What would you do? (semi-serious question)


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Scenario:  World War is upon us, and you know this. You are standing in front of a fallout underground storage living area (not sure of their real name). You are in front of the door with your Spouse. It is just the two of you, no one else to worry about. You're in your 40-50's, kids are raised and gone. You see off in the far distance a nuclear bomb mushroom going up. (Please don't correct me on all the details of blast radius, vaporizing too fast, etc;)).

So, what would you do:

Option 1: Rush in and enter the shelter, to spend the next 2-3 years underground in 150 sqft., and then come out to a world of who knows what??

Option 2: Not enter the shelter. Stand there instead. Get "vaporized" and simple proceed on the path to the spirit world??

So maybe, not the most scientific scenario, but the main idea of what I'm looking for: Fight or Death?

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Option 1. We're commanded to present our lives as a living sacrifice. If God provides a way to escape death, we generally have the duty to embrace that. To die may be gain, but the Apostle Paul reminds us that to live is Christ.

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Well, I'll be in my 50s before my kids are grown.  Don't currently have a wife, and if it's my ex, I'd rather take my chances with the bomb.

Now if I'm being issued a good looking, sane wife for the experiment, I'm sure we can keep ourselves busy for a while in the shelter.

Edited by NightSG
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9 minutes ago, prisonchaplain said:

Guilty as charged. I recently did a teaching on how Christians face death and suicide. So...yeah, sorry for the lack of emoticons.  :-/

:( Somebody needs some happy thoughts sent his way!  Try reading the Revelation of St. John... No, wait, that's not the one....  Ummm.... Try Luke 2, that oughta cheer you up! :)

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What would I do?  I'm level 60 on Fallout 4 right now for pete's sake.  Been reading apocalyptic end-of-world fiction and watching movies since the '80's.  I've read over 2 million words of fanfiction written in the fallout 4 universe.

I wrote a top-10 list for responses to "Oh, if something bad happens, I'll just come to your house!".  I know what a faraday cage is for.  I store water.  My family has bug out bags for leaving our house, and get home bags for getting home to our house.   Every general conference we rotate the perishables in our emergency kits.   I've stood at the chapel's podium in my ward and taught this stuff to people.

Anyone don't want their shelter?  I'll take it!  Always good to have a backup bugout location!

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Thank you everyone for your thoughts thus far, both the funny and the serious. One step further please...

What if you knew you had some form of major cancer (bomb mushroom headed your way), it was here (the war).
You knew that there was the option of survival (fallout shelter) by paying some super expensive procedures & medicines. You knew that you had zero financial resources to pay for any part of it. 

Option 1: Ask you adult kid for financial help, knowing it would most likely financially ruin him/her?

Option 2. Say nothing to anyone about your cancer and quietly succumb to it and pass away, leaving your kid none the wiser.

P.S. No other option is available. Is it suicide choosing Option 2??

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15 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

P.S. No other option is available. Is it suicide choosing Option 2??


11 minutes ago, zil said:

In this universe, there has to be an option for prayers and miracles.

Nice try Zil, but for now, nope;)

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7 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

What would I do?  I'm level 60 on Fallout 4 right now for pete's sake.  Been reading apocalyptic end-of-world fiction and watching movies since the '80's.  I've read over 2 million words of fanfiction written in the fallout 4 universe.

I wrote a top-10 list for responses to "Oh, if something bad happens, I'll just come to your house!".  I know what a faraday cage is for.  I store water.  My family has bug out bags for leaving our house, and get home bags for getting home to our house.   Every general conference we rotate the perishables in our emergency kits.   I've stood at the chapel's podium in my ward and taught this stuff to people.

Anyone don't want their shelter?  I'll take it!  Always good to have a backup bugout location!

Okay NT, there is a movie out right now just for you... 10 Cloverfield Lane. Sounds like it would be right up your alley. I just got suckered into seeing it this past weekend. It was, hum... di-ff-er-ent.

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46 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

Option 1: Ask you adult kid for financial help, knowing it would most likely financially ruin him/her?

Option 2. Say nothing to anyone about your cancer and quietly succumb to it and pass away, leaving your kid none the wiser.

P.S. No other option is available. Is it suicide choosing Option 2??

