Muslim/Mormon Relationship


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Hello, I'm fairly new to the forums. And I've come for some advice on a situation. But first some background info:

I've been a member for about 6 years, inactive for about the 2nd to 5th years. And I've actually made a lot of progress on returning. I'm 19, and in December I'm actually leaving on my mission.

I currently live in the middle east, and have found myself in am interesting scenario. I have fallen for a Muslim girl, very sweet and kind. I didn't plan on it, but it just happened. Now that I've received my mission call, I've tried to slow down, and distance myself from the relationship. My father has been against it the whole time, and thinks we've completely stopped talking.

However, we talk for a little bit each night. And for the past week, I've had this same dream, over and over and over again;

First, I'm in church, but instead of helping during sacrament, I'm sitting with her in the congregation. Then it kind of jumps around and I see her getting baptized. But I'm not there. Its kinda like I'm there, but I'm not.

Next, we're sitting together in church again. And she looks at me, and says "Thank you for supporting me." And that's the only words I hear the entire time.

The past two or three weeks, I've really been trying to think what I should do. I understand what her converting would mean for her, but at the same time, so many times I felt prompted to share the gospel with her.

Can anyone offer some advice? Or maybe just some encouraging?

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Dreams are just dreams. It is wise not to read too much into one unless you've in fact felt taught a lesson you can apply elsewhere. If I tried to interpret my dreams, I'd be totally whack (no comments from the peanut gallery).


I've spent some time in the Middle East. I'm sure you are aware of what conversion would do to her and her family relationships. She would have to give up everything to join the Church or to marry you.


Depending on the country, you can go to jail for discussing religion. The Church told me, in no uncertain terms, to NEVER offer out a Book of Mormon. Yes, you can convert, but it will be by example. The best example you can give is to be faithful. Serving your mission will do that.


My advice. Love her for who she is. Love and respect her faith. Love and respect your faith. She will draw closer to you and will join you in your faith, so long as you are honorable. Attempts at open conversion will cause her, and you, a lot of pain.


I love the tenets of Islam and being where the people live so faithfully. I feel the same when in Asia and surrounded by Buddist. They are peaceful loving religions and we can grow closer to Heavenly Father when respecting them.

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A famous quote: "Your girlfriend will not wait for you.  But your wife will."

This means that if she was really meant to be your wife, she'll be there waiting for you after your mission.  If not, then she was not meant to be your wife.


It may be that you will convert her through your example by being faithful enough to serve a mission.


Pres. Monson's recent address made if very clear that we are to focus on one thing:  Keep the commandments.


My 2 cents.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Congratulations on your mission call.

I agree with NeuroTypical that where you live could make a huge difference in the advice we give.

About your dream....I think you should pray about it. Ask Heavenly Father if the dreams are from Him. They may be. Heavenly Father sometimes uses dreams to talk to His children. Only you -through revelation can know if this is the case now.If it is from the Lord, He will likely give you more understanding of the purpose of the dream when you pray about it. For example you said in part of the dream you were there but not there....that could represent your mission and writing letters i.e. there but not there. :)

The dream could also be some kind of message from your subconscious. Those kinds of dreams are worth paying attention to as well. My best way to interpret those is through asking myself many questions about the dream.

Some dreams are just random bits of nonsense, but in my experience reoccurring dreams always merit our attention and have important meaning whether from the Lord or our subconscious. So I think you should take the dreams seriously. Pray about them, ponder them.

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Sorry if I miss anyone in my reply, just in case.

First, the country is Qatar, and the hard part is simply just that I'm scared to death to even talk to her about my dream, because I don't want to make her feel pressured or anything. I completely understand what being with me can do to her relationship with her family. To my best knowledge her mom knows about us, but I'm not sure about her dad.

Believe me, I have prayed and asked for help understanding this circumstance. I'm scared. I love her. Not just for who she is, but because she hasn't once expressed any doubt about me. When we first started talking my dad, for obvious reasons, understandable reasons, was against it. When I felt like giving up she remained as firm as possible.

I've expressed to her that while I'm gone our communication will be very limited. Her response; as long as we have the communication she is happy.

If theres anything else you would like to know, fire away. I came here for your 2 cents ;) the least i can do is be open about mine

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Guest LiterateParakeet

You said you prayed about "this circumstance" but did you ask specifically about the dream?  Sometimes we need to be very specific in our prayers to receive counsel from the Holy Ghost. 


From what we know so far, I think you should go on your mission, and write letters to her, and trust the Lord that He will take care of the rest.  

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The first time I had the dream, I didn't think much of it. Then I had it again. So I was certainly puzzled, to say. So I prayed, I asked for guidance and understanding. After that I kept having it. Some nights I would wake up multiple times during the night.

I definitely intend to go on my mission. No doubt there. I've been working very hard to prepare for it and can't wait! :D

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Guest LiterateParakeet

That sounds like a dream you should take very seriously.  One possibility is that the Lord is sending it to you as a comfort.  But perhaps He wants you to do something.  Maybe ask Him that?  


