The world in which we now live...

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I have always been reluctant to listen to or take part in "end,of the world" narratives. But we have come to live n a word where political correctness will soon lead to disrupted General Conference, then it will move to disruptions in the Temple and Wards and Churches everywhere where congregations hold traditional beliefs. Wars will rage in the Middle East, until the Nation of Israel will have to act, bringing the condemnation and war of the world. Our children will soon grow up in a world where "freedom of thought and conscience" will be a crime. Where police officers (as I was before my retirement) will be hunted, along with those of faith. God help us all...add what you see coming.

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We are already seeing the very elect fall. It's heartbreaking. We have to be so diligent. . . the way is indeed strait and narrow. 


I think we're not too far from needing to pull our children from schools and educate them at home. I know many are choosing to do so already. That hasn't felt right for our family, but I think we're a generation or less away from it being more or less a necessity, the way things are going.

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It would seem that almost all discussions about the end of the world center around the end of the wicked.  But I would ask - Why is that generally seen as a "bad" thing?  Perhaps more would have less reason to fear if we understood better what will be going on among the righteous.  In the entire history of the world is there a better time to let your light so shine before men that instead of fearing that G-d should be glorified for what is taking place?


Here is a thought - is there more or less fear among those most faithful with their visiting and hometeaching families that with themselves?

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We are already seeing the very elect fall. It's heartbreaking. We have to be so diligent. . . the way is indeed strait and narrow. 


I think we're not too far from needing to pull our children from schools and educate them at home. I know many are choosing to do so already. That hasn't felt right for our family, but I think we're a generation or less away from it being more or less a necessity, the way things are going.

We have so much technology at our hands now and when used properly it's a good thing. I am just talking about church stuff. I do wonder if or how much home school material is on line.
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We have so much technology at our hands now and when used properly it's a good thing. I am just talking about church stuff. I do wonder if or how much home school material is on line.

We homeschool and for me I'd rather my kids not be engaged in school online, especially when they are younger-too many things for them to see and do in the real world


What the internet has done for homeschool is make material available.  For young kids $100-200 a year will buy all the necessary books, teacher's manual's etc. We'll see how it works out as they get older, but I really like having them home for a little bit longer just to imprint even more heavily good moral standards, decency, courtesy,etc.

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I fear about this. I've seen some amazing home schooled kids...i've also seen some pretty terribly educated home schooled kids.

I wonder if one might find the same correlation in normal schools. i.e. would the terribly educated home schooled kids still be terribly educated would the amazing home school kids still be amazing?


The point I'm driving is that parental involvement is key regardless of which route taken.  Homeschool simply liberates the child and the parent from being stuck in a one size fits all environment learning all the same social morals of their peers-they have a better opportunity to be even more amazing or an opportunity to be even more terrible. 

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My granddaughter goes to a very nice private school, with none of the political correctness extant in the public arena. The Church used to have schools other than its university program. I was particularly saddened when the school in Mexico City closed. Not only can we control what is taught to our own children, these can be great missionary tools as well.

I think the Church is really missing the boat here.

Unfortunately, my granddaughter's school is of another faith, not ours.

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I fear about this. I've seen some amazing home schooled kids...i've also seen some pretty terribly educated home schooled kids.

quite likely... to succsessfully homeschool requires quite a bit of investment and will from all of those involved. if the parents slack off or the kids slack off it's not going to work too well.

Compounding the problem how many parents in general would you think are comfortable with or think they know how to teach? This is quite daunting.

Edited by Blackmarch
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Guest LiterateParakeet

I fear about this. I've seen some amazing home schooled kids...i've also seen some pretty terribly educated home schooled kids.


Fear not, the same could be said about public school.  ;)

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Speaking from someone who works in public education...


The best thing you can do as a parent concerned about the fate of society is truly scrutinize who is teaching your child and what is being taught. I'm not going to needlessly defend public education as I see much good in homeschooling.

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quite likely... to succsessfully homeschool requires quite a bit of investment and will from all of those involved. if the parents slack off or the kids slack off it's not going to work too well.

Compounding the problem how many parents in general would you think are comfortable with or think they know how to teach? This is quite daunting.

The traditional thinking about home schooling is that the parents teach so much so that they fear they're not good enough in math/science/language/etc. to be able to teach a child. From my experiences in Montessori, I found that the teacher is merely the facilitator. The kids learn from every available resource accessible to them. It is almost like Sunday School, really. The teacher doesn't really teach you much of anything you don't already know - he just facilitates discussion so people can learn from each other.

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Well I'm liberal in numerous ways and far less traditional or conventional. That said, I am toying with the idea of home schooling again, but just don't know how practical it will be in long term due to my personality. I might do it for awhile and then enroll her into private school or do both. I dunno.

As for the end coming and things hitting the fan. I think there's always been a doomsday mentality, even generations ago, my parents when they were young (they're in their 70's) talked about the new and growing evils.

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Evil is like a tree. It's always growing, and it grows for a long time and over generations. I think what is different from our time and times past is that we're starting to see the institutionalization of evil, and the public at large is losing its sense of morality and replacing it with a false sense of morality.


Anyway - more and more, I'm just trying to keep my head down and my eyes closed. It's not the kind of world I want to live in, so I just try to live in my own.

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Yes, I see it all coming.  And I have for at least 40 years.

Good has become evil and evil has become good. 

It was said that public school is the place where children go to be educated by other children.  Thus they receive a lowest common denominator of culture.

That certainly seems to be true today.

And the common culture of this country has sunk to an all time low.

Forthunately there are different areas with a different culture.  I'm now seeking a new area.


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