Articles on home page


Content from homepage  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you read the articles located on the homepage?

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The poll needs a few variations of 'sometimes'.


No because I consider sometimes as a yes.   Which means one does read them.  I didn't ask how frequently.

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No because I consider sometimes as a yes.   Which means one does read them.  I didn't ask how frequently.


It's not that simple and likely leads some to simply not take the poll. I do not read them. But saying "no" would also be inaccurate because I have read one or two in the past. Saying yes implies things that are not true either. So I guess my answer is: Have I ever read them? Yes. Do I read them currently? No. Will I read them in the future? Probably no.

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I voted yes because I have read a few of the articles.  Not many.  The title has to pique my interest before I will read it.  I very seldom go to the home page, so I don't usually see what's posted there.  I think, Pam, that you've posted some of the articles on Facebook, and that's how I've seen the majority of the articles that I've read.  I've only gone to the home page about two or three times since we've switched to the new format, and that was right at the beginning of the switch.

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I agree with TFP that the absolute answers lead people to not even vote...I didn't.  Neither is accurate for me.  "No" isn't truthful because I have read some.  "Yes" is imprecise because I don't read all of them, nor do I realy any of them with any regularity.  But I have read some.

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since the change i've read about 4-7 articles from the main page.... which is an infinite% increase from before thechange.


Well that makes sense since there weren't any articles before.  :)

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