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Dr T

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I feel most at home during FHE when all the kids get along and the discussion goes for at least an hour like the one this evening. Andy was talking about how he should be preparing for his mission and what his sibling thought he should be doing. After they got past the snide and trivial (they are teenagers after all) the advice and plan turned out to be quite good.

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I feel most at home when...

...I have a house full of people over for dinner, and there is no room left at the dining table, so they are sitting on beanbags or at the counter in the kitchen, with music and noise and mess. My house would not be home if it wasn't in a complete state of chaos!

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I feel most at home when I have paid my Church tithes, paid my bills, stocked my pantry, cleaned my house, done my laundry, filled my gas tank, helped complete all homework assignments, taken care of business calls/mail, emptied the garbage, fed the pets, etc. Then do I feel most blessed in Prayer where I feel most at home. (all the above are either daily or weekly.....I'm not a workaholic)

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I feel most at home whenever I visit La Grande, Oregon. Though I have not lived there since I was a child, my parents and grandparents grew up and lived there. Though my grandparents are gone, I can drive by their homes and drive through the city and feel their spirit. I feel like I am at home whenever I visit there. It's hard to describe actually.

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Hooooome is so great! I'm such a homebody. I don't travel much without the family, but a few times a year I have to go on a two or three day business trip. I just got back from a trip to Chicago last night around midnight. Husband's there on the computer, son's in the bed... just like they were when I left. Gave my son a kiss, tucked him in a little better, rubbed his hair. But to answer the question...

I feel most at home when I'm in my comfy, comfy bed with my husband by my side (or even if he's watching TV like he does until SO late at night), and knowing that my son is safe, comfy, and sound asleep.

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