Can animals see beyond "The Veil"?


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I ask this out of my own curiosity: Do animals have a veil? And if so, why? The veil was designed to omit the pre-mortal life from us so that we'll follow Christ by faith but this doesn't apply to animals. Maybe animals really do see the spirits of our brothers and sisters, and perhaps even Christ, if He is present among us. Is there any clarification on this topic?

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In scripture, we are informed that a donkey was able to see an angel and prevent his master from being struck down by this angel, Numbers 22: 23.

I am more inclined to believe the veil covers the whole earth and all of God's creations.

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Animals in the Garden of Eden and after the Fall behaved differently. We have been taught that after the Second Coming that the lion will once again lay down with the lamb, in other words reverting back to Garden of Eden behavior. Sounds like the veil was dropped on them to me.

Still we sometimes see through the veil so I see no reason to not think animals might see through as well.

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No doctrine, just experience. I lived in a 105 year old house once with a cat.

He would regularly sit in a room and turn his head slowly like he was watching someone walk across the room. I am firmly convinced he was.

No, he was doing that to mess with you. Cats like to do things to mess with The Authorities.

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I ask this out of my own curiosity: Do animals have a veil? And if so, why? The veil was designed to omit the pre-mortal life from us so that we'll follow Christ by faith but this doesn't apply to animals. Maybe animals really do see the spirits of our brothers and sisters, and perhaps even Christ, if He is present among us. Is there any clarification on this topic?

I am inclined to think that here on earth that all creatures are living in a fallen state and that animals are also veiled from the same things that we are. However there is perhaps a caveat in that there are times when the veil is (symbolically) thin. Perhaps some animals may be more sensitive to their surroundings than we are. But I am not sure how much can be assumed by that.

It is my personal experience that when inspiration comes that it is directed towards the spirit children of G-d.

The Traveler

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I tend to be 50/50 on this, I guess.

But considering that animals are veiled like the rest of us, perhaps when they are unveiled, they will no longer have need to prey and hunt? That after all, would be their "natural man" instincts, no? Makes me then wonder if in the hereafter, if all animals will be vegetarian or simply not eat at all? Our bodies certainly won't need to be fueled that way, so I guess the slaughtering of animals and consuming their meat will also be outcast?

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There are people that are born without a veil. God can use the animals just as he does with "angels" to help us and keep charge over us. What purpose would a veil serve for animals? Only to keep their natural instincts of constant "barking" at people :D or other things. I am not sure

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