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This is now two threads you have started this morning voicing your disdain in how the church handles different subjects.

This site is not the place to do so. Especially in the LDS Gospel Discussion section of this site.

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He wasn't perfect. The only perfect person to ever walk the earth was Jesus Christ. We don't worship the Prophet, we worship the Savior.

Joseph Smith had a great work to do. Did he fumble along the way? Sure. He also endured and sacrificed a great deal to fulfill his mission in the Restoration of the Gospel.

Would you expect the Church to publish a website containing all of the slander that is out there about the Prophet? We don't even know how much of that is true, or to what degree. More importantly, I am under the assumption that Joseph repented of those mistakes he made. If Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can forgive and purify, why should those mistakes be spoken of again and again and again? I hope that I would be shown more mercy than that by the Lord's church. Combine the principle of repentance and forgiveness with all of the good he did for mankind (more than any man except Jesus Christ himself, we're told), and it's understandable that a website dedicated to him would be positive.

I understand how you feel. This is something that challenged me for a long time. It's still not the strongest facet of my testimony. But I do have a testimony of the Restoration, and of the Book of Mormon. The imperfections of the man who was a vital instrument in that do not lessen that work in any way. Again, he was as imperfect a person as you or I, with an enormous calling and burden.

How would you have done in the face of everything he had to go through? How perfectly do you think you would have organized and understood everything, essentially building up the Church unto the Lord, from scratch? Consider how many mistakes well-meaning church leaders make now, with the decades and decades of revelation and guidance we DO have. He was receiving it line upon line, and doing the best he could with what he had, in my opinion.

Edited by Eowyn
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cryophil, I don't understand. If you hate the LDS Church and its teachings so much, why hang out here? Do yourself and everyone else a favor and leave.

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From my review of the site, it's purpose does not seem to be to cover every detail of the life and man Joseph Smith- but to provide brief, factual, positive information concerning his purpose and ministry. The information provided is clearly very minimal and to-the-point. In essence- it is a summary, not a novel.

Those who have done a more full study of Joseph Smith's history know at least some of his flaws and imperfections, but these only serve to bring out the fact that he was in fact human and incomplete. He is not our object of worship, but we do revere him and are thankful for the work he completed while on this earth. I've heard the arguments of many who attempt to flout the flaws of his character in an effort to sully his mission and cast doubt about his sincerity, and I see no reason why such arguments should be addressed on a site dedicated to providing a little enlightenment to those who might not know anything about him. It'd be like digging into all the faults and flaws of someones character at their funeral. The site encourages those who read it's information to dig deeper on their own, and as they do so they will find that every bit of information on that site is truthful, if not complete.

Sites officially recognized by the church share one purpose- to spread the gospel. It is not our leaders' job to provide history lessons or dig into all the speculations and thoughts and information (factual and otherwise) about any of our past leaders, Joseph Smith or otherwise. It is their purpose and mission to spread the gospel and share their testimony of Christ. So, it seems fitting that a church sponsored website on Joseph Smith focuses on that very mission.

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I think that they way individuals view a site such as depends in large measure on the lens through which they view it.

Clearly a TBM will view this differently than an investigator, or an individual who has left the church due to issues with church history.

Like it is important to keep in mind what the Jospeh Smith site is and what it is not.

It is designed to share the church's view of the Joseph Smith story and history

It is designed to to give an overview of the prophet's mission and life

It is designed to be faith promoting

It is not designed to share every detail of his life or church history

It is not designed to share truth that might not be faith promoting

It is not designed to be objective


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"The Church" does not employ apologists, or set up apologetic websites, no. There are, however, quite a bit of online resources and forums and whatnot involved in LDS apologetics, if that's what you are asking. But no, they are not official websites of the church.

The Neal A. Maxwell Institute is a group under the Brigham Young University umbrella that does religious scholarship, including book reviews of critical works. It's a wonderful place to read up on criticisms of the church.

If you are looking for a place to argue with people, Mormon Dialogue and Discussion Board is a great place to find LDS apologetics.

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Thanks all for the thoughts on the site. Ok, that makes sense--that the church wouldn't want to put its worse foot forward.

Wow, just more of the same "check out how slick and under the radar I am."

