What callings have you had since joining LDS.net?


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Primary Teacher 8-9 year olds -- best calling in the Church.

Now, somehow, they called me into our bishopric. Enjoy this calling also. I have the opportunity to work with every auxiliary and also the opportunity again to get to know everybody in our ward.

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Ward choir director, home teacher, cub master & asst. webelos leader... I think that's about it.

LDS-related is the AAOP and now with the Mormon Battalion online gaming community - I'm now an "officer" in the Star Trek online fleets. I'm petitioning for the Klingon base to be renamed Middoni... for the place where King Limhi was taught after Ammon "disarmed" the men who were scattering the flocks. Very "Klingon-like"! :)

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Within various online games, there are groups you can join. This is one particular group that has groups in the major games out there. I happen to play Star Trek Online. So, when someone posted in one of the threads here about it, I joined their "fleet". Now I've stepped up to help organize "fleet events" and be a moderator there of sorts.

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Since joining the forum in May of 2008 I have served as Deacons Quorum Advisor, Scout Master, Gospel Doctrine Teacher and currently Elders Quorum President.

How bout you...?

I joined LDS.net just after you, at which time I believe I was a teachers quorum advisor / Varsity Scout adult assistant. I then was the Sunday School president for a few years, and for the last year and a half or so have been an assistant in the high priest group leadership.

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When I joined I was the Financial clerk, then the ward clerk for three years, and am now a stake auditor and counselor in the Sunday School presidency overseeing the youth classes. I was helping the ward council coordinate activities for a while until a boundary change; the new bishop has no real interest in activities and so now they just don't happen.

In the middle of all of that, I have been an assistant scoutmaster at an Episcopalian troop since before I joined the forums.

At the end of my time as the clerk I turned down a calling to be the stake scouting specialist. Between that decision and my blog, I have a feeling my church service career has come to a screeching halt. My Sunday School president will be released in the near future (he's moving) and I don't expect that I'll be offered another calling after that.

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I was a ward missionary, charged with getting the elders dinner appointments. Now I'm a visiting teacher supervisor. Thankfully, the bishopric has been good about my callings and work demands. We have tons of mothers who are at home all day and can do some of the more labor intensive callings.

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When I joined I was the Financial clerk, then the ward clerk for three years, and am now a stake auditor and counselor in the Sunday School presidency overseeing the youth classes. I was helping the ward council coordinate activities for a while until a boundary change; the new bishop has no real interest in activities and so now they just don't happen.

In the middle of all of that, I have been an assistant scoutmaster at an Episcopalian troop since before I joined the forums.

At the end of my time as the clerk I turned down a calling to be the stake scouting specialist. Between that decision and my blog, I have a feeling my church service career has come to a screeching halt. My Sunday School president will be released in the near future (he's moving) and I don't expect that I'll be offered another calling after that.

I was a Stake Auditor for three years.....it is an assignment as opposed to calling, right?

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I was a ward missionary, charged with getting the elders dinner appointments. Now I'm a visiting teacher supervisor. Thankfully, the bishopric has been good about my callings and work demands. We have tons of mothers who are at home all day and can do some of the more labor intensive callings.

It is good that we have plenty of women who arent doing much but watching tv. Stay at home moms do have a more flexible time schedule usually. I will grant you that much. :D
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We have tons of mothers who are at home all day and can do some of the more labor intensive callings.

My wife is "home" all day, and works harder than maybe anyone I know. She certainly does not have hours at a time to while away. If the television goes on at all (for her), it's not until after 8:00. Methinks many people have no realistic concept of what a stay-at-home mother does all day long, especially if she homeschools.

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My wife is "home" all day, and works harder than maybe anyone I know. She certainly does not have hours at a time to while away. If the television goes on at all (for her), it's not until after 8:00. Methinks many people have no realistic concept of what a stay-at-home mother does all day long, especially if she homeschools.

No kidding. Been there and done that! I admit I loved to go visit teaching for the breaks.

I have no callings. Been doing a bit of family history though.

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I've been here on the forums for two years now. My callings have been Relief Society Committee board member, and Primary worker. Still doing both.

Through out my life, I usually have some calling in Relief Society. That's where my heart is.

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I am certainly not surprised by your calling :) fits you well. How do you like it? Our auditor is as tough as nails!

I was a Stake Auditor for three years.....it is an assignment as opposed to calling, right?

The evolution of our stake audits is kind of recent. While I was the clerk, all of the audits on my records were performed by high councilmen. I never saw the same high councilman twice, and only once did I get audited by someone who had performed an audit before. When they arrived, I'd have to instruct them on what they were supposed to do. Essentially, I was auditing myself (which was kind of nice...but I was also that clerk that came in two weeks before the audit to go over all of the records and make sure nothing was out of order).

Just before I was released, they asked me to be an auditor, figuring that the experienced clerks were probably going to be better at it than the high councilors (we were). Now that I've audited the same units a few times, we have a pretty good routine down. In one unit, we started the audit at 11:50 and I left the building at 12:30. In our stake this year, of the twelve units that we audited, only two had exceptions, and I think those were because the bishopric hadn't reviewed the financial training lessons in the past 12 months.

So I'm not quite tough as nails, but the clerks are doing everything they're supposed to be doing, so there's no point in complaining.

Whether it's a calling or an assignment, I'm not sure. But the difference between a calling and an assignment is pretty negligible, so it's a distinction I don't care much about.

Having written all that, I'm wondering what the point of writing it all was now.

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Whether it's a calling or an assignment, I'm not sure. But the difference between a calling and an assignment is pretty negligible, so it's a distinction I don't care much about.

Yeah..me either. I wasn't set apart as an auditor and I audited 4 units twice a year and rarely did I list an exception.

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