery? What about botox? Or a little liposuction?

What about taking propecia for hair loss?

What about body building - that can also be painful and the result is to change body shape away from what God "designed"?

My view on this topic is based in the idea that God did not "design" our current bodies. The Fall allowed for our bodies to become corrupted and misshaped and varied off of the original creation. We still should treat the body like a temple but even the temples have adornments and repairs.

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They do age with you, tattoos. I have a tree on my back that is now in its autumn. They don't keep you young. I have no problem with tattoos simply, but we are counseled not to get them. I tend to prefer the ones that mean something to the individual rather than just a fun picture. Tattoos will not stop you from entering the temple or anything like that.

If I had a choice all over again, I would not have gotten mine.

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I've got a couple of tattoos that I got when I was younger and far away from being a member. They are unseen unless I have my shirt off. Would I have gotten them if I knew then what I know now? Probably not. But I can't say I regret them. They do have meaning to me. They also represent in a way the path I've taken to know Christ. That being said, if I woke up tomorrow and they were gone, I wouldn't be sad. I've made choices in my life that were done without appreciation to the wonders of God. I repented and the Lord forgave me.

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I've never been able to come up with anything that I would want to have inked on my body permanently. The eternal things, like my faith, the gospel, and family, are imprinted permanently on my soul, and the outward signs of those should show in my countenance. The only things I can think of that I would want would be identification marks for the coroner to see or if I had a medical condition that would be imperative for first responders to know.

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Guest Julielaraine

I think Tatoos are a personal issue. If you want one and you feel right about it that's your choice. I've had a Tatoo for years and no regrets attached to having it.

It's your body, and in the end it's between you and God what you choose to do. Feel the same way about plastic surgery.

God speaks through our Prophets. He has spoken.

President Hinckley told us the time will come when we will regret getting a tatoo.

Thats the answer.

The Lord values agency. You will always have your choice.

Please be careful in trying to justify it.

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Guest Julielaraine
Full disclosure - I honestly could care less what other people do to or for themselves. It's just that the OP asked for my opinion, and I gave it. For all I care, y'all can go off and get all the prophets tattooed on your back like this guy:

Posted Image[/quote

The only thing you have to focus on in your 20s is not getting a bad tattoo. You don't want to be 40 going, 'No dude, it was different back then. Everyone loved SpongeBob -- everyone. :)

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Guest Julielaraine


"Eagle? I thought you said BEAGLE."

"We're all out of red, so I used pink."

"There are 2 Os in Bob, right?"

"I’d like you to meet my father-in-law, he’s a laser removal specialist."

"That call was for you. Hope you meet someone else named Tahiti Sweetie."

"Don’t worry, this is a one of a kind tattoo. Your clover has five leaves, not four."

"Gosh, I hate it when I get the hiccups."

"Anything else you want to say? You've got plenty of room back here."

"I'll bet you can't tell I've never done this before."

"The flag's all done and you know, the folds of fat make a nice waving effect."


"Latex gloves are for sissies."

"Do you mind paying me up front? People stiff me if I don’t get the money before I do the job"

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What about body building - that can also be painful and the result is to change body shape away from what God "designed"?


Body building is a natural look for strengthened muscles. The bigger the muscle, the more capacity for applying force.

So, what do you think is the "body shape" that God "designed"? The look you get when you're not doing anything but sitting infront of the TV eating 14 slices of pizza? Or the look you get when you eat only 500 calories a day?

And, by the way, we don't get tattoos because it hurts. We don't get tattoos because we were adviced against it in the same token that we are adviced to go to church every Sunday.

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I see by your avatar that you are into BJJ. I understand. I've been in the martial arts world for several decades now, including BJJ. The desire to look the role is sometimes overwhelming. It can increase the intimidation factor. It helps you look more extreme.

The prophet didn't advise against it because he's "out of touch."

If you really are looking to be a warrior, the battlefield most warriors are conquered in is their own inner weakness. Be better than them.

Be stronger than your own feelings of insecurity.

An Eternal Warrior would put truth first and would never be conquered by lack of self-mastery.

Unless it's a tatoo of Spongebob as stated earlier. He'll never go out of style.

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This should be a matter of personal choice. My girlfriend has three butterfly tatoos because she loves the fact of how the butterfly is the most delicate, harmless creature there is and this is how she wants to live her life. She's simply loves butterflies. Everywhere we go, I hear nothing but compliments about how beautiful they are (and they are!). She's even thinking about getting a fourth one done. Also, I can't imagine that all tatoos would be something that one would regret getting. What about a person who gets the name of a deceased child tatooed? Why would anybody think they'd regret getting that? When it comes to getting tatooed, again it's all a matter of personal choice. I honestly don't believe that this is something you can lump everybody into a 'one size fits all' category.

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What a tattoo stands for is different from person to person, it can be an evil portrait as well as an innocent or just any other sort of art. To me a tattoo can be both beautifull and ugly. How i have always thought it to be, is that we are told not to hurt our bodies with things like piercings or anything else, and well a number of things. I assume that if we aren't to do that, its not the best of choices to let someone stick needles in your body that permenately leaves ink to create a picture that will stay in your skin.

Have a tattoo myself, i have also once had many piercings, and though i regret those choices, i do relate to the intrest in body art and such, but there has to be a better way. Some people do henna, they fade away though in time and aren't permenant. If thats a good or a negative thing, i guess its up to the person doing it =) somehow i think its cool, then you are able to create more than one artwork on your skin throughout your whole life. But have only tried it once though.

Totally get the point your making, with what people put into their system and comparing that theres many other that might be filling their bodies with things much more hurtfull. But you hold responsibility for your own body, not anyone elses. That another person fills their body with junk, doesn't mean you should. In the end though, that choice is for you to make :)

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Oh, one thing i wanted to comment more, is for people going under the knife. There are many different opinions about when its okay, and when it is not. But i do not think there's anything wrong in doing so if the change you want made is a real physical or psychological problem for you.

I think there were a good thread about it in the forum once, but i don't remember in which category it was though.

Edited by Milluw
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