What kind of music does everyone listen to?


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I mostly listen to praise and worship music: Hillsong, Christ Tomlin, Michael W. Smith and the WOW praise albums. Some contemporary Christian music is good--especially the slower, more inspirational songs. Keith Green's music is prophetic in his calls to abandon lukewarmness.

There is some excellent secular music out there, but I just don't have time to find it.

why? Finding good music is no more diffiuclt than finding a good friend.

Having been outside of the USA - do you not find other cultures rich in musical expression?

The Traveler

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I grew up in an era when we encouraged to be separate from "the world." So much of popular music was considered immoral, and so I never really took to any growing up. I always liked the music of the church though. Today's worship music sounds good to my ears and it feeds my soul.

I no longer consider "secular music" to be harmful. It may just be that I missed that window in life when most people find their soul-genre.

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Pretty much anything, save country and the majority of what one would consider Top 40 stuff now a days. I have little faith in the American music industry's ability to produce real talent these days. Top favorite bands of mine include Poets of the Fall, Phoenix Effect, Muse, Imagine Dragons, and especially as of late the orchestral group "Two Steps from Hell" who produce music for movie and video game trailers.

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Pretty much anything, save country and the majority of what one would consider Top 40 stuff now a days. I have little faith in the American music industry's ability to produce real talent these days. Top favorite bands of mine include Poets of the Fall, Phoenix Effect, Muse, Imagine Dragons, and especially as of late the orchestral group "Two Steps from Hell" who produce music for movie and video game trailers.

Lots of amazingly good popular music being produced today, although of course you have to separate the good from the dreck (and they are not always separable). Linkin Park and Metallica are examples from the last ten or twelve years of truly talented bands producing really good music. (Now, whether you enjoy that musical style is another question altogether.)

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I have been into everything from punk to country and am looking for some new music to listen to. These day I am growing tierd of what I used to listen to and am not really into what I hear on the radio. I think it would be interesting to find out what people here listen to. So whatcha got?

This is a really interesting question to me. I like to listen to most kinds of music, depends on the situation/place. I find though, that as I strive to be closer to the Savior, that I question certain choices of music.

I really love the Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin...but have come to realize that perhaps this type of music in not very good for my eternal soul. Then I wonder, well, why was Angus Young given the talent of being such a great guitar player? Mick Jagger's early rock/blues sound is fabulous...again though, I ask myself, is this the type of music that I should be listening to, even though I'm in my car on a great sunny afternoon, driving real fast (well maybe not that fast) and George Thorogood is playing on the radio and I'm feeling free and great!

No, I'm starting to choose better music that soothes my soul and draws the Spirit into my life. I try now to listen to more classical music (not the boring stuff tho), good jazz...I know that this is my spiritual self growing and it makes me feel good. The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac I still listen to.:mellow:

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This is a really interesting question to me. I like to listen to most kinds of music, depends on the situation/place. I find though, that as I strive to be closer to the Savior, that I question certain choices of music.

I really love the Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin...but have come to realize that perhaps this type of music in not very good for my eternal soul. Then I wonder, well, why was Angus Young given the talent of being such a great guitar player? Mick Jagger's early rock/blues sound is fabulous...again though, I ask myself, is this the type of music that I should be listening to, even though I'm in my car on a great sunny afternoon, driving real fast (well maybe not that fast) and George Thorogood is playing on the radio and I'm feeling free and great!

No, I'm starting to choose better music that soothes my soul and draws the Spirit into my life. I try now to listen to more classical music (not the boring stuff tho), good jazz...I know that this is my spiritual self growing and it makes me feel good. The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac I still listen to.:mellow:

That's really cool, Brenda. I've been changing some of my music as well for the same reason. I just remembered this story:

A General Authority, Gene R. Cook, was sitting on an airplane next to Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger. Cook did not recognize Jagger and Mick had to show Cook a magazine with a picture of himself in it to let him know who he was. After visiting for a few minutes, Cook asked Jagger what sort of impact he thinks his music has on the world's teens. Jagger replies, "Our music is calculated to drive the kids to sex." He quickly added, "It's up to them what they do. It's not my fault. I'm just making a lot of money."

Jagger went on to say that he had had the missionary discussions taught to him while in England. He also said that there was no God and that people should be able to do whatever they wanted.

Jagger then said loudly, so everyone could hear, that the Book of Mormon was a lie and that anyone who believed in it was a liar. Cook took out a Book of Mormon and placed it in Jagger's lap and said, "You say it is a lie. I must have missed that part. Show me." There was complete silence. Cook then bore his testimony and told Jagger that he was the liar and that if he didn't change his ways, he would be held accountable by the Lord.

To listen to Cook talk about his plane ride with Mick Jagger during an address he gave at Ricks College in 1988.

God blesses people with incredible talent. Whether they use it for good or evil is their choice.

Edited by C_T_R
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I love dubstep, trance, house, glitch hop, hard dance, and EDM music ^.^

But then I also love Matchbox 20, The Killers, and very few songs from Blue October.

What? are you speaking English?

I must be old.:eek: I don't recognize any of those


Just looked at your profile and I'm 42 years older than you are -- no wonder.

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Toad the Wet Sprocket.

(I have never actually heard any of their music, but the name of the band is so good it doesn't really matter.)

