10 minute talk.


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We have Stake Conference coming up in Nov. Our Bishop reminded us to prepare a 10 minute talk. I say reminded, because this has been going on in the Stake for a while, although it is new to me.

When I first heard about the talk. I had my typical reaction. "Gulp!". then I thought about not coming to Church that day.

But. I got to thinking that I would be able to pick the topic. Something I've always wanted to do. Besides Giving a talk to a church full, is less scary, to me than teaching a lesson in High Priest Group.

Here's where you come in. I want to give my talk on the little things we ,as church members should and shouldn't do, that we don't think much about. I'm probably going to start out with taking the Sacrament with the right hand. Yes I know that we are now aloud to

use either hand. I just want to quote what one of the Prophets said about using the right hand in "Answers to Gospel Questions", and ask them to continue to use their right hand, if that's the one they always use. In other words, don't change to the left hand just because you are aloud to.

I heard somewhere, sometime in the past that we, as members of the church should not do things like cross our fingers, or knock on wood. My take on it is we would be depending on the power, or spirit of the knocked wood, or crossed finger to help us instead of Prayer. Another way to look at it is " Boy this is a tough one. I don't know if God can handle it alone. I'd better help Him out, by crossing my fingers or knocking on wood"

What I need from you good people is. I don't know where the concept of not crossing your fingers or knocking on wood came from. Can anyone tell me if it's in the scriptures

or, Perhaps from one of the Prophets or the General Authorities ?

I will also remind them the singing Hymns is a form of prayer, and if you don't, at least open the hymn book, and read along. It just like not bowing your head in silence while the opening or closing prayer is being offered. With your help, I'm sure it will be a good talk. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me, and any other "Dos and dont's

(taboos) you might know of.

I'm thinking it might sound like a lecture. When I've finished it I will put it in a forum, so

you can help me "Friendlyize" it Dont try to find that word in the dictionary. I just created it. Thanks to all Brother Ray

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What are you trying to achieve with this topic or do's or don'ts or taboos?

As a child I was taught to use my right hand to take the sacrament. It wasn't until I was an adult that I learned it didn't matter. Never heard of the knock on wood or cross your fingers prohibition. I also have never heard that not following along with the hymn was akin to not bowing your head during prayer.

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We have Stake Conference coming up in Nov. Our Bishop reminded us to prepare a 10 minute talk. I say reminded, because this has been going on in the Stake for a while, although it is new to me.

When I first heard about the talk. I had my typical reaction. "Gulp!". then I thought about not coming to Church that day.

But. I got to thinking that I would be able to pick the topic. Something I've always wanted to do. Besides Giving a talk to a church full, is less scary, to me than teaching a lesson in High Priest Group.

Here's where you come in. I want to give my talk on the little things we ,as church members should and shouldn't do, that we don't think much about. I'm probably going to start out with taking the Sacrament with the right hand. Yes I know that we are now aloud to

use either hand. I just want to quote what one of the Prophets said about using the right hand in "Answers to Gospel Questions", and ask them to continue to use their right hand, if that's the one they always use. In other words, don't change to the left hand just because you are aloud to.

I heard somewhere, sometime in the past that we, as members of the church should not do things like cross our fingers, or knock on wood. My take on it is we would be depending on the power, or spirit of the knocked wood, or crossed finger to help us instead of Prayer. Another way to look at it is " Boy this is a tough one. I don't know if God can handle it alone. I'd better help Him out, by crossing my fingers or knocking on wood"

What I need from you good people is. I don't know where the concept of not crossing your fingers or knocking on wood came from. Can anyone tell me if it's in the scriptures

or, Perhaps from one of the Prophets or the General Authorities ?

I will also remind them the singing Hymns is a form of prayer, and if you don't, at least open the hymn book, and read along. It just like not bowing your head in silence while the opening or closing prayer is being offered. With your help, I'm sure it will be a good talk. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me, and any other "Dos and dont's

(taboos) you might know of.

