Monday Quiz!


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There's no right or wrong answers so.. here's a copy/paste :]

1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)
2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?
3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?
4. What is [I]one core principle[/I] in your religion that you feel strongly about?
5. What is [I]one misconception [/I]that outsiders have about your religion?
6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)

I'm LDS.

2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

Adopted into it.

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

Not devout, not inactive, more casual as there's things I'm working on.

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

The WOW has actually grown on me quite a lot. I think there's a lot of wisdom in the advisory against certain substances that can deplete your health and your spirituality.

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?


6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

Buddhism and Hinduism, that's two, couldn't decide on one.

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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)

I'm LDS.

2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?


3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?


4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

Eternal Families.

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?


6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

I can't name just one. Here are 5: LDS, Catholicism, Wiccan, Buddhism, and the Elephant God of Hindu.

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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)


2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

First I was born into it, later I truly converted.

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

Devout, although I can't attend meetings at this time, so inactive in that sense.

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

Eternal Family

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

Our belief of becoming joint heirs with Christ.

6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

I'll pick the Abrahamic faith I know the least about, Islam. I'd love to learn more about it.

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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)

I'm Nom-Mormon

2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

Good question. I'll go with born into for $200 Alex.

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

Even tougher. TBM's would probably call me casual (because I don't necessarily tow the party line), yet I have probably put more time and effort into studying since becoming NOMish that at other times.

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

Families are important.

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

Where to begin

6. Name one religion that fascinates you.


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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)


2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?


3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

Moving from casual to devout :)

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

Plan of Salvation

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?


6. Name one religion that fascinates you.


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1. Unitarian Universalism (Pantheist subcategory)

2. Converted, I guess, but there is really no such thing as 'conversion' in Unitarian Universalism.

3. Casual, but teaches Sunday School class for middle schoolers.

4. The first principle of the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

5. That it's not a church/religion.

6. Mormonism (as an objective historical study topic)

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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)

My "own" (I named Konism)

2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

I "invented" it (more taking from many other religions and putting it together to my liking-then gave it a name)

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

I'd say devout because its mine

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

My idea of God

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

Before one finds out exactly what I believe, people expect something truly insane... then get something actually pretty simple

6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

Hinduism, LDS, name a few

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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)

Protestestant-Evangelical-Pentecostal-Assemblies of God

2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

Converted. I was baptized Lutheran, as an infant, but my family was not church-going.

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?


4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

Living life in the presence of God (sensing the prodding of the Holy Spirit should be a regular, multiple-times-daily occurance).

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

That we neglect doctrine and scripture, in favor of 'moves of the Spirit.'

6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

Most faiths that result in rigorous practice by active members (LDS, Jehovah's Witnesses, Islam, etc.)

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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

Converted August 2012. My previous religion was non-practicing Presbyterian which I was not born into either. I had attended Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Evangelical Covenant, Catholic, Non-Denominational Churches before (just to name a few).

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

I would guess the more devout side of casual. I attend weekly, my only calling is VT, and don't attend every thing due to work schedule. I also am not the best at reading my scriptures or prayer. I recently went to the Temple for my endowment.

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

Plan of Salvation, primarily pre-mortal existence. It is something that just made a lot of sense to me.

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

Polygamy is #1, Mormons are a cult is #2, and #3 is Mormons are NOT Christians. Those were the 3 things that came up when I mentioned to family that I was going to be baptized.

6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

Buddhism, Judaism (my fiancé's family history)

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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)


2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

converted, born into Episcopal, baptized Catholic at an early age.

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

devout? dunno. active, yes.

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

eternal families

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?


6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

Mormonism - so American, considering the Constitution as divinely inspired, etc. and yet accepted by people around the world, living in a variety of political systems. The whole sacraments for the dead thing.

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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)


2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

While born and raised, everyone of us has to find our own testimony and have our hearts converted independent of how we are raised.

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

Devout in principles and lifestyle... casual in sharing/imposing it on anyone else (aside from my own family).

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

Provident living is truly an inspired system of helping others.

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

Which one? I guess I'll go with the one that kids made up in high school... that Mormons eat their young. :)

6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

Taoism, Buddism, and Islam (the non-extremist side)

Edited by skippy740
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There's no right or wrong answers so.. here's a copy/paste :]

1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)
2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?
3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?
4. What is [I]one core principle[/I] in your religion that you feel strongly about?
5. What is [I]one misconception [/I]that outsiders have about your religion?
6. Name one religion that fascinates you.





I couldn't care less. I might end up having to care more at some future date, so I'm reveling in the apathy of not having to, at present.



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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)


2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

None - Father was Lutheran, Mother was Protestant, we could go to any church we wanted, just as long as we asked Saturday afternoon so Dad could be awake to take us. I was baptized at the age of 14

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

Devout and active

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

That Christ lives and that this is His true Church

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

That we are not Christian, that our leaders practice polygamy,that we have sex orgies in our temples

6. Name one religion that fascinates you.


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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)

Christian - Church of England

2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

Born into

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

I would like to say devout, but it would be dishonest. I think it would be somewhere between devout and casual, leaning towards casual (though I'm not happy to admit this)

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

God's love

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

I'm not aware of any general misconceptions, though certain individuals and groups will have their peculiar misconceptions about just about any other group. For example, I've met people who see all other religions as inferior versions of their own, who look at them only through their own mindset and find them wanting. (But since I sometimes do this myself to people of other beliefs I've not real cause for complaint.)

6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

LDS. I've never felt totally comfortable with Mormon beliefs but they do fascinate me nonetheless.

Edited by Jamie123
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1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

Converted from Judiasm.

3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

Definitely not casual or inactive, so I guess devout.

4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

Just one? Hard to choose.

5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

Polygamy seems to be the most common. Or the misconception that we are not Christians.

6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

Fascinated? Too strong a word.

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