Thoughts on gay scene in Beauty and the Beast


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I'm right wing, I among my wife and kids, grown/otherwise have annual passes and am not going to stop enjoying all things "The Mouse" over a small percentage of miscreants. The mouse rocks. I don't know ANYTHING about the remake of Beauty and the Beast. I'll reserve judgement until I know further.  I'm just not going to fall apart about it. 

As far as being forced to accept homosexuality, I don't accept it, I don't keep them as friends, I don't know any, I don't care to know any, I don't want to hurt them either. It's not up to me to fix what's broken with them, it's the place of the lord my God to deal with them as he chooses.  As Forest Gump would say "And that's all I have to say about that". 


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2 hours ago, Godless said:

You know, it just occurred to me that this topic really doesn't need its own thread. It would have been an entirely appropriate addition to this one.

I do think there's a difference between college kids, nominally adults, who can't handle something so elementary as the free flow of contrary ideas in a "university"; versus parents concerned about a (possible) deliberate attempt to undermine the moral instruction those parents are passing on to their kids.

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Guest Godless
11 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

I do think there's a difference between college kids, nominally adults, who can't handle something so elementary as the free flow of contrary ideas in a "university"; versus parents concerned about a (possible) deliberate attempt to undermine the moral instruction those parents are passing on to their kids.

Learning how to handle contrary views isn't something that should be reserved for adulthood. By all means, teach your morals to your children, but also teach them that there are people out there who don't share your morals. As I said earlier, you can't erase the LGBT community from our society. Whether you agree with them morally or not, there's nothing wrong with teaching your kids that they're out there and that they're otherwise normal, productice members of our society and nothing to be afraid of or intimidated by. That's an important step to stopping the tide of hate that comes with blind ignorance.

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, Godless said:

Learning how to handle contrary views isn't something that should be reserved for adulthood. By all means, teach your morals to your children, but also teach them that there are people out there who don't share your morals. As I said earlier, you can't erase the LGBT community from our society. Whether you agree with them morally or not, there's nothing wrong with teaching your kids that they're out there and that they're otherwise normal, productice members of our society and nothing to be afraid of or intimidated by. That's an important step to stopping the tide of hate that comes with blind ignorance.

I agree totally, and it goes both ways. The gay community would do well to understand that the religious community isn't their enemy. After all, the gay community won. Gay marriage is legal, it's becoming more accepted even by people who were once against it. It's time for both sides to stop fighting the battle. 

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I believe the people creating the live action Beauty and the Beast confirmed that the character is Gay and there is a scene specifically celebrating that fact.  This is why some are boycotting the movie.  I see the movie as partly targeting children.  Just like I would not allow them to see a movie that I thought was pushing people having premarital or extramarital relationships, I'm not going to allow them to see this movie when it is released based upon what I've heard of it.  I MIGHT go preview it, and if the scene is not inappropriate, then I may allow them to see it, but until I know what is in the movie, they probably will not see it.

This is not unusual as I do this for other movies (in fact, my older kids did not see Revenge of the Sith when if first came out for a similar reason...except it was due to graphic violence rather than anything related to the law of chastity difficulties, and though I've let them see it mostly, it is only when we are in the room and can edit certain portions of the movie).  Does that make me hardline...maybe.

I do not view being homosexual as a sin.  I view homosexual ACTS as sins, just like any other sin against the law of chastity.  I think there IS an agenda by some out there to try to have it normalized in society.  There are very clear reasons for some to do this, and much of it is VERY VERY anti-Christ.

There's a LOT I could say on the entire homosexual agenda as well as homosexuality itself.  I'll try to be somewhat brief and abridge myself.  I am uncertain whether homosexuality is genetic, one is born with it, or not.  There is evidence in my family that there is homosexuality that is prominent in my father's side.  It is a curse I hope never comes to any of my children.  I was raised by some individuals, one that was a closet homosexual, and one that was openly about it.  While I am not going to expose the one in the closet, I will speak about the one that was not.  My cousin was quite a bit older than I, and was one of those who was in charge of me when I spent summers at my Grandmother's house.

He was gay.  He did not want to be gay.  He went through a LOT of horrible things in his attempt to stop being gay.  He did electro-shock treatment (this is pretty much a torture to an individual), rehab and treatment facilities (just like a drug addict or otherwise), therapy, and anything he could to try to change his SSA.  It did not work.  It never worked.

