What’s the last movie you watched?


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Fighting With My Family.

Take note Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams... THIS is how you write a strong female lead character!  I SUPER DUPER LOVED THIS MOVIE!  And I'm not even a fan of WWE.  I love the craziness of the Knight family and how they overcome obstacles by sticking to each other.  I love the lead character Paige - who we wanted to root for in the beginning and then when she had to compete with the tall, sexy, pretty girls with her short, pasty, punk-rocker look that makes it like the pretty girls were the cast of Mean Girls but actually that was a perception from a big chip on the punk rocker looking girl's shoulder that she had to get over.  There's just soooo much more to this story with the - I'm a strong girl who can kick butt who turned out to have these giant insecurities and wasn't as strong as she thought and so she had to claw back up to REALLY being strong with the help of the people she thought were not worth her time and especially the help of her brother who was also struggling with his own problems and the help of the coach who also had his own problems...  

So okay, there are several "dead air" in this movie... when they crack some kind of joke and we're supposed to laugh but the audience don't find it funny so that 2 seconds after the quip becomes awkward dead air... but then, western comedy goes whoosh over my head a lot of times anyway so it didn't bother me much even as the other people in the theater didn't laugh either.  But I cried several times in this movie.  I just super love family movies even when the family is as dysfunctional as the Knights.  And I find it super refreshing that this latest trend of "female power" movies is finally doing justice to female power with Alita and now Paige instead of the unworthy females that we've been given with Rey and Dr. Who, etc. etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Five Feet Apart

We watched this movie because it was the only decent one showing at the right time while waiting for a flight arrival.  It was okay.  The movie is about kids with Cystic Fibrosis getting treatment at the hospital so it has that tinge of sadness in it throughout the entire thing.  But, it does have several fun moments although it's all predictable.  I say, it's worth the movie ticket and the popcorn just to get a peek of the life of people with CF.  What I didn't like about it is the teen-age quips on sex stuff.  I had my 15-year-old with me and I can hear him groan everytime they make those stupid jokes/references.


Alita Battle Angel.  Again.  I can't get enough of this movie.  Brought my nephew with me.  He liked it too, he was sitting at the edge of his seat in some scenes (motorball), curled up against the backrest in some scenes (underground fight).  It was fun seeing his reactions.  Hah hah.

Edited by anatess2
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Watched a few found footage horror films over the weekend.  The best one was called "Butterfly Kisses," which was set near where I live.  It was an unusual take on the usual found footage genre in that it was about a filmmaker who is trying to build a film using the found footage, and trying to be taken seriously by the community.  It's sort of a documentary about a filmmaker doing a found footage movie using actual found footage.  What made it fun is that it's presented to make it ambiguous on whether the paranormal phenomena in the original footage was real or faked, with the documentary filmmakers themselves being unsure.  I liked it.

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55 minutes ago, mirkwood said:


@unixknight which ones are worth my time?

Of the ones I saw this weekend?  The only one I can recommend in good conscience is Butterfly Kisses.  The only other tolerable one was called Found Footage, about a serial killer in Australia.  Interesting concept, but very weakly written.

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17 minutes ago, unixknight said:

Of the ones I saw this weekend?  The only one I can recommend in good conscience is Butterfly Kisses.  The only other tolerable one was called Found Footage, about a serial killer in Australia.  Interesting concept, but very weakly written.

Giving it a watch now.

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2 hours ago, Alemmedial said:

The avengers infinity war. It was cool I kept wanting someone to beat up thanos but they could not.😠 maybe next time.

Yeah, because Starlord is an idiot and Thor had a brain dead moment.  So yeah.  MCU now officially sucks. 😢

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It was cute.  I didn't like the girl - she seemed robotic in her role.  But it was good enough for a kids movie.  They changed the story to align with the "no circus animals in captivity" thing of today's times but it was kinda silly because they still had circus horses... 

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Unplanned.  Rated R.

