What’s the last movie you watched?


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Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation.


It was good but for some reason, it didn't resonate with me.  I keep on thinking... I'm tired of these kinds of movies where it's just super fast-paced, super impossible movies without much of a plot that it has lost its ability to put me on suspended disbelief.  Like there's this scene where the solution is to jump into a cooling system waterfall to get to the drives where profile data is stored which is underwater... and all I can think of is... okay, really?  They build this ultra "impossible to break into (yes, they said that in the movie)" underwater memory system and they didn't take into account that you can swim to it from the cooling system in under 2 minutes?  And then... he's trying to swap out chips having gone through the entire exercise of jumping through the waterfall and he gets knocked over by the spinning silo arm?  I mean, dude... peripheral awareness is high up in your list of skillsets!


Anyway, yeah... I don't know why I wasn't able to stay up there on the suspended disbelief cloud.  Maybe it was just my mood at that time.

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Pixels - fun!  It was very nostalgic for my husband and I.  My kids were laughing at the old arcade games.  I still think the best 80's arcade game movie is Wreck-it Ralph.  But it was super cool to see Iwatani get a cameo.


Fantastic Four.  Blah.  This didn't connect with me.  Doom had seemingly unstoppable powers yet Richards seemingly overpowered him without much effort.  I didn't connect with the characters - the acting was blah - but at least there's no Jessica Alba on this one.

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Saint Vincent, with Bill Murray.


It was good. But I couldn't help but notice that it was kind of another movie in the line of Bill Murray playing a disillusioned old guy, who meets up with a younger person and that restores some sort of life into him and you find out he's not all bad, has good qualities, helps the younger person in some way. Like Lost In Translation, just different setting and characters.

Edited by Magus
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Inglorious B's by Quentin Tarantino. (Not sure if there's a profanity filter for that or not, hopefully this doesn't break any rules!) My husband asked me to just watch the first scene, which got me completely hooked. I wish it had centered a little more on the villain, I would have enjoyed learning a lot more about him than we did. Definitely grossly gratuitous in its violence though. I am hopeful for the upcoming H8ful Eight that it might not be quite as bad.

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Once I Was A Beehive.


Although I'm not a girl, and have never attended girls' camp, that film now replaces The Best Two Years as my favorite LDS movie. Heartwarming. Funny. Tear-jerking. Edifying. Excellent family fare.


(By way of disclosure, a close relative co-wrote, directed, and produced the movie.) But if you think I'm simply being biased, even Bushman, author of "Rough Stone Rolling", was cited as giving the movie a glowing review, and the last review I read before going to see the movie not only said it was the best film of the summer, but also said it was the best LDS film ever made.

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