Church buys ad space in Book of Mormon musical


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LDS Church buys ad space in 'Book of Mormon' musical playbill |

SALT LAKE CITY — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has purchased ad space in the playbill for the Los Angeles production of the satirical musical called "The Book of Mormon."

The show, which is set to play at the Pantages Theater in Los Angeles on Sept. 12, is a story about two Mormon missionaries who travel to African villages. The musical pokes fun at several basic principles of the faith and sacred subjects for members of the Church.

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But how far does it go? Should the Church have bought ad space on Orgazmo, another Parker/Stone teamup?

To be clear, I am not criticizing the Church's decision. Those whose responsibility it was to make and to approve this decision have done so, and I'm okay with that. But what is the bright-line rule, or is there one?

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From an "outsiders" view, seeing an ad therein would make one think that the LDS church supported The Book of Mormon Musical. Whether the LDS church does or not, I don't know. If they do, then there isn't a problem but since it's a topic, I'd venture to say that the LDS church does not support it..

For the record, I'm not pro or against the musical.

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I ah... Well, I... It seems to me that, um...

Huh. I really don't know what to make of this. Parker and Stone now count the LDS church as one of their advertisers. My church is putting money into the pockets of they folks who produce this, in order to get our side of the story out to any interested people who have just encountered this musical.

It's like I'm looking for the right smiley to use here, but I can't even fathom what the smiley would look like.

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I'm sure Parker and Stone are howling with delight. They gave a lot of praise to the Church when the statement

The production may attempt to entertain audiences for an evening, but the Book of Mormon as a volume of scripture will change people's lives forever by bringing them closer to Christ.

They thought it was brilliant, snarky, and good natured all at once. I'm sure they are similarly impressed with the purchase of ad space.

For the record, I think a lot of people that would enjoy the musical are likely to find the ad amusing. It will probably put the Church in a favorable light to them.

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For the record, I'm not pro or against the musical.

I am very much against the musical. I suppose I also wonder if the type of people who attend and enjoy such a blatantly profane work of mockery would be amenable to hearing about the gospel. I suppose some must.

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I am very much against the musical. I suppose I also wonder if the type of people who attend and enjoy such a blatantly profane work of mockery would be amenable to hearing about the gospel. I suppose some must.

I say I'm not "pro" or "against" it because I know absolutely nothing about it to make such a statement. I've seen it mentioned on the news a few times but otherwise, I am unfamiliar with the actual material and context of the play. I've heard LDS say it's not-that-big-of-a-deal, and I've heard LDS say it is a big deal. I guess at this point I'm neutral in thinking, and I may remain so, as I'm not the least bit interested really in researching it.

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Why in the world would the church want to attach it's name on to a play that contains over 100 f-bombs, talks about Joseph Smith having sex with frogs and raping babies, allegorizing the missionary experience with having sex ( the missionary and the investigator are both excited because they'll be "doing it" for the first time!). So am I to take this that this is an actual endorsement from the church?! Whatever happened to avoid the appearance of evil? I honestly don't get this!

Edited by Carl62
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Why in the world would the church want to attach it's name on to a play that contains over 100 f-bombs, talks about Joseph Smith having sex with frogs and raping babies, allegorizing the missionary experience with having sex ( the missionary and the investigator are both excited because they'll be "doing it" for the first time!). So am I to take this that this is an actual endorsement from the church?! Whatever happened to avoid the appearance of evil? I honestly don't get this!

The Church's name has already been attached to it (who *doesn't* think of the LDS church when they hear "Book of Mormon"?). Now audience members will be directed to a more accurate representation of our beliefs. ;)

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Why in the world would the church want to attach it's name on to a play that [list of horrible things in the play]. So am I to take this that this is an actual endorsement from the church?! Whatever happened to avoid the appearance of evil? I honestly don't get this!

Yeah, Carl's thoughts have been bouncing around in my head too. But now that he's actually put my thoughts into text, I think I see a bit more clearly.

The church is responding to the play, in ways those who see it will appreciate. We are not attaching our name, endorsing, condoning, or anything of the sort. We're responding like we've always responded, with a friendly invitation to learn the truth.

I think I've concluded this is a good thing. I just don't expect my next brilliant idea that is similar to this, to get approved by my bishop.

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Why in the world would the church want to attach it's name on to a play that contains over 100 f-bombs, talks about Joseph Smith having sex with frogs and raping babies, allegorizing the missionary experience with having sex ( the missionary and the investigator are both excited because they'll be "doing it" for the first time!). So am I to take this that this is an actual endorsement from the church?! Whatever happened to avoid the appearance of evil? I honestly don't get this!

The Church is not "endorsing" the play. It is not facilitating the play's performance. It is not taking part in any effort to convince people to see the play. Rather, it is running a targeted campaign to convey its message (and maybe do a bit of damage control) at a location where the play is already being performed, and to the specific set of people who have already purchased a ticket and are sitting in the theater waiting for the play to begin.

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One interesting thing I noted in KSL's article is that they did say this was only for the LA production, with a non committal answer regarding other productions. I expect some of the same questions we are throwing around here are on their minds as well. I got the impression from the article they are using the LA production as a test case to see if it is worth pursuing this ad campaign when other productions of the Book of Mormon musical are done.

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One interesting thing I noted in KSL's article is that they did say this was only for the LA production, with a non committal answer regarding other productions. I expect some of the same questions we are throwing around here are on their minds as well. I got the impression from the article they are using the LA production as a test case to see if it is worth pursuing this ad campaign when other productions of the Book of Mormon musical are done.

LA had some relatively intense anti-Mormon demonstrations back during the Prop 8 kerfluffle, culminating with graffiti on the temple gates. Could be this is a pilot program; or could be that the Church felt it was needed in LA more than other areas.

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In my view, it all depends on exactly what the add says?

Does it say something like --- if you want the truth about LDS- go to or something similar?

I actually think getting our say, in at the point of garbage in, is a rather "in your face" attempt to get our side shown, without the "worse than spin"!

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