Congrats again on your mission.  I have two sons on missions right now, and my husband and I both served missions.  It is a great experience.  So excited for you!

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I expect that the knowledge, skills, faith and experience that you gain from your mission will help you better handle this situation when you return. I've sometimes thought that having a girlfriend while on a mission is like having extra baggage at the airport - its nice to have those things in the extra baggage, but there can be a price for carrying it around.

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Hello there,


I think that if you want to be seriously involved in a relationship with her you should discuss the faith topic with her.

Will she be willing to convert to your religion or will you be willing to convert to hers ?

If you have no intention in living your faith nor does she, it is just simply the end of the relationship and not wasting your time and have broken hearts.

Especially since you are going to serve in a mission. Isn't it forbidden while serving in a mission to be involved in a relationship, especially with someone outside of your faith ?

Living in the Middle East is definately dangerous for you and for her... there are honor killings and you can also be in a dangerous position if you try to even bring the subject of her conversion to your faith.


Maybe you should just go on with your mission and stay focus and when you finish and go back to your family, see what has happened about her (but I doubt she'd ever convert while still living in Qatar) or simply try to meet a girl your own faith.


By the way, I really don't see how islam is a religion of peace !

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The fact she is Indonesian and not from Qatar does matter, but I would approach things cautiously. Qatar is far more harsh in the punishment of the disobedient and I would be concerned that public pressure on her family would override the more tolerant background of coming from Indonesia. You can tell she has concerns. You should honor that.

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Guest MormonGator

I've always thought that Muslims and Mormons should understand each other quite well. We both have books of scripture that we're given to us by the Almighty and our religions were both founded by prophets. 

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Return to your home country. Find a nice Mormon girl and marry her.


There are so many problems with your scenario, and while the feelings might be strong now they will fade and you need to build your relationship on something solid.


1. If you marry a non-LDS girl it will be harder to raise your children as members of the Church.

2. You can never have a temple marriage, which means you will not attain your exaltation and become a god in the next life. You will not create worlds, you won't have a continuation of the seed and you won't be united as an eternal family unit. 

3. If she converts it will probably lead to her ostracisation. Depending on the country, it might even lead to her imprisonment. 

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Lehi didn't have an issue interpreting his dream.

Remember in the time of Joseph of Eqypt, prophetic dreams were common, but people didn't always understand them. Joseph helped a few that we know of, probably more. One might say that was then. It's true that the Lord doesn't seem to use dreams as much any more, but that doesn't mean He never does. Remember also the Joel prophesied that in the last days there would be dreams and visions.

Certainly not all dreams deserve attention and analysis, but I believe some do.

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Hello, I'm fairly new to the forums. And I've come for some advice on a situation. But first some background info:

I've been a member for about 6 years, inactive for about the 2nd to 5th years. And I've actually made a lot of progress on returning. I'm 19, and in December I'm actually leaving on my mission.

I currently live in the middle east, and have found myself in am interesting scenario. I have fallen for a Muslim girl, very sweet and kind. I didn't plan on it, but it just happened. Now that I've received my mission call, I've tried to slow down, and distance myself from the relationship. My father has been against it the whole time, and thinks we've completely stopped talking.

However, we talk for a little bit each night. And for the past week, I've had this same dream, over and over and over again;

First, I'm in church, but instead of helping during sacrament, I'm sitting with her in the congregation. Then it kind of jumps around and I see her getting baptized. But I'm not there. Its kinda like I'm there, but I'm not.

Next, we're sitting together in church again. And she looks at me, and says "Thank you for supporting me." And that's the only words I hear the entire time.

The past two or three weeks, I've really been trying to think what I should do. I understand what her converting would mean for her, but at the same time, so many times I felt prompted to share the gospel with her.

Can anyone offer some advice? Or maybe just some encouraging?

put Christ first, always, and trust him- do your mission, stay worthy of the priesthood, etc... If you are prompted to share the gospel then do so.

If your dream is what is ahead of you then it will only come to pass if you are being righteous, once you get back get serious with God about it- prayer, fasting, etc... if not it will pass as a stupor of thought.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I believe your dream to be a simple dream of lust.

You are young and looking for a mate. 

For some reason you have fixated on this girl and pursuing the relationship could be the worst thing you ever do.

In your dream, is she alive or dead?

She may be dead and thanking you for supporting her, to the grave.

When some of the posters here talk about honor killings, they are not joking.  Even here in the USA they carry those out.

How many girl friends have you had?  I suspect this is the first one.

She is exotic, something different, something unusual.  All that can easily stimulate a young man's lust.

But it would be a serious mistake to pursue it.

There are far better criteria to use to select an eternal mate.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Muslims often confront the possibility that they will be killed if they leave Islam.  Further if she is in Qatar, she may have limited rights to be in the country.   If you love her, you will not make her life harder.  And she is likely too young to be considered appropriate to be making these decisions on her own (arranged marriages being far more likely in her culture).


If she moves on her own to a stable country with free religious worship and free speech, THEN sharing the Gospel might be appropriate.

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