I love that band! Totally 80's. Youtube "All I Want" and "Something is Always Wrong". Those are some of my favorite songs from their albums.

For some reason, I like the band name Ugly Kid Joe. I like their songs too. LOL.

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I have been into everything from punk to country and am looking for some new music to listen to. These day I am growing tierd of what I used to listen to and am not really into what I hear on the radio. I think it would be interesting to find out what people here listen to. So whatcha got?

I mostly like cheery, reverent music, but have my moments. LOL

I don't like Italian Opera and most rap. The rest of it, I am up for at least for a while. Yesterday, I discovered Magnetic Zeros, "Home". Wow! What ever they have I want some of. :)

There is one series of songs that have been my favorites for years and they tell a story. They start with "Where did you go?", by Ft Minor, then "What do you want from me?" by Adam Lambert, then "Paralizer" by Finger Eleven, then "The Thrill is Gone, by BB King. then, "We coulda had it all", by Adelle. Those were the dark years.

Lately, I really like, "More Holiness Give Me", "And Can It Be", and several LDS hyms that were written during the formative years of our church.

The loudest head banger rock has given way to reverent, worshipful praise to Heavenly Father. Wut happened? :)

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I'm stunned. Do you like Wagner?

Wagner is dark, but I have one CD that is Wagner and it is pleasant to listen to after midnight when I am watching. Bach is fun. Handel's "Messiah" is probably my most favorite. Thank you for reminding me of this. For me this is not just Christmas Music, it can be heard in my home in July or September :)

Katherine Jenkins music is heavenly to me, but I will not hide the fact that I liked ZZ Top and AC/DC when I was younger. :) Heavenly Father has changed me so much, He protects my soul.

Edited by Sunnysprite
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Wagner is dark, but I have one CD that is Wagner and it is pleasant to listen to after midnight when I am watching. Bach is fun. Handel's "Messiah" is probably my most favorite.

How about that? I absolutely love Italian opera, and I cannot stand Wagner or German opera in general. (By "Italian" and "German" operas, I mean those styles, not necessarily the languages. For example, Mozart's Die Zauberflöte is a great favorite.)

Kind of strange that you would like an oratorio like Messiah, since oratorios were based directly on Baroque-era Italian opera. They were, in essence, religious operas without the acting, staging, or costuming of regular operas -- of which Handel also composed a bunch (operas, I mean), and all of which I believe were in Italian.

I agree about Bach, though I wouldn't say "fun". More like "staggeringly brilliant" or "masterful".

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Lots of amazingly good popular music being produced today, although of course you have to separate the good from the dreck (and they are not always separable). Linkin Park and Metallica are examples from the last ten or twelve years of truly talented bands producing really good music. (Now, whether you enjoy that musical style is another question altogether.)

True. I'm not saying it is all bad, but the majority of it is. Linkin Park and Metallica are good, but even by today's standards they are "old." Long gone are the days where artists can maintain popularity for decades rather than be a stylistic xerox of whatever is popular at the moment.

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How about that? I absolutely love Italian opera, and I cannot stand Wagner or German opera in general. (By "Italian" and "German" operas, I mean those styles, not necessarily the languages. For example, Mozart's Die Zauberflöte is a great favorite.)

Kind of strange that you would like an oratorio like Messiah, since oratorios were based directly on Baroque-era Italian opera. They were, in essence, religious operas without the acting, staging, or costuming of regular operas -- of which Handel also composed a bunch (operas, I mean), and all of which I believe were in Italian.

I agree about Bach, though I wouldn't say "fun". More like "staggeringly brilliant" or "masterful".

I may never have liked Handel but when I was much younger, I was asked to sing in a Christmas Choir and we sang The Messiah. I do not think my feet touched the ground for the entire time we practiced and then performed it!

Jesus Christ thrilled me at the time, but it would be a long time before I felt I was anything but an admirer. It would take the Mormons to convince me there was more. Now, even though I know the text that says so, it is very difficult to think of Jesus Christ as my big brother.

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I have been into everything from punk to country and am looking for some new music to listen to. These day I am growing tierd of what I used to listen to and am not really into what I hear on the radio. I think it would be interesting to find out what people here listen to. So whatcha got?

Interestingly, I used to like everything from HOT Middle Eastern dance music to Queen to Barry Mcguire ... Well, just look at my profile... Ya know.

Lately, I just feel a halt if it is anything but very reverent music. To be sure, my time spent in the cold was enough to convince me to make my life as pleasing to Heavenly Father as posible.

Sadly, its not hard to see folks around me that seem to make a contest of treading the edge of permisibility. It seems dangerous.

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Interestingly, I used to like everything from HOT Middle Eastern dance music to Queen to Barry Mcguire ... Well, just look at my profile... Ya know.

Lately, I just feel a halt if it is anything but very reverent music. To be sure, my time spent in the cold was enough to convince me to make my life as pleasing to Heavenly Father as posible.

Sadly, its not hard to see folks around me that seem to make a contest of treading the edge of permisibility. It seems dangerous.

Hala, I think you would enjoy the music of Piris and Mark Eliyahu. Father and son, Daghestani Jews who are extremely conversant in the classical musical traditions of the Middle East. Piris plays the taar, and Mark the kamanche. Utterly amazing and spiritual music.

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