A really bad day


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We all have bad days - and sometime really bad days. Last Saturday was my turn. My sweet aged mother started having seizures Friday (While recovering from recent surgery). I was notified by my sister early Saturday morning that things had gone from bad to worse and Mom was in ICU. In addition I had to serve an eviction notice for one of our tenets. He is active LDS and a good guy – but was laid off just before Christmas and has not paid any rent since the begging of the year. He has been having problems for some time and half of the rent payments for the previous 6 months prior came from the church.

I am sure the forum will manage well without me for a while – just letting all know why there will not be any posts from me and I will not be looking into the forum for a while – whatever it takes for mom. Her condition has improved slightly but it is her wish to die at her home. I with my siblings are united and determined to get her back home – but first we have to insure she is stabilized and establish comfort.

The Traveler

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Been there Traveler, on both counts actually. I eventually had to get out of the landlording business, because of having to play scrooge and kick people out of their homes. And my mother had poor and failing health for years before her eventual passing.

For the eviction stuff, just remember that old church video about the guy who stepped in to pay the debt. You, as the person owed, are not the bad guy for taking steps.

For your mother, god bless and hang in there. What happens will happen.

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A quick update - perhaps details later. My mother passed away Monday at 2:00 pm. She is now with her husband and a son the preceded her. Her last few days were very difficult and we were never able to get her stabilized in the hospital ICU to take her home. The family did come together to be with her around the clock and also to overcome some mistakes in her initial hospital entry paperwork and get her off intervention care to end her pain and suffering despite heavy sedation. We are all relieved that her suffering is over.

Thank you for your kind words and support. Later friends

The Traveler

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So sorry to hear this Traveler. Passing of our loved ones is hard and painful even with our faith Know that your mom is not suffering any longer and has united with her loved ones on the other side of the veil as we morn here,I like to think they are reuniting with loved ones and friends and celebrating. How great is it that we know families are forever!!! :) How blessed we are that Our loving Heavenly Father has it all planned out 4 us. How great the wisdom and the love!

Even thou we only know each other cause of the internet. I know that you are my brother!! I send my love and prayers to you and your loved ones.......

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Thank you all for your expressions of concern. The passing of my mother was not difficult for me. To be honest it was a relief. The hardest part for me was being with my mother during her suffering and pain the day before she died. Doing all I could to comfort her as she struggled in and out of cognition - she opened her eyes for a moment as my hand was in her's and with all her strength, called to me for help. One of the very few last words she spoke. Now, I am not sure if this was a trial for her or myself and my siblings.

She is now resting and I rejoice in her rest - yet already she is missed and still I am glad it was short.

Thanks again - I thought to just be away for a while but decided to at the offset to explain why I would not be responding for a while.

The Traveler

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