I'm thinking it might sound like a lecture. When I've finished it I will put it in a forum, so

you can help me "Friendlyize" it Dont try to find that word in the dictionary. I just created it. Thanks to all Brother Ray

One taboo I might mention is the taboo of giving talks about unimportant things we should and shouldn't do to better our worship :D (I say it half seriously and half playfully)

At the risk of being offensive, I'm going to just be blunt. The second I hear someone in one of my meetings talk about how we should preferably take the Sacrament with our right hand is the second I stop paying attention to the speaker. We should be more concerned about the substance of our worship than we are about the form of our worship.

That, actually, would be a decent topic for a talk, "The substance of our worship."

Oh, and what exactly is wrong with not bowing your head for prayer? In some cultures, prayers have been performed with the speaker looking up. Does it really matter that we conform to the Primary definition of reverence when we pray?

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Here's where you come in. I want to give my talk on the little things we ,as church members should and shouldn't do, that we don't think much about. I'm probably going to start out with taking the Sacrament with the right hand. Yes I know that we are now aloud to

use either hand. I just want to quote what one of the Prophets said about using the right hand in "Answers to Gospel Questions", and ask them to continue to use their right hand, if that's the one they always use. In other words, don't change to the left hand just because you are aloud to.

Your talk is about form vs substance. The Lord looketh upon the heart, not upon the proceedure (so to speak).

For this particular example, the right hand is the oath and covenant hand. Aside from temple ordinances, it is the same hand that we use to sustain leaders, recite the scout oath, and even being sworn in as a witness in court. There is symbolism here... but don't let form and symbolism interfere with the relationship with the Savior.

You may want to talk about white shirts for priesthood service. White shirts are worn in the temple and typically cost less than shirts of color. But if a young man wants to perform his priesthood duty wearing a blue shirt with his sacrament duties, I would let him. The priesthood is not bound by the color of the shirt he wears, but by his faithfulness and worthiness. Many a young man (or even older men) have been asked not to perform their priesthood duty because of the color of their shirt... some have not been back at all.

Those are two areas I can think of right now that relate to your topic. For "knocking on wood"... remember to keep superstitions "fun" but that all blessings come from the Lord... not the fact that you 'knocked on wood'. In an extreme way, it can be a form of idol worship - if you think that knocking on wood helps you to get the blessings you want.

In prayers - saying thee, thy, thou is proper and more formal over you & yours. However, if you take someone aside and say "you're doing it wrong"... well, then I would say to take the beam out of your own eye. At least they are praying and the Lord looketh upon the heart, not just the words being used. Share the customs we have, but know that it's not as important as the person being active and participating in meetings.

In whatever subjects you think of, show what it is, what would the Savior do, and what is the worst that can happen when we try to enforce a "pharisiacal" procedure without love.

Just a couple of ideas I have for you.

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A talk/testimony isn't supposed to be your personal soap box to preach to church members about your pet peeves. Does this talk inspire people to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him? Do you think it matters to Him which hand we take the sacrament, or where our hearts and minds are when we take of the bread and water? Does He care if we playfully knock on wood, or is He content that we are prayerful in our thoughts and attitudes?

Now singing hymns with the congregation and with a spirit of prayer I can get behind. I think you'll easily find plenty of material on that, beginning with ". . .the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me . . . " You'll be hard-pressed to find citations for the rest, since they aren't a part of the Gospel. Remember in conference, one of the Elders said that Gospel principles aren't hidden. They're easy to find.

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Guest Doctrine

using the right hand is not a doctrine in the church its more of an opinion, like wearing a white shirt to church to bless the sacrament, you are asked to wear it. but it is not a Requirement.

i say stick to the doctrines like faith in jesus christ, or scriptures and personal revealtions, or the blessings of taking the sacrament.

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Oh, and what exactly is wrong with not bowing your head for prayer? In some cultures, prayers have been performed with the speaker looking up. Does it really matter that we conform to the Primary definition of reverence when we pray?

President Monson told Elder Carl Cook of the 1st Quorum of the Seventy "Its always better to look up."

Edited by applepansy
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CB, I would suggest you reconsider this talk. These little things are not of great importance.

