Is Doctor Who alright for Mormons to Watch?


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Whenever he's on the show there are some... ah... minor dirty references. And I know the church's stance on homosexuals is a 'no' and Jack plays for

both genders but they don't ever make it profane or raunchy. Doctor Who IS a kid's show technically and it's not nearly as dirty as most of the stuff on tv. But he's very flirtatious. Is this alright?

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First, the Church's stance on homosexuals is not no, it's stance on homosexual relationships is no.

I'm getting the sense that you're not so much asking for a rundown of the show comprehensively but as it pertains to the fact that there is a bisexual character on it. Personally I don't think there is, everything else being equal, something specifically wrong with having a homosexual or bisexual character on the show. If we're basing it not on inappropriate scenes or humor but rather the fact that there is someone who's lifestyle is contrary to Church standards then that eliminates all shows with villains in it. Something as innocuous as Lion King has issues in the character of Scar.

If you are talking the show as a whole:

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I'm so out of the loop. I have never heard of this show.

It's alright Pam. Dr Who is one of the newfangled shows that kids these days and young people watch. I don't think it was really aimed for your generation when it first came out in 1963. Probably for the best. I'm sure all the futuristic gadgets would just confuse you.

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I'd not be overly worried being Jack hasn't really been on the show since the end of the 4 season and we are going into the seventh, and with Torchwood being in limbo for a while i'm not overly sure jack will ever show up again, though i do miss him. That being said if jack was you major worry then you've missed the constant gay friendly comments through out the show, even suggesting the doctor swings both ways, constant support of gay marriage and homosexual relationships. The big reason that Jack's character was developed into what he was was because the show already leaned that way and Jack was just kinda the embodiment of the shows views.

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Doctor Who is intended to be family programming, with the target market being children and adults alike. It is widely likeable. Captain Jack Harkness is the first character in the show's long and illustrious history to identify as non-heterosexual (according to Wiki), being that he is bisexual. There is not extensive discussion of anyone's sexuality in the show, nor much expression of it, either.

If Mormons weren't allowed to watch shows with non-heterosexual characters (or, let's extend that to actors as well) in them, there would be nothing left to watch. I may be in the minority, but I don't think that things like this glorify homosexuality, but rather they reflect the reality of the world in which we live -- that we aren't all traditional. (Shows like Will & Grace, on the other hand, I feel do glorify it, and that's a different story altogether.)

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It's technically a kids show because it is shown as a children's show. It was targeted at kids

is what I mean...

Kids over 21

Dr Who has not been a kids show for years.

I watch it all the time, why would it having a gay character make it something you shouldn't watch?

Do you think you become gay by watching a gay character on a TV show?

Now I do think the last Torchwood special (Torchwood: Miracle day) on STARZ went a bit too far in one scene with Jack and the bartender in bed together - they weren't just laying there.

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Normalization of homosexuality is indeed a concern. I would not want my children watching a show that depicted homosexuality as an acceptable behavioral norm. So I can understand the concern or question.

In our rush to show homosexuals, and the world in general, just how large-hearted and broad-minded we are in embracing the homosexual as our brother or sister, we ought to be very careful not to suggest (or accidentally start to believe) that homosexual activity is just no big deal, and we're above worrying about that sort of trivia. Homosexual activity is a very big deal, destroying both those who engage in it and the society that encourages and embraces it.

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Now I do think the last Torchwood special (Torchwood: Miracle day) on STARZ went a bit too far in one scene with Jack and the bartender in bed together - they weren't just laying there.

Torchwood, while a spinoff of Doctor Who, is marketed to adults specifically, not to families.

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Yes. I really got a huge kick out of the first season(s) of Torchwood. Loved it. Then they turned it into the "Jack is gay and let's make a show about how we're ok with his love life" show. Not really what I wanted to see. I don't care if he's gay or not, but it would be nice if he'd focus on saving earth instead of walking around bragging about his exploits like a hormone-crazed sarcastic BYU student heading for excommunication.

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Yes. I really got a huge kick out of the first season(s) of Torchwood. Loved it. Then they turned it into the "Jack is gay and let's make a show about how we're ok with his love life" show. Not really what I wanted to see. I don't care if he's gay or not, but it would be nice if he'd focus on saving earth instead of walking around bragging about his exploits like a hormone-crazed sarcastic BYU student heading for excommunication.

Laugh button needed.

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If Dr. Who is bad for Mormons, then I am in deep doodoo (sorry for the language) ;)

Some of my fond memories is sitting down and watching this show with my father when I was younger. Some of these shows, scared the bajeebees (I think it funny how we like to make up words) out of me when I was a child. I have seen most of the older series, and have watched all the new ones.

I must say, one series really made me scared of mummy's, especially when I went to any place that had a mummy being shown.

However, for those who are Dr. Who fans, have you seen or read about the TV remote screw driver. A company has a built and I think is about to market, or already has marketed, a sonic screw driver which controls your TV and Blue Ray. Yes, I have never been tempted to purchase a $100 remote until now. :)

Edited by Anddenex
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