How close do you think we are to the beginning of the end?


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So I spent time today perusing another forum and came across a number of posts suggesting how close we are to destruction.  In some ways I can see that but we still have so much temple/family history work to do as well as the fact that the Gospel hasn't gotten to every 'tongue and people' yet.  So what's your take?

Also, I have a difficult time going here in my mind because it just makes me toss aside anything that won't last. I get a 'what's the point' mentality that's hard to break out of.  Any ideas on this so I can prepare without dropping everything else?  I just have a difficult time straddling 'men are that they might have joy' and 'it's not going to matter when you're home is flooded, etc'.  Thanks.

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So I spent time today perusing another forum and came across a number of posts suggesting how close we are to destruction. In some ways I can see that but we still have so much temple/family history work to do as well as the fact that the Gospel hasn't gotten to every 'tongue and people' yet. So what's your take?

There is a lot to consider here. How the gospel goes to every nation and tongue is debatable. Via the internet, people have argued that the gospel is very close to going to the whole world, if not entirely by now. So many prophecies may have been fulfilled behind the scenes. I learned on my mission that the basic facilities to make the new jerusalem minimalistically functioning can be up in 21 days.

My point is this: while much still has to happen, I am of the opinion that it could happen quickly! As far as temple work, my understanding is that it will continue into the milennium. So, I am not so sure if that needs to be 100% complete. Maybe some others on here can shed light on that.

The one that could take some is the separating of the wheat and the tares. At the same time, with how fast this world is deteriorating, it may not be too far away. My family and I were discussing this on a vacation a few weeks ago. The discussion leaned toward 10-25 years away.

I don't know. But I do know that when I got off my mission, I believed we were 200+ years away from the Second Coming. Now, I believe it's less than 35.

But, I'd be interested in what others have to say, too.

Edited by Urstadt
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There is a lot to consider here. How the gospel goes to every nation and tongue is debatable. Via the internet, people have argued that the gospel is very close to going to the whole world, if not entirely by now.


I agree about the internet --- but there are a lot of villages and remote places that don't have that yet. At least I can't picture refugee camps in hot spots all wired up.


So many prophecies may have been fulfilled behind the scenes.


True.  Thanks for the reminder.


I learned on my mission that the basic facilities to make the new jerusalem minimalistically functioning can be up in 21 days.


Interesting.  Never heard that.

My point is this: while much still has to happen, I am of the opinion that it could happen quickly! As far as temple work, my understanding is that it will continue into the milennium. So, I am not so sure if that needs to be 100% complete. Maybe some others on here can shed light on that.


I know temple work will continue.  I guess I'm thinking of all the indexing that is barely getting off the ground and is to aid in getting ordinances done.

The one that could take some is the separating of the wheat and the tares. At the same time, with how fast this world is deteriorating, it may not be too far away. My family and I were discussing this on a vacation a few weeks ago. The discussion leaned toward 10-25 years away.

I don't know. But I do know that when I got off my mission, I believed we were 200+ years away from the Second Coming. Now, I believe it's less than 35.


Agree about 10-25 in some respects but everything won't happen all at once.  Wonder if there's a timeline laid out that people can take a peek at?!

But, I'd be interested in what others have to say, too.


Thanks for your response.  See the blue.

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Well, I think the world is certainly ripening for the destructive calamaties foretold to happen shortly before the Second Coming.


The fact that Israel has been established again as a nation is a really big deal, even if it was over half a century ago. The fact that a temple has been built in Kiev, and the gospel is spreading and growing in Russia and the Slavic world is a big deal, if you consider some of the prophecies of Joseph Smith and others regarding the gathering of Israel in the last days. The fact that, at an increasing rate, good is being called evil and evil is being called good, is highly significant. The widespread disintegration of families and what a family means. The plague of pornography growing dramatically worse through the usage of the internet. The increasing inter-connectedness of the world through globalism and especially the internet and modes of travel. The dramatic increase in temple building that we have seen, beginning during the years of Gordon B. Hinckley and continuing through today. The current economic troubles of the world may also be an indication, and of course the continuing wars and rumors of wars. And, I might add, the current weakness of the USA in all of this.


So there are lots of signs and things to notice. I couldn't put a number estimate on it. Could it happen in our lifetimes? Sure. No reason why not. But there's also no reason why it wouldln't take longer, and events would just gradually play out, as they have since 1830. A temple still has to be built in Jerusalem. Maybe that's just around the corner? A number of things still need to happen....but the list is getting shorter and those things could really happen very quickly. In the grand scheme, we're certainly "at the doors," but in terms of our understanding of time....who knows. It could be any time though, and after all, for all of us - every day is "judgment day" as we work out our personal salvation in our lives. The best advice is to just be prepared, spiritually and temporally.

Edited by Magus
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I've wondered in recent years if we will even know when they are preaching. We may never hear about it. We may. But, we may not.

I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but there was also something about them keeping the largest army ever assembled out of Jerusalem using (presumably) the priesthood to control the elements to do it. That would be a little harder not to notice. I always thought that the preaching coincided with the start of the war, but I can't remember for sure, and as I said before, I'm not particularly in the mood to research it at the moment.

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I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but there was also something about them keeping the largest army ever assembled out of Jerusalem using (presumably) the priesthood to control the elements to do it. That would be a little harder not to notice. I always thought that the preaching coincided with the start of the war, but I can't remember for sure, and as I said before, I'm not particularly in the mood to research it at the moment.


I don't recall anything like that. But, no need to research it. I trust you. :) And, yeah, you are right about that being a bit harder to notice. Thank you for pointing that out.

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The beginning of the end happened with Joseph Smith and the translation of the  Book of Mormon and the restoration of the gospel.

I'd say it started when people took scripture, added to it and changed how God intended it to be.  That's just to name one.  

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I'd say it started when people took scripture, added to it and changed how God intended it to be.  That's just to name one.  


Are you referring to the Book of Mormon or to the Bible?

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I'd say it started when people took scripture, added to it and changed how God intended it to be.  That's just to name one.  

I'm fairly sure that happened at the first word penned, Like if Adam wrote something and we don't have it, that was the first time that happened to scripture, as it was leaving his.... piece of charcoal stick or whatever it was corrupted imnsho.

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