The rating is interesting.  Thanos can wipe up half of the entire universe and they turn to dust infront of your very eyes and Spiderman can beg and plead not to die and end up dying anyway - PG-13.  Talking about dismembering a fetus when teen-agers can go get it done without their parents - R.

Anyway, this movie is surprisingly good (I did not expect much out of it).  I say take your teens if you like.  It's an eye-opener on what happens inside Planned Parenthood.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got around to watching A Quiet Place. It was enjoyable, but...


Seriously? How in the world did none of the governments figure out that sound is what attracks them so sound is what can destroy them???!!! The governments obviously were aware of them as the newspapers plastered headlines on the creatures and how to protect yourself. And why was everyone so isolated? I understand not wanting to live in a city full of people, but obviously, it could be done because someone is manufacturing those newspapers. And it wasn't that the creatures were in overwhelming numbers--the family had written down that there were 3 confirmed sightings near their home. I can understand why a family alone may not be able to kill these creatures--but, come on! Militaries are more than capable of finding the weakness and exploiting it!

I did enjoy the movie, but it was pretty predictable and I couldn't get past the obvious flaw. And that poor girl--she'll be scarred for life after thinking she was responsible for her brother's death and now taking on the responsibility of her father's death--she figured out about her aides and that she could have left it on to get rid of the creature. 

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This was good overall.  It had a Power Ranger-y feel to the movie but what I really liked about it is the "Family" theme set in a foster home.  I really love that part of it.  I think the demons eating people was overmuch for a PG13 movie.  It made me a bit uncomfortable.  The bad guy - I love that actor - was a cardboard character but the actor did good with the material he had.  Anyway, it's a fun flick overall.

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I saw Shazam, and left really disappointed.  Necxt, maybe tonight, is Unplanned.  We'll see how good that is.  I remember seeing an undercover video that was part of a story b one of the networks on Planned Parenthood, and to see this man bartering aborted baby parts like car parts from a junkyard is nauseating. 


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End Game

Had to watch one last MCU movie because my sons begged me to.  It was good but not good enough to get me back into the MCU.  I won't spoil the movie for you but this line was said twice in the movie:  "I'm done with doing what I'm supposed to be.  I should be what I am."  That statement has no place being uttered by a Hero, let alone a Superhero.

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4 hours ago, anatess2 said:

End Game

Had to watch one last MCU movie because my sons begged me to.  It was good but not good enough to get me back into the MCU.  I won't spoil the movie for you but this line was said twice in the movie:  "I'm done with doing what I'm supposed to be.  I should be what I am."  That statement has no place being uttered by a Hero, let alone a Superhero.

Also not too keen on that line.

I personally loved the film overall. I don't know if I'm a true fan and did not have the same emotional investment as my husband, but I do think MCU movies are generally a lot of fun and this movie followed such fun.

But yeah, that line plus a scene I'm referring to as the "hen party" bugged the snot out of me.

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10 hours ago, anatess2 said:

End Game

Had to watch one last MCU movie because my sons begged me to.  It was good but not good enough to get me back into the MCU.  I won't spoil the movie for you but this line was said twice in the movie:  "I'm done with doing what I'm supposed to be.  I should be what I am."  That statement has no place being uttered by a Hero, let alone a Superhero.

I saw that last night.  It was pretty good.

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9 hours ago, Backroads said:

Also not too keen on that line.

I personally loved the film overall. I don't know if I'm a true fan and did not have the same emotional investment as my husband, but I do think MCU movies are generally a lot of fun and this movie followed such fun.

But yeah, that line plus a scene I'm referring to as the "hen party" bugged the snot out of me.

Ugh!  Yea.  I’m fairly certain this is how it came down in Production:

Russos:  Seriously?  You want that scene in there?

Iger:  Yes.  

Russos:  Do we really have to?

Iger:  Non-negotiable.

Russos:  Fine.  But we’re adding a scene where Thanos flicks Captain Marvel like a gnat.

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