The price of ignoring the WoW


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Yesterday morning, my wife (lovely thoughtful lady that she is) brought me a nice big cup of coffee to me in bed. I put it on my bedside table. However I had failed to notice two things: (I) My beloved iPhone 5s was on the bookshelf above the nightstand, and (ii) about half of said iPhone 5s was projecting over the edge of said shelf.


I think you can guess what's coming...


I removed iPhone 5s from cup, dried it and turned it off. Later I tried turning it on again but it wouldn't work. I tried plugging it into charger but still no joy. I looked up online what to do - it suggested putting it in uncooked rice to absorb the moisture. But when I came home yesterday the thing was still as dead as a doornail.


You'd think that Apple - with all their advanced technology - would make an iPhone that is waterproof. This sort of thing easily happens, and the things cost about £200 to replace or repair. What a life! :angry:


Prophecy or not, there seems to be something to be said for WoW!

Edited by Jamie123
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:D That sounds a lot like the statement made by the main character in the movie "Mobsters and Mormons".  It is about a mobster that gets put in witness protection and stays in Utah for a while.  Hilarity ensues.  In the end the bad guys find him because he drinks a special gourmet coffee and are able to track him down. 


He eventually says, "Coffee almost got me killed.  Maybe there's something to this whole Mormon health code thing." :D

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That happened to me too.  Except, the phone fell out of my pocket into the toilet... with pee in it.  Rice didn't work either, so I took it to the Genius Bar and they gave me a brand new phone.  Yeay for the cloud.

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That happened to me too.  Except, the phone fell out of my pocket into the toilet... with pee in it.  Rice didn't work either, so I took it to the Genius Bar and they gave me a brand new phone.  Yeay for the cloud.


Hahah! Glorious... That must have been fun!

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Hahah! Glorious... That must have been fun!


Oh yes.  You wouldn't survive it, Bini.  I had to reach into the yellow water to retrieve the phone... You'd be like - forget the phone!  Flush!

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Oh yes.  You wouldn't survive it, Bini.  I had to reach into the yellow water to retrieve the phone... You'd be like - forget the phone!  Flush!


If it was someone else's pee... yeh forget it! But if it's my own or my kiddos, been there and done that, it's not fun but ya gotta do what you gotta do!

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After changing a few thousand diapers, you become inured to bodily waste (especially urine). It's gross, but whatever.


I beg to differ.  I've changed literally a few thousand diapers.  And I still get grossed out.  It is because of something deep into  my childhood.  <<So, tell me, How vaz your relazionzhip viz your Muzzah?>>

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