What Is Your Pet Peeve?


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Mine is the rudeness of people using cell phones. Those that come into the store I work at...can't put the phone down long enough to conduct business. They have the audacity to give me looks as if I am the one interrupting their phone calls.

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:angry: I no longer set my children up to lie to me. Instead of asking, "Did you just X?" after watching my son/daughter do X. If I already know, by asking that, it puts them in a situation where they might lie. I just call it the way it happened. "I just say you X. You know that is against the rules" then pass out the consequence.
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It pains me to see the powers that be hassle and criminalize the young skateboarders in this country, only because they can. Nevermind the crackheads sleeping in the park, get rid of those filthy stinking skaters!


Hmmm I don't see that in my area. They are building more and more outdoor skateparks all the time for them.

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People who take care of their personal grooming in Sacrament meeting. I don't know if I have really good hearing but it seems that every meeting I am in I hear people clipping their fingernails, their childrens fingernails and toenails during the meeting and mostly during the passing of the sacrament. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ben Raines

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I don't like it when people end their testimonies "in the name of thy son...." I know it is innocent enough, but that is the most sacred part of the testimony, and it is like they are saying a vein repetition.

Also, i don't like when people stand to bear a testimony and don't give their testimonies. They just talk, tell stories, read scriptures etc.

The prophets have asked us to do it a certain way. For a while, the stake pres read the first presidency message A LOT in sacrament meeting to help us. The first person to stand always immediately disobeyed. It makes it hard for the spirit to be there. The missionaries have told us that they have to be careful in our ward on fast Sundays to only bring investigators that are strong enough to hear weird things. (lol until the missionaries were taken out)

my final one is. People who camp the fast lane. Causing others to pass them on the right. The law is, get over if someone wants to go faster in that lane.

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As`a parent: Leaving the door open also wearing socks without shoes outside.

As a member of the church: Self Rightous Mormons, those who think that they are better than other members and do it in the name of righousness. :rolleyes:

As a driver: People who cut you off.

That's enough for now. :)

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As a member of the church: Self Rightous Mormons, those who think that they are better than other members and do it in the name of righousness. :rolleyes:

Big time. This is one of the biggest with Church for me. Also those who make up new rules for the things we are to do and try to force their personal rules and views on others. As a new member to the Church, that was really hard on me. Been in the Church for over 10 years now and I still struggle with this.

The Church is perfect, the members are not.

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I'm with Vanilla on people driving slow in the fast lane, get over! I'm from Texas and I never hated driving until I moved to Utah-it's awful. I've come to the conclusion that the people that won't move over have these huge egos and they get a high on making people mad because they're driving too slow! Oh, well.

My next pet peeve is when people let their dogs/cats roam through the whole neighborhood, instead of keeping them inside or on a leash.

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I also get frustrated with slow drivers in the fast lane as well as those people who speed up as you try to pass them :angry2: . Also people who go 1 or 2 kph or mph below the posted limit, but won't move over because they think they are doing a community service by not letting you speed :angry2:

Also self-centered ex-wives, but that's for another thread :angry2:

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I agree Ben.

That's what Saturday is for...getting ready for Sunday. Imagine going to a King's feast and clipping your toenails in the King's presence.

Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords...my pet peeve is how disrespectfully and common some people treat the Savior.

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Ok, confession time.

When I answered this question in my head, it went like this:

stupid people


judgmental people

freak of nature drivers

But then I thought about how judgmental and intolerant it was to have stupid people as my number one pet peeve...so I scratched it off the list. After dealing with a few "common sense" challenged people this afternoon, I am putting it back on as number one.

For the record Ben, I wouldn't say your pet peeve was judgmental at all!

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"I see stupid people...

...they're everywhere...

they walk around like everyone else...

they don't even know that they're dumb."

OH MY HECK!!! I have a co-worker that says that all the time. (Well, at least the "I see stupid people" part) Next time she says it I am going to steal your line and finish the phrase!

Good one Dr. T!!!!!!

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