Favorite (nonLDS) Music


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The story is that the famous Irish poet Thomas Moore, returning from war, found his wife Bessy locked away in her room, unwilling to see him. Bessy was an actress by trade, and had contracted smallpox. Though she had survived, her face was scarred, and she was humiliated and believed herself unlovable. Moore is supposed to have written her a poem and sung it to her through the closed door, using a well-known Irish melody.


Believe me, if all those endearing young charms

That I gaze on so fondly today

Were to change by tomorrow, and fleet in my arms,

Like fairy-gifts, fading away,

Thou wouldst still be ador'd as this moment thou art,

Let thy loveliness fade as it will,

And around the dear ruin, each wish of my heart

Would entwine itself verdantly still.


It is not while beauty and youth are thine own

And thy cheeks unprofan'd by a tear

That the fervor and faith of a soul can be known

To which time will but make thee more dear.

Oh, the heart that has truly lov'd never forgets,

But as truly loves on to the close

As the sunflower turns to her god when he sets

The same look which she turn'd when he rose.


However true this story may or may not be, I choose to believe it because I think it's beautiful. (Though it furthers another pet peeve of mine, which is that a woman's worth is judged largely on how pretty she is -- but that is another matter.) Here is a performance worth hearing.



Here is a pretty violin version (no lyrics) by Jenny Oaks Baker, who is pretty well-known in Mormon circles.



Many of you, like me, will know this tune by its use in the famous Loonie Tunes "xylophone gag", as shown here.


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I like all music except for Country music ....... I would rather watch paint dry then listen to Country music.


I have heard some hip-hop that I like, but not much. Pretty much a non-starter for me. Though I have never really liked country music as a genre, I have always liked artists like Glenn Campbell and Johnny Cash. A year or two ago I discovered Taylor Swift -- the woman is a genius. A lot of her music is, uh, let's say, not designed to appeal to a middle-aged man, so I'm not quite rushing out to buy all her albums. But she has some catchy tunes, a talent for interesting melodies, and an ear for musical hooks.

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However true this story may or may not be, I choose to believe it because I think it's beautiful. (Though it furthers another pet peeve of mine, which is that a woman's worth is judged largely on how pretty she is -- but that is another matter.)


I've always liked this passage from Roald Dahl's The Twits:


“If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it.

A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

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The only LDS music I could name would be The Osmonds .... which brings me to a slight dilemma that has hung over my head for some time. My wife is a terrific fan of Donny and Marie - they were her "rock" through many difficult times in her early life, and she has always dreamed of meeting them. She's hinted that it would be wonderful to meet them on (or near) her 50th birthday, which is a little over 3 years away. So quite how I'm going to pull this off I don't know... With everything my wife has been through she deserves this, but it's not like I can just ask them round for tea and expect them to come. (If they went to tea with everyone who wanted them to go to tea with them, they would never do anything but go to tea with people.) Maybe they'd send a signed picture or something... at some point soon(ish) I need to bite the bullet and start searching for their addresses.

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I can only listen to that kind of music live in some pub or party.  For some reason, just sitting in concert or listening to a recording just makes the song blah regardless of how crazily awesome the vocalizations are.


I enjoy all kinds of music - including some rap songs and country music.  I love country ballads and my favorite is "What Hurts the Most" by Rascal Flatts.  Maybe you'll like this one Pale.


But I have to say, the rock ballads are just my faves.  Even the cheesy ones like this one from Mr. Big:

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I can only listen to that kind of music live in some pub or party.  For some reason, just sitting in concert or listening to a recording just makes the song blah regardless of how crazily awesome the vocalizations are.


I enjoy all kinds of music - including some rap songs and country music.  I love country ballads and my favorite is "What Hurts the Most" by Rascal Flatts.  Maybe you'll like this one Pale.


But I have to say, the rock ballads are just my faves.  Even the cheesy ones like this one from Mr. Big:


Ha! I met the lead singer of Mr Big when I was a flight attendant. Someone had stolen his Nintendo so he approached me and I filled out a report. We got to talking and I remember being a little disappointed that he was not a huge fan of Rush.  When the flight landed he actually sought me out to say goodbye. Super nice, realistic guy though.

