The theme of this General Conference seems to be:


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One thing I have heard several times today... Stop justifying and rationalizing what you think is small or insignificant sin and repent. I've thought of the many times I've read on this site...Don't worry about it, it's need to worry about it.

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Those who insist we should quit sweating the small sins won't likely stop just because a bunch of old, white, out-of-touch prophets of God said we should. Those who have ears to hear...

The funny thing is. Those men are more with it than they are given credit for.

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This conference, I seem to have concentrated on the messages that it isn't enough to just know about Christ, or just have a testimony, but we need to be "doing". I'm reminded of the song "I am a Child of God", where the word "know" was changed to "do". We need to have an outward showing of our testimony by doing and choosing the right.

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I'm just so grateful for the Conference, everytime I hear the stories of experiences and testimonies it fills my eyes and I try to resist showing my tears and turn my head from my kids seeing me cry, which I recommend people shouldn't. Kids are really spiritual and humble in such a young age and when they see such sentiments they know what one is in need of which is Heavenly fathers compassion and Jesus Christ atonement. Truly, it's a blessing worldwide to have this uniqueness in this church of Jesus Christ. Everyone is going through hardships whether it's political, physical, emotional and social. We have so much division and turmoil going on even within our own homes but to be able to unite and remind each other of our beloved brethren Jesus Christ who leads us the way and the love our Heavenly Father has for us, we are able to help one another in uniting with charity, uplifting each others spirit and hope for better days to come. We must truly strive to make a difference in others lives as Latter-day Saints because those are the imprints that our Savior has done for us. I understand that we must come out from Babylon, but we must also cultivate the goodness out of people so that they may in their own revelations and desire turn their lives around to Heavenly Father. I'm so blessed and thankful, and God bless everyone and have a wonderful sabbath day, afternoon, evening or night. :)

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I caught three things all weekend.

Repentance for sins big and small.

Not enough to just know but we need to do. We need to be developing our testimonies.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loves us. But we need to do more to get to know them and to follow them.

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So far for me I really am noticing the theme of missionaries and missionary work and really feeling the spirit about it. I also have been praying if I should serve a mission. I think it is a sign for me:) Now what about you all?

I just finished reading my missionary daughter's weekly letter home a few minutes ago. Its been a great experience for her so far. Having been born and raised in the church all her life, and having been sort of diligent in her mission preparations, she thought she was reasonably well prepared and ready for her mission. However, in one of her recent letters, she says that when compared with the growth in faith and knowledge she has experienced whilst on her mission, she now feels that the knowledge and faith she had before her mission was almost childish.

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I suspect that the "theme" for conference is different for each person; likely it is whatever is most needed for the listener. For me, the theme was Peter, his overcoming the natural man and becoming the great Apostle that we know him as now. Of course this is one of those themes that we need to "liken unto ourselves," and it goes along with repentance, forgiveness, and conversion.

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I suspect that the "theme" for conference is different for each person; likely it is whatever is most needed for the listener. For me, the theme was Peter, his overcoming the natural man and becoming the great Apostle that we know him as now. Of course this is one of those themes that we need to "liken unto ourselves," and it goes along with repentance, forgiveness, and conversion.

Our impressions of conference, I think, tend to be a reflection of where we are at. Which is exactly as it should be. Thank goodness that is the way it is. So many conferences have been custom fit for me, and custom fit for you too. How can that be? I don't know. But it's wonderful.

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I was choking back tears at times. In our stake, we had a family whose twelve-year-old son died in a terrible accident at home just a couple of weeks ago. I felt that one or two of the talks were prepared especially for them.

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I was actually in Sunday morning's session, high in rafters. I dozed for the 45 minutes before, then listened attentively, and cried thru whole thing. ..not necessarily just over sad stories of young children dying. Anybody else do this?

I cried through the whole Sunday AM session too. Only I was home and cuddled up with my kids and the dog.

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