Your leaders want members to prepare a ten minute talk "just in case" so that you learn from what you study. Talking about knocking on wood, really doesn't grow your own understanding of the gospel, increase your faith, nor increase anyone else's faith and understanding. The Jews in Jesus' day were so wrapped up in the little acts, that they not only missed the important commandments, but the Messiah himself!

One thing to consider is something Elder Holland taught me several years ago at a stake meeting. We need to learn how to set our pulpits on fire, just as earlier leaders once did. In his talk, A Teacher Come from God, he noted that if we teach powerfully with the Spirit, then our new converts will want to come back.

I just don't think you can accomplish that by speaking about the topic you have in mind. You don't have to delve into speculation to get people's attention. You do need to speak on powerful and important things regarding the core doctrines of the Church. For example, how doe living the small and simple things strengthen our testimonies of Christ? Or how do small things tie us to the atonement?

I suggest you fast and pray about the topic, and discuss it with the Lord. Let the Lord teach you and put into your heart, mind and mouth the things you should say.

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I cannot sing.

Or rather, not being mute, I can. I just sound like someone recorded a cat fight, put it in a disused refrigerator, and drug it down the highway behind a truck.

So ... I don't sing. I don't follow along though, either. I LISTEN. My face turned up, song in my heart, ears full of sound. I don't think I should have to keep my face down in shame 'following along' or pretending to (I lose all spiritual contact reading instead of listening, so I've now got the option of losing connection or lying by 'faking it') instead of giving my full and undivided attention to the hymns being sung and the spirit behind them.

It was a very simple thing : 'Listen, or follow along or join in, just do what feels right." was what I was told my first few sacrament meetings in regards to hymns. So I listen. Everyone singing has their face lifted, its not like I'm being distracting. Nor, at least I thought, being wildly inappropriate in my worship. If I'm wrong, though and most people feel as you do, I can remove myself to the lobby for sacrament.


I've also had my right arm in a sling, and can't move it (strapped to my body) for 6 weeks. According to your speech, I should abstain from taking sacrament for that time? What about the 4 months of physical therapy after that, where i looked normal, but couldnt bring my right hand to my mouth?

So too, those who've lost their arm (what with the war on, there are a lot more amputees these days) or lost use of it?

And how so those parents who've just had their right hand spit up on, "Here, Mom!"ed with something nasty -and often of mysterious origin- thwacked into an open palm, diaper leaked through upon, etc.? Even though their hand is slimy, sticky, boogey, damp with urine... They shouldn't use their clean hand? Obviously, there is sometimes time to go rewash, but kids are past masters at perfect (ly rotten) timing.


One of the things I love about this church is how kind & practical it is. People are expected to be intelligent enough to exercise their own best judgement in varying situations. People are expected to, in times of doubt, pray for their own answers.

While I suspect your intent is kindly meant, I hope you're wrong in your analysis. Otherwise, I and many others in my ward shouldn't be in the room much less taking sacrament.

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I pray they don't call on you because your idea is 100% wrong. Stop trying to mold others into the image you have of the perfect Mormon.

I'll suggest a different topic for you: 'How to stop believing you are better than others' now go prepare 10 minutes on that.

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I pray they don't call on you because your idea is 100% wrong. Stop trying to mold others into the image you have of the perfect Mormon.

I'll suggest a different topic for you: 'How to stop believing you are better than others' now go prepare 10 minutes on that.

This seems a rather harsh and uncharitable assessment. He was asking for help and feedback, not a beatdown.

But I do agree that the proposed subject matter is suboptimal and ought to be rethought.

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This seems a rather harsh and uncharitable assessment. He was asking for help and feedback, not a beatdown.

But I do agree that the proposed subject matter is suboptimal and ought to be rethought.

It may have been a bit harsh, but I would rather he hear it on a message board than from his Stake President or Bishop.

