Don't bring your gun.. Too much to ask?


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This isn't a gun debate. My question is this: Is there EVER a time or place when carrying a firearm is inappropriate and or inconsiderate? I understand that if you have a permit you can pack heat pretty much anywhere. But just because you can, should you? We just got back from a big family function and someone showed up armed. It was off-putting to a lot of people. The mothers especially felt uncomfortable with it because of the kids he was horseplaying around with.

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Private property rights trump rights to bear arms. In other words, go bear arms all you want, but not on the property of someone who doesn't want you to.

And speaking of private property owners, in General Handbook #2, we see:

21.2.4 - Firearms

Churches are dedicated for the worship of God and as havens from the cares and concerns of the world. The carrying of lethal weapons, concealed or otherwise, within their walls is inappropriate except as required by officers of the law.

We just got back from a big family function and someone showed up armed. It was off-putting to a lot of people. The mothers especially felt uncomfortable with it because of the kids he was horseplaying around with.

Yeah, private place or public, the guy was out of line. My kids wrestle with me when I'm packing, which my wife and I feel comfortable with because I don't carry loaded, and the kids currently don't possess the muscle to load the thing. But I wouldn't dream of playing with other people's kids while packing - concealed or otherwise. I either am not packing, or I am not playing around with the kids. Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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I would say there is nothing wrong or inconsiderate to bring a weapon to family function. It wouldn't bother me.

By the way, most of my family are hunters, and we would target shoot. However, playing with children, other peoples children, when you have a loaded gun at your side, yes, I would say this is inconsiderate.

He could have easily took the gun off his hip, put in his car and then rough housed with the children. I don't get why people think bringing a weapon into a public place is offensive or inconsiderate. I can definitely understand why bringing a gun into a home, private property, is offensive if the owner has asked a people not to.

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If someone had a gun in the theater when the kook went off, he would have been dead before he killed so many people. When good people carry guns they protect themselves and other good people from idiots. If a deranged person went through the area where your family reunion was and began randomly shooting, would you have been glad someone was packing to protect you? I agree he shouldn't have been playing with kids without taking it off. If he made some of your family feel uncomfortable, they should be secure enough to tell him!

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This isn't a gun debate. My question is this: Is there EVER a time or place when carrying a firearm is inappropriate and or inconsiderate? I understand that if you have a permit you can pack heat pretty much anywhere. But just because you can, should you? We just got back from a big family function and someone showed up armed. It was off-putting to a lot of people. The mothers especially felt uncomfortable with it because of the kids he was horseplaying around with.

If you've been requested not to, it then becomes inappropriate to do otherwise.

Outside that it depends on a lot of things.

Altho if he was horsing around quite abit (i don't know how much) with a loaded gun on him, that sounds like a slip in responsibility.

and no, can =/= should.

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He knows good and well how most of the family feels. He doesn't care, frankly. He's in his 50's and pretty stuck in his ways. I personally don't have a problem with permitted carriers but alike with all things, there's a time and place. My husband has been seriously considering taking a gun course and purchasing a firearm for our home. Two years ago we had an unidentified man try to break into our home at 2AM. I was 7 months pregnant and was beside myself! Didn't have an active alarm at the time but when he tried a side window, our bulldogs sought him out and he took off. DH had already called the cops. The cops found the guy outback hiding near our garage! So I'm not opposed to guns, to further clarify. That said, I'm not going to live on WHAT IFS and carry because I'm so **** paranoid about WHAT IF a psycho shows up and blows us all away.. I also believe that being "good" and "responsible" with a gun are two different things.

Sorry for the long winded paragraphs! On my Droid but soon going back to Apple with the iphone5! Woohoo! One more week of suffering backorder :mad:

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Personally, if I knew how family felt about my such-n-such behavior and it wasn't much trouble for me to temporarily suspend such-n-such behavior, I would try to be gracious.

Last weekend we went to some friends' cabin, went shooting... their three-year-old daughter was more confident with the guns than I was (note: all she did was stand next to her dad and pull the trigger when he told her to).

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I'm just thinking... we have 2 cousins who are cops - they're actually brothers. So, when we have parties - including children's bday parties - they sometimes show up in full uniform with their guns in their police-issue holsters.

It doesn't even cross our minds to be uncomfortable about the guns. We see them all the time with it.

So, Bini, would your family still feel the same if the gun-carryer was in full police uniform? Just curious.

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I'm just thinking... we have 2 cousins who are cops - they're actually brothers. So, when we have parties - including children's bday parties - they sometimes show up in full uniform with their guns in their police-issue holsters.

It doesn't even cross our minds to be uncomfortable about the guns. We see them all the time with it.

So, Bini, would your family still feel the same if the gun-carryer was in full police uniform? Just curious.

Anatess! Are we gonna workout, or what? Im already in my 3rd week of boot camp! /hijack

Jobs are understandable for most people. But if you're able to change prior to an engagement where the majority are not welcoming of a firearm, the carrier should consider this. Just like Im all pro-whip the breasts out and breastfeed WHEREVER (no shield or cover needed) - no courtesy to others necessary. BUT if it has been expressed that carrying is unwelcomed, yeh.

Okay! Offline for awhile. Its raining and i still gotta run this morning.

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I'd like to get Loudmouth's thoughts on this business idea:

Booze and bullets? Georgia firing range gets OK to serve alcohol

Heh. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me. If I owned a gun range or gun store, it wouldn't sell alcohol (even if I wasn't LDS). Seems needlessly antagonistic towards my neighbors - but then again, I don't live in Georgia. Whether they have a right to do what they're doing or not - I don't know. That's something for Georgians to go figure out amongst themselves.
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What could possibly go wrong?

Heh. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me. If I owned a gun range or gun store, it wouldn't sell alcohol (even if I wasn't LDS). Seems needlessly antagonistic towards my neighbors - but then again, I don't live in Georgia. Whether they have a right to do what they're doing or not - I don't know. That's something for Georgians to go figure out amongst themselves.

My initial reaction was that this was a pretty stupid ID. Then I read the sentence that explains that patrons who approach the bar have their IDs flagged and they lose access to the shooting range. At that point, they aren't really any different than a patron at a bar that happens to be carrying.

So, mixed feelings.

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Dog woke me up just before 2 a.m. barking and growling. I had fallen asleep in my family room watching tv. My window was open. I looked at the window and there was someone right there looking in. I screamed bloody murder. Only to find out it my someone looking for my son. The thing get to this window, you have to go through my gate and head towards my back yard.

But seriously? 2 a.m. and it's okay to look through windows?

You really should become my friend on facebook Vort and you would have heard all of this. hahaha

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