First and foremost, suicide is actively hastening your death.  Choosing to not treat something with medicine is different.  No, option #2 isn't suicide.  Having terminal cancer and running out into traffic in order to avoid medical bills - that's suicide.  

My dad picked option 2.  He argued down the doctor from pills and chemo, to just eating lots of tomatoes.  He was adamant that he be able to cover his own funeral expenses, plus leave some to his children and grandchildren.  Adamant that he deal with death on his terms, not on some doctor's.  Child of the depression - he understood debt in ways we don't any more - it was his major life's goal.  So he died.

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  • If I'm 50s/60s I'll burden my kid, hoping we are in a state with generous bankruptcy laws, so she can recover.
  • If I'm 80s/90s I'll live out my days the best I can. No, it's not suicide.
  • If I'm in my 70s I'll fast and pray, seeking God's wisdom.
  • Come to think of it, I'd fast and pray in all those situations--though I'd still lean as stated above.
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6 hours ago, zil said:

How many books are in the shelter?  Cuz if there are enough books, I'm goin' in! :) No books? I think I'll give up now.

PC is taking this waaaay too seriously. :P

Do you wear glasses? A certain Twilight Zone episode comes to mind.

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5 hours ago, NightSG said:

Well, I'll be in my 50s before my kids are grown.  Don't currently have a wife, and if it's my ex, I'd rather take my chances with the bomb.

Now if I'm being issued a good looking, sane wife for the experiment, I'm sure we can keep ourselves busy for a while in the shelter.

Good-looking and sane? Have you never heard of the Crazy Hot Matrix?

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9 minutes ago, Backroads said:

a) I can read without my glasses :D - it's things far away I can't see

b) Seriously? - they've got all the food he would need (and it won't spoil, right), and all those books, and they don't have spare glasses lying around? :rolleyes:

(Did I mention that of all my body parts, I think my eyes are in the best shape? I must do a thousand eye-rolls a day...) :P

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10 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

Scenario:  World War is upon us, and you know this. You are standing in front of a fallout underground storage living area (not sure of their real name). You are in front of the door with your Spouse. It is just the two of you, no one else to worry about. You're in your 40-50's, kids are raised and gone. You see off in the far distance a nuclear bomb mushroom going up. (Please don't correct me on all the details of blast radius, vaporizing too fast, etc;)).

So, what would you do:

Option 1: Rush in and enter the shelter, to spend the next 2-3 years underground in 150 sqft., and then come out to a world of who knows what??

Option 2: Not enter the shelter. Stand there instead. Get "vaporized" and simple proceed on the path to the spirit world??

So maybe, not the most scientific scenario, but the main idea of what I'm looking for: Fight or Death?

I like Option 3 better.  Let me quote from Elder Bruce R. McConkie.


Truly, there is power in the priesthood—power to do all things!

If the world itself was created by the power of the priesthood, surely that same power can move mountains and control the elements.

If one-third of the hosts of heaven were cast down to earth by the power of the priesthood, surely that same power can put at defiance the armies of nations or stay the fall of atomic bombs.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie, The Doctrine of the Priesthood, Conference Report, Apr 1982, Pg. 50

I have no doubt in my mind that it will be through the above method and only this method that we will survive the coming war.

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Some counsel from The Church Handbook of Instruction,




Prolonging Life

When severe illness strikes, members should exercise faith in the Lord and seek competent medical assistance. However, when dying becomes inevitable, it should be seen as a blessing and a purposeful part of eternal existence. Members should not feel obligated to extend mortal life by means that are unreasonable. These judgments are best made by family members after receiving wise and competent medical advice and seeking divine guidance through fasting and prayer.


This sounds like a good opportunity for a family council.

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The simple question: would you protect yourself or just die?  I think anyone but the most hardcore nihilist would instinctively want to protect themselves.  Not much of a choice.

To give a thoughtful answer, I'd have to have more details.  If it looked so dreadful that there was not going to be any humanity left after 2 years, I don't think I'd bother going in to the shelter.

But just because I see a mushroom cloud is not much of an indication.  How far was it? How many?  Do I know this will be the last one?  Or are there other missiles to follow that will wipe out all life as we know it?...

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