Happy Birthday PrisonChaplain


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I like to post after Anne. It's my way of teasing her.

I've been wanting to tell you that your new icon is confusing, and I guess this is the perfect spot to do so, thanks to this comment. :)

I keep starting to read your comments as if you are anne, then get confused when you don't sound like her, then realize your icon is different, and go... "Oh, it's slamjet. Silly me." ;)

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I've been wanting to tell you that your new icon is confusing, and I guess this is the perfect spot to do so, thanks to this comment. :)

I keep starting to read your comments as if you are anne, then get confused when you don't sound like her, then realize your icon is different, and go... "Oh, it's slamjet. Silly me." ;)


I figure another week or so.

*Thinking what I can do with an owl avatar*

Edited by slamjet
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And you know what Robert Frost says, "A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age."

It suddenly dawns on me that I actually made the male-mature female-ages joke OUTLOUD. :eek: Kinda reminds me of the time a young lady told me, "You don't look a day over 52." When I looked befuddled, she continued, "Don't take it too seriously, I was just trying to be nice."

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