Why do we need opposition?


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I suspect that it is because without opposition there really isn't a choice. We're here to learn to choose God over other things. If the only thing out there is God then we can't choose him over anything. If there is no right or left then one can't choose one over the other, whichever of the two exists in isolation is simply the direction you go.

Edited by Dravin
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How do you know that you are happy if you've never known unhappiness to exist? How do you know that you are right if you don't know anything wrong? Without opposition, we are all mindless robots following one path without need for thought.

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While opposition makes it possible for us to make choices and exercise our agency, recognize and appreciate the good that we have, learn, grow and develop by overcoming struggles... with this question I can't help but finding myself thinking of the many oppositions in nature and the world that keep everything in "balance" (opposing forces in physics, supply and demand in economics, the energy and consumptive cycles, checks and balances in government, population growth and carrying capacity, etc) and I'm wondering myself... What is it about balance that is so important?

People that claim "you can't have too much of a good thing" typically find themselves proven wrong. Although the idea of there being nothing but the "good" things so that we can see an exponential growth in them without the "bad" side to hold it down may seem like a great idea on the surface, any time things get thrown out of balance in either direction (yes, even the "good" direction) it ends up being bad. Unchecked and unbalanced growth, in any sense of the word, destroys all in its path and eventually turns in on itself. And all things strive to return to that balanced state of "homeostasis". The balance of opposing forces keeps us in that middle ground, so is the middle, that central point, that peace within the eye of the hurricane- itself- the ultimate goal we are meant to be reaching for?

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“it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things.” – 2 Nephi 2:11. Why do we need opposition?

I agree with what everyone has said thus far. I would add that the idea of bringing about righteousness requires a separation process, the assignment of a Kingdom based on the degree of righteousness. To create a spectrum or "degree" designation of righteousness one needs two ends of the spectrum, righteousness versus evil. If it was an all or nothing choice, like what happened with our first estate, that isn't necessary, it is just a yes or no response. But, because we will be judged with a degree of righteousness then a spectrum is needed to reveal where we stand in that gradation or degree of righteousness or glory. And, so, in that sense opposition needs to be introduced to bring about righteousness, or the degree of righteousness.

If the final exam question was a single true or false question then nobody would ever get partial credit. ... all the passing grades would be compounded into one.

Edited by Seminarysnoozer
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You know, honestly, I have no idea why opposition is required in all things. I really have no clue. Not even after reading what everyone else has written so far....

All I know is that suffering is an essential part of life down here. That it was essential for the Saviour to experience in order for the plan of salvation to be carried out. To me, it makes sense that if I truly want to understand the Saviour and His life a little, tiny more deeply, that I also need to suffer to a degree that would seem to be astronomical to me.....

So, to me the question is really not so much about opposition (I have no idea the happiness in store for me as a result of even just being here) as it is why suffering is so important to experience in our mortal probation....Of course, an easy and obvious answer would be to see if one would still "choose the right" in the face of experiencing seeming punishment/pain/retribution by doing so....

For me, the only time my pain has ever had any meaning is when I have turned to the Father through the atonement of His Son, the Saviour. It is then that my suffering has been turned for my good; instead of being the suffering of a damned soul....Or, as the Book of Mormon has said; "despair cometh because of iniquity." I don't believe that this means that if we are righteous, life will be easier. On the contrary, I believe that often times the more righteous one is, the more one will be required to do or go through, including suffering....I do believe, however, that the suffering will be for their glory, growth, and deeper joy as a result of experiencing it and remaining true to God.

Still, this is only my .02 cents on a topic that really mystifies me~


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This can be a confusing topic to consider, and I thank those who have offered answers for they haved helped me. Blessings, Gargantuan

Turning to the holy scriptures again, please read from the Book of Mormon 2Nephi 2:14-16

14 And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon.

15 And to bring about his eternal purposes in the end of man, after he had created our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and in fine, all things which are created, it must needs be that there was an opposition; even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter.

16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.

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I would have to say that opposition makes one's faith strong and worth perserving. Being opposed can only help strengthen your faith and your own resolve.

There are people out there who hate religion as a whole, people who hate Catholics, people who hate Jews, etc. The hate is there to make institutions stronger and to have a collective front against the others. The misaligned feelings that LDS get in the U.S. is misplaced and unnecessary. I would tell any LDS member on here to keep fighting for what they feel is right and to keep their faith holy and worth keeping.

Don't let others steer you from what you love, what you believe, and what you care about.

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