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Ha! I met the lead singer of Mr Big when I was a flight attendant. Someone had stolen his Nintendo so he approached me and I filled out a report. We got to talking and I remember being a little disappointed that he was not a huge fan of Rush.  When the flight landed he actually sought me out to say goodbye. Super nice, realistic guy though.


Sweet!  We should start a thread... famous people you've met in person..


Went to a Mr. Big concert (that's as close as I got to him)... he sucks live.  LOL!

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Sweet!  We should start a thread... famous people you've met in person..


Went to a Mr. Big concert (that's as close as I got to him)... he sucks live.  LOL!



My wife is a huge fan of U2 and went to their concert and hated it, I guess Bono was drunk or something. She still likes them but has no desire to ever see them live. 


I listen to all kinds of music and have a real love for Traditional Irish music as I used to play the Irish Flute at some pubs around Seattle for a while. 


I've been really enjoying Post-Rock recently. It's basically long drawn out building instrumentals, but I find it inspiring.




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The only LDS music I could name would be The Osmonds .... which brings me to a slight dilemma that has hung over my head for some time. My wife is a terrific fan of Donny and Marie - they were her "rock" through many difficult times in her early life, and she has always dreamed of meeting them. She's hinted that it would be wonderful to meet them on (or near) her 50th birthday, which is a little over 3 years away. So quite how I'm going to pull this off I don't know... With everything my wife has been through she deserves this, but it's not like I can just ask them round for tea and expect them to come. (If they went to tea with everyone who wanted them to go to tea with them, they would never do anything but go to tea with people.) Maybe they'd send a signed picture or something... at some point soon(ish) I need to bite the bullet and start searching for their addresses.


Step 2: Go to Provo around her birthday.


Not sure what Steps 1 or 3 are. I wonder if you could simply write to the Osmonds and tell them what you told us. I don't know the Osmonds, of course, but from what I hear they are very nice people. They might just go out to lunch with you and your wife if you're in Provo.

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I used to listen to a lot of punk. I have toned it down but still do enjoy me some MXPX and Mr T Experience. 


In the last 5-6 years I have been into some folk with the Avette Brothers. My all time favorite music is from the Faded Paper Figures (check there early albums out) and Regina Spektor (check her later albums out). 

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I used to listen to a lot of punk. I have toned it down but still do enjoy me some MXPX and Mr T Experience. 


In the last 5-6 years I have been into some folk with the Avette Brothers. My all time favorite music is from the Faded Paper Figures (check there early albums out) and Regina Spektor (check her later albums out). 


Just looked up Faded Paper Figures on Spotify and really liked the cover of the Smiths Hand in Glove. 


They remind me of Chvrches then other times remind me of The Shins or Death Cab for Cutie or The New Pornographers. Good stuff!

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Just looked up Faded Paper Figures on Spotify and really liked the cover of the Smiths Hand in Glove. 


They remind me of Chvrches then other times remind me of The Shins or Death Cab for Cutie or The New Pornographers. Good stuff!


Definitely remind me of Death Cab for Cutie, with a more video game vibe to the tunes. I will have to check out the others you mentioned. I have heard the Shins and I like them.  I think I have heard of Chvrches but will have to see. 

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Bands like Cake, The Rolling Stones, The Ramones because sometimes I have to nurture my inner rebel. 


Most hip hop is awful but there are some artist out there that are good like Mos Def, Atmosphere, Talib Kweli.


Also why so much hate for country? lol George Straight, Johnny Cash, Randy Travis, Dwight Yoakam are all my favs.  I have also really gotten into this blue grass band Old Crowe Medicine Show.


Also outside of David Archuleta(If that is considered LDS) I don't really know any LDS music.  So maybe I should start a thread saying "tell me about good LDS music" lol.  I really like David Archuleta, that was the only season of American Idol I watched all the way through so I kinda have a special connection with him lol 

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I enjoy most genres except current country music. The old stuff is great, Johnny Cash, Randy Travis, etc. as someone here has already said. 


The three artists that are currently in my iTunes library that produce consistently clean but also high-quality music, and who are not already quite well-known (I think) are Loreena McKennitt, First Aid Kit, and Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors. 


This is one of my favorites from Loreena McKennitt:




Disclaimer: the video is kind of strange. All her videos are, she's a slightly odd woman but she has heaps of talent. Also check out her songs The Highwayman, The Mummer's Dance, and the Lady of Shallot. And her christmas album is quite wonderful too. 

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