Do you take advantage of the Gospel Library app?


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The Gospel Library app and tools online for Scripture study are pretty amazing. You can do a lot with them. Usually I only use the app for Sunday School and EQ. I highlight, tag, link Scriptures. Now that I see the online format, I really think I can use this in my scripture study, especially the journal entries. Right now the only journal entries I have are quotes that may be useful in SS that I want to memorize. But now as I am reading through the NT and delving into the Scriptures, it would be great to keep journal entries of what I learn on there to have.


So, does anyone here take as much advantage as you can of the Gospel Library app/website?

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Yeah, my first time at church I was amazed at how many people were on their iPad and phones. I love technology, but come on, would it kill you to bring the print one to church. Now while I take my Quad to church, I use the app for Gospel Principles and love it for that.

I'm still eh when it comes to using it for Scriptures (though if I do use it, it's when I don't have a print copy)

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I use the Gospel Library app "in church", but prefer hard-bound scriptures for personal study.  I just don't like a third party--even the Church--having custody of my notes and risking losing everything if/when the Church moves on to a new platform.  I also find that my Primary class of eleven-year-old boys focuses a little better when we all use print scriptures; though smart phones/tablets don't generally seem to be as much of a distraction to them as I would ordinarily expect.

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I use it for everything. The scriptures, LDS videos, youth stuff... The word is the word.


I do find it distracting in sacrament if someone is using their device. They could be searching the scriptures, but from what I have seen from multiple people, they are not. Kids and adults play games, update their statuses...etc.

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I use it a lot...but, what I noticed is when in class, the people that have the hard copy of scriptures are the first ones that find what the teacher is asking us to look up. Not sure if that's because this is all pretty new to everyone and trying to find which icon and which book and which whatever to tap on takes up that much more time than to just flip open the pages.


When I teach I always use hard copy.


When I read by myself, I use hard copy because I like to take notes on the sides.


When my husband and I read, we read from the Gospel Library.


I do love that no matter where I go, I have every single book, magazine, video, etc at a finger tip.

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I use it a lot...but, what I noticed is when in class, the people that have the hard copy of scriptures are the first ones that find what the teacher is asking us to look up. Not sure if that's because this is all pretty new to everyone and trying to find which icon and which book and which whatever to tap on takes up that much more time than to just flip open the pages.

I take my Quad with me and every time someone is asked to turn to the Scriptures, I try to volunteer to show that despite popular belief, paper is faster.

Though for the Gospel Principles book I use my phone.

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It was my first time in an LDS church and in a Catholic Mass, use of any technology during the Mass is highly frowned upon. I was very confused at all the iPads.


Bureaucratic frowning upon is not a reason though. My bishop did the same thing for a while. Tried to get everyone to stop using electronic devices and use physical scriptures. Then, apparently, the stake president came down and made it policy for the youth to learn how to use electronic scriptures, and the bishop did a 180 on it.


What I'm asking, though, is why would physical scriptures be better? Why should I bring physical scriptures to church? If someone prefers them, fine. No problem. But if someone prefers using electronic only, why should it be encouraged to bring and/or use paper?


I take my Quad with me and every time someone is asked to turn to the Scriptures, I try to volunteer to show that despite popular belief, paper is faster.


That may be more indicative of your skill, intelligence, and practice than proof that paper is faster.


I'm not afraid. I'll put my steam engine up against John Henry. ;)

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Honestly, I can't see how anyone could get to a spot faster in a physical copy unless they can open very very close to the correct chapter on the first open (something I could've done when I was in seminary, not any longer). I suppose if I don't already have the app open...

Actually one of the reasons I use the gospel library so heavily is the narration, I can turn it on and go about my tasks while it's reading to me. Do I absorb 100% this way? No. Do I pick up some inspiration here and there? Absolutely!

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I use Gospel Library during my daily scripture reading.  I usually read in bed, late at night, and it doesn't bother my husband. So, I actually tend to read more because I don't need the light on like I did when reading my hard copy scriptures.


I take both my hard bound scriptures and iPhone (Gospel Library) to church.  I interchangeably use them.  But, I do tend to use the hard bound scriptures more than my Gospel Library.  When teaching Primary the kids and I use the hard bound.

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