What's the last book you read?


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The Martian. First work by the author, probably classified as "hard" SF. Near-future stuff, so it's all very believable. Actually a pretty enjoyable read, except for the filthy language that permeates the book starting with the first word. Though to clarify, by "filthy language" I mean vulgar words galore, not so much pornographic descriptions or other such crap (or which there are none).


Vulgar words are the language of shallow minds.  


I once worked with a man told me his hobby was writing Christian science-fiction novels.  I had never heard of such a genre and thought at first he was pulling my leg.  His stories would mix laser rifles and time warps with prayer, repentance, and the Eucharist.  He never found a publisher for his works, sadly.  Perhaps he'd have better luck if he added in some filthy language, which seems to be de rigueur in the book business these days.

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Rough Stone Rolling by Richard Bushman


I started reading this one, but paused to read Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I REALLY look forward to diving in, though. I can't believe how modestly it was priced for a 700 page book. I've paid more for far less content. The last good book I read was Isaiah Decoded by Avraham Gileadi. Well, besides the Book of Mormon, which I get through a few times per month. So many books, so little time. I have the first two books of The Promised Land fiction series by Woolley. Can't decide if I want to read them. Has anyone read the series who would recommend it? I have way too many books to go through this year.

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I started reading this one, but paused to read Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I REALLY look forward to diving in, though. I can't believe how modestly it was priced for a 700 page book. I've paid more for far less content. The last good book I read was Isaiah Decoded by Avraham Gileadi. Well, besides the Book of Mormon, which I get through a few times per month. So many books, so little time. I have the first two books of The Promised Land fiction series by Woolley. Can't decide if I want to read them. Has anyone read the series who would recommend it? I have way too many books to go through this year.

I have read this book....awesome book.

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Last book i read was a little book of some essays by Dr. Henry Eyring, The Faith of a Scientist, on the topic of religion and science.  Good stuff.


Before that i read The Crucible of Doubt by Terryl and Fiona Givens.  I really like it.  It's a pretty short book but dense in ideas.  Most of the ideas i was very familiar with and would agree with the authors pretty readily.  There were a few ideas that were new to me and very intriguing.  I appreciate the different perspective.  A few others i will need to give some more thought to.  I wasn't entirely convinced.

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  • 4 months later...

Just finished The Inspector Wexford mystery-"The Vault". Now have started the last Wexford mystery: "No Man's Nightingale". This was the last because the author, Ruth Rendell died in May.


Edit - I just finished 'No Man's Nightingale' today. Despite some negative brief online reviews I saw months ago, it was a good read and, for me, a satisfying end to the 'story' of a fictional character.

Edited by lonetree
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Scorch Trials


I don't know why this series is not doing it for me.


I have been really hesitant to read anymore in the series after the first one. I guess i'll have to if i want to find out if there was a point to that dumb, pointless maze.

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Last book i read was The Squire's Tale by Gerald Morris. This is the second time i've read this book, and i was much less impressed with it this time around. It's funny how you can read a book and really like it and then read it a couple years later and be all meh about it. Anyone else ever had that experience?

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I listened to Dune by Frank Herbert on Audible and I really enjoyed it. 


Oh, that’s a good idea. I read the book in my teen years but really don’t remember much about it. When I tried picking it up again a couple years back, I didn’t get very far before I decided to let it sit for a while longer. It was so dark. My hubby loves it, and I bet if I suggest getting it from audible he would be ecstatic. How was the narration?

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Oh, that’s a good idea. I read the book in my teen years but really don’t remember much about it. When I tried picking it up again a couple years back, I didn’t get very far before I decided to let it sit for a while longer. It was so dark. My hubby loves it, and I bet if I suggest getting it from audible he would be ecstatic. How was the narration?


I highly recommend this version - http://www.audible.com/pd/Sci-Fi-Fantasy/Dune-Audiobook/B002V1OF70


It's beyond a narration, as part of it is narrated and part is theatrical. It switches throughout and might be confusing but I think anyone of average intelligence can easily follow along. The narrated and theatrical elements combine together nicely to make this one of my top audio books so far. I will definitely listen to this again.  It's the Lord of the Rings of SciFi. 


I'm working my way through this one now and enjoy it so far. 



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Last book i read was The Immortal Nicholas by Glenn Beck. It was very interesting. I liked it, but i still feel like i'm in processing mode. This might be one of those books i need to read a second time to fully process.


Anyone else read any good or interesting or traditional Christmas stories yet this year?


I also recently read Letters from Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkien. It was super cute and totally delightful.

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