There was one time I was thinking I was better than many people and the Lord knocked that out of me by calling me to minister (teach a SS class) at a Prison in our ward boundaries. That was a very humbling experience and one I truly cherish

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently learned that there is a tradition in my new ward. Everybody is instructed to prepare a 10 minute talk for Stake Conference, and nobody knows who is going to be picked to give their talk. I'm not much on giving talks. But, I like the fact that this time I get to pick the subject. The subject I want to talk about is little known things people do, or don't do, that they should refrain from. Or that general idea. I was going to tell you all the things I intend to talk about, but that's not necessary. I'll just get to the part I need help with.

Quite a while back I was told that we are not to do things like Knock on wood, cross our fingers or throw salt over our shoulder for protection or gain. To me it makes perfect sense. Because. you are, in essence, saying This ones too tough for Heavenly Father. I'd better call on the god of the knocked wood. Or, Heavenly Father might need help on this one, I'd better call on the god of the crossed fingers What I'm needing is places where information on these things are located Which prophet, or General Authority first told us that we are not supposed to do these things. So I, hopefully, can add some quotes to my talk.

Thanks for any help Brother Ray.

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I'm sorry. I don't understand what you mean be a "Bye" week. Brother Ray

In sports, a "bye" week is a week where you don't play a team. A "bye" in a tournament means you don't have to play in a given round, and instead automatically advance to the next round.

Some Latter-day Saints don't go to stake conference, considering it a "week off". Regrettable, but that's the joke of the "bye week" crack.

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We have Stake Conference coming up in Nov. Our Bishop reminded us to prepare a 10 minute talk. I say reminded, because this has been going on in the Stake for a while, although it is new to me.

When I first heard about the talk. I had my typical reaction. "Gulp!". then I thought about not coming to Church that day.

But. I got to thinking that I would be able to pick the topic. Something I've always wanted to do. Besides Giving a talk to a church full, is less scary, to me than teaching a lesson in High Priest Group.

Here's where you come in. I want to give my talk on the little things we ,as church members should and shouldn't do, that we don't think much about. I'm probably going to start out with taking the Sacrament with the right hand. Yes I know that we are now aloud to

use either hand. I just want to quote what one of the Prophets said about using the right hand in "Answers to Gospel Questions", and ask them to continue to use their right hand, if that's the one they always use. In other words, don't change to the left hand just because you are aloud to.

I heard somewhere, sometime in the past that we, as members of the church should not do things like cross our fingers, or knock on wood. My take on it is we would be depending on the power, or spirit of the knocked wood, or crossed finger to help us instead of Prayer. Another way to look at it is " Boy this is a tough one. I don't know if God can handle it alone. I'd better help Him out, by crossing my fingers or knocking on wood"

What I need from you good people is. I don't know where the concept of not crossing your fingers or knocking on wood came from. Can anyone tell me if it's in the scriptures

or, Perhaps from one of the Prophets or the General Authorities ?

I will also remind them the singing Hymns is a form of prayer, and if you don't, at least open the hymn book, and read along. It just like not bowing your head in silence while the opening or closing prayer is being offered. With your help, I'm sure it will be a good talk. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me, and any other "Dos and dont's

(taboos) you might know of.

I'm thinking it might sound like a lecture. When I've finished it I will put it in a forum, so

you can help me "Friendlyize" it Dont try to find that word in the dictionary. I just created it. Thanks to all Brother Ray

Looks like your right I did Post this subject before.. I had completely forgotten. Wonder how many more times I will post it before conference?:confused::D

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What are you trying to achieve with this topic or do's or don'ts or taboos?

As a child I was taught to use my right hand to take the sacrament. It wasn't until I was an adult that I learned it didn't matter. Never heard of the knock on wood or cross your fingers prohibition. I also have never heard that not following along with the hymn was akin to not bowing your head during prayer.

We are told that a hymn is like a prayer Not opening the hymn book being like not bowing your head and folding your arms for a prayer, is just the way I look at it. I heard from another member, quite a while ago about not knocking on wood or crossing your fingers. Now I know that you are not going to lose your Temple recommend, or anything if you do these things. But I choose not to, because they are superstitions, and I hope others will choose not to for the same reason. Brother Ray

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