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Thanks all for the thoughts on the site. Ok, that makes sense--that the church wouldn't want to put its worse foot forward.

Is there a site that the church has to defend against the negatives about Joseph Smith?

I would also try: Welcome « FAIR

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Why would the church do that?

I think it's a fair question. I think people would like to study and search out from reliable sources some of their concerns that might be affecting their testimony. It's no secret. Joseph Smith has been a testimony breaker for many.

What I would avoid staying away from though are the anti-sites. Go to sites that are done by LDS people that defend the positions and concerns people have about us.

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You can also try these:

Mormon Historical Studies

Journal of Mormon History

BYU Studies

Utah Historical Quarterly

Here is a brief list of some authors that write on LDS history:

Davis Bitton

Thomas Alexander

James Allen

Leonard Arrington

Mark Ashurst-McGee

Reid Neilson

Grant Underwood

Steven Harper

Richard Lloyd Anderson

I know the OP wasn't doing this, but no, there's really no way to validly complain about the church whitewashing or hiding it's history, with all these LDS folks and organizations run by LDS folks out there publishing madly.

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I have seen so much arguing among people in the church over some church history it is obvious we arent hiding anything. Sometimes I think we focus too much on those questions. Some we just dont know the answer and some no answer is going to convince naysayers anyway.

I remember that when Jesus was asked questions by his naysayers He always had very interesting answers but we arent Him so probably best to go back to the basics. Hope, faith, repentance, baptism and the confirmation of the Holy Ghost.

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I have seen so much arguing among people in the church over some church history it is obvious we arent hiding anything. Sometimes I think we focus too much on those questions. Some we just dont know the answer and some no answer is going to convince naysayers anyway.

I remember that when Jesus was asked questions by his naysayers He always had very interesting answers but we arent Him so probably best to go back to the basics. Hope, faith, repentance, baptism and the confirmation of the Holy Ghost.

I agree with you but it's not that way for everyone. So we do the best we can to answer the questions honestly without sugar coating. I think that's what many people are trying to do these days. Get rid of the sugar coating and let people them decide for themselves if it is something they can accept or need to move on.

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I took a quick look at the site. It felt like a church-sponsored site. It was faith-affirming, and would give investigators a positive overview of Joseph Smith's history. People who want to believe in the church will like the site. Those who want to really investigage will find more in-depth material at the site--especially about church doctrine. As for Joseph Smith's history, it might be good for leadership to encourage one of the scholars at BYU to do an official history on him. Academics understand that in-house historians are going to write from a particular viewpoint. Nevertheless, scholars recognize exhaustive, good work. It would seem to be a worthy project...somebody whisper into somebody's ear, I don't have those connections. :-)

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Has anyone taken a look at the new church website dedicated to Joseph Smith?

Joseph Smith - Home

It seems to be very soft on the actual problems and character of Joseph. It bothered me because it seemed almost like lying about him (omission).

Do you have a difference sense of it?

When I go to a church site I want it to be spiritually uplifting. It doesn't make sense for the church or members to have a church sponsored site question itself. The sites already provided do a good job answering tough questions.

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I took a quick look at the site. It felt like a church-sponsored site.

That's because it is done by the Church. So I'm glad it felt like a church sponsored site. :) You'll notice at the bottom:

© 2010 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

That's how I can tell that it's an official church site.

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There is a great book out there called the Joseph Smith Papers. It has several volumes by now. It also has a series on byutv nearly every sunday if not every sunday. It is really a great show. Havent read the book but assuming it is well done as well.

The books are expensive or I would have read them.

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Thanks all for the thoughts on the site. Ok, that makes sense--that the church wouldn't want to put its worse foot forward.

Is there a site that the church has to defend against the negatives about Joseph Smith?

What negatives? Joseph Smith was a great man...surely one of the Noble and Great ones. He accomplished SO much in such a short time with ALL the powers of Hell arrayed against him.....and they are still arrayed today. These truths are known by the power of the Holy Spirit......

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I have to agree with bytor. The negatives about Smith fall into three categories: 1) rumors and innuendo, 2) historical and cultural context (or lack thereof) not fitting with out particular 21st centuries and ideals, 3) just bad luck or failed endeavors unrelated to a prophetic calling.

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