Church Cancelled


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Once again here in the Midwest where I live we have ice and sleet on the ground. Church was cancelled and the high temp today is suppose to be 18 and below zero tonight. This afternoon more snow is on the way.....they are talking 4-8 inches.

What's it like where the rest of you live ???

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Our ward gets several "strong suggestions" every winter (usually 1 or more is actually by the Stake President) about exercising caution & foregoing meetings if we do not feel comfortable with the weather conditions or do not feel we can make the trek safely.

It is very rare that church is cancelled here, though when the weather is such that major road closures are in place or are likely, they do cancel meetings simply because many of ward members would not be able to get back home without the highways & state roads.

We did have a Stake Conference one year that many members of my ward got held up at the usual place that they close the roads ... most were allowed to continued on because they had something that showed they do in fact live out here. However, the family the Missionaries had ridden with were new (less then 2 weeks in the state) & no one had anything to show they lived out here. Luckily the State Trooper manning the road block happened to be LDS & he believed their story & let them thru.

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Just remembered ... we did have meetings cancelled/let out early (like right after the Sacrament was passed) because the pump in the well had gone out & there was absolutely no water in the building.

Another time they cancelled meetings & all activities during the week because a test & a 2nd test of the well water were both positive for high amounts of e-coli & coliform.

I as well recall one week where we all took shelter in the hallways due to funnel clouds in the area.

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today 66 to 80 degress beautiful day

But we do get our ocassional hurricanes and tornados.

And Florida is lightning capitol.

I feel bad for you guys, but I guess your use to it!

I dont know if I could survive in your freezing weather conditions.....

Edited by Roseslipper
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Once again here in the Midwest where I live we have ice and sleet on the ground. Church was cancelled and the high temp today is suppose to be 18 and below zero tonight. This afternoon more snow is on the way.....they are talking 4-8 inches.

What's it like where the rest of you live ???

-20 and snowing steady. Spring weather ;)

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53 degrees, 100% precipitation, winds at 28 mph.

The winds are GUSTS- coming from the east and blowing sideways towards the ocean. The low for tonight is 50 degrees. No let up on the winds until after Wednesday. Great, the garbage & recycling bins are going to be blown all over creation!! I have mine bungee- corded to the back porch railing. I won't have enough to fill them until the following week.

I pay for weekly pickup- because they don't have once a month pickup. Go figure! At least the stray cats in the neighborhood are in hiding and not added more poo to my flower pots outside.

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I cancelled my families Church yesterday, it was sleeting when I went out to warm up the car and the whole thing was covered with a thin layer of ice with more sleet coming down. I asked DW to come to the door and we made a family decision together

No one official called to call it off, so I assume it was held but to me my families safety comes first.

Could we have made it? probably, but as hard as it was coming down my feeling was better safe than sorry, we held our own Gospel time.

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I cancelled my families Church yesterday, it was sleeting when I went out to warm up the car and the whole thing was covered with a thin layer of ice with more sleet coming down. I asked DW to come to the door and we made a family decision together

No one official called to call it off, so I assume it was held but to me my families safety comes first.

Could we have made it? probably, but as hard as it was coming down my feeling was better safe than sorry, we held our own Gospel time.

yeah we have something to fix that


and winter tires and cities having fleets of plows, but above all that, its that thing...

I donno this whole thread makes me almost laugh considering the insanity winter has thrown at me but the days for everyone goes on as normal.

Despite the amount of snow we get, a snow day was a very rare occasion, usually it was "cold day" (since where I grew up, it was not unusual to see -40C and lower, coldest I ever encountered personally was -53

And it would seem every year some news story of a building thats collapsted because of snow, year before last it was a parking garage near my house.

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