He remained alone and died alone.  Just because you are homosexual does NOT mean you cannot keep the law of chastity (He was not LDS, he did smoke and drink coffee).  Just because you are heterosexual does NOT mean you cannot keep the law of chastity either (and if you view the world today, this is probably just as big a problem in movies and our culture).  In some ways his story is extremely sad, but in others, you could see it as a triumph (afterall, he helped raise 10 kids at various points).

I saw homosexual culture to a degree, but not as much from him, but other activities.  The other one who was gay got married, and also partly raised me.  One of the activities they felt was important was culture and art, and as part of that, I was one of the few that was in Ballet classes from very young until I was older and decided Ballet was NOT for me.  With my training, and the rarity of it at the time, it is very possible if I had wanted to, I could have gone pro.  In Ballet when you get older, at least when I was there, there is a LOT of homosexuals in the semi-pro and professional scene, at least for men.  Back then it was more of a hidden culture, now I'd say it is more forward.

That is NOT my lifestyle, and that is not one I would choose to expose my children to.  Both of those men chose various ways to deal with their lives.  One chose to get married, and also obeyed the law of Chastity.  His love for children (not in a perverted sense, in the way any Mormon or other Christian would want children) was one driving motivation for him to participate in a heterosexual relationship.  The story isn't a fairy tale though, and the end is not as happy as many might hope.  He remained married, but life was spent more or less apart doing their own separate things when they were old.

I feel they have a right to be who they want in the US, but I'd also say there IS an agenda some of them have.  I'm not going to go into detail, but overall it's an effort to make what used to be seen as a sin as good, and what is good...evil.  To me, those who push the normalization of homosexuality are probably those who are seeking to destroy Christianity and any who believe in the traditional aspects (the commandments in the Bible, etc) of Christianity.  Even those who claim Christianity many times, if they are pushing the normalization of homosexuality, are pushing the love everyone idea while ignoring that there are things that we should do if we love the Lord.  These people do NOT have our best interests in mind.

Not every person with SSA is like this.  In fact, a majority just want to live and let live with equal rights.  The thing is, for a vast majority of them, if they do not make their lives centered around that idea, and point it out, no one would realize who was homosexual or who was heterosexual for the most part.  In many ways it's the extremists who are pushing a lot of what I would see as an agenda, and including things like homosexual relationships in children's films is part of that agenda.  IF it is rather blatant in the film, I would also say it is inappropriate, and for that reason, would not want my children to be influenced by it anymore than I would by any of the other ideas that permeate the world that say sinning or fighting against the Lord's commandments are commendable things or ideas.

Ironically, there was always speculation by some in that community that a certain character in the original animated Beauty and the Beast was Gay.  This was due to his fascination of Gaston.  The people today say that including this character as Gay and the scene is a tribute to the composers (who I believe one was gay and died later on while working on other Disney movies) who made the original Beauty and the Beast animated movie.  This may be so, but even if that character is or is not Gay in the original animated Beauty and the Beast, it is not something that is explicitly stated in the movie and not something that is clear, nor is it something people can definitively state one way or the other. 

AS I said, I may see the film to see if it has anything objectionable for children.  It is not an outright boycott of mine, but due to the material mentioned, I am not going to simply let my children go and watch it like I might the animated movie.

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4 hours ago, Godless said:

Learning how to handle contrary views isn't something that should be reserved for adulthood. By all means, teach your morals to your children, but also teach them that there are people out there who don't share your morals. As I said earlier, you can't erase the LGBT community from our society. Whether you agree with them morally or not, there's nothing wrong with teaching your kids that they're out there and that they're otherwise normal, productice members of our society and nothing to be afraid of or intimidated by. That's an important step to stopping the tide of hate that comes with blind ignorance.

To me, acceptance of contrary views isn't the only mature means for handling them. They can also be rationally challenged at home as well as in the public marketplace of ideas (like what is happening on this thread)--including factually noting that homosexual behavior is degrading and unhealthy and something about which to be very concerned.  (see Destructive Compassion)

Were we talking simply about what people may decide to do privately in their own private lives and bedrooms, then it is fine to take a "to each their own" and "nothing to fear or be intimidated" attitude. However, when it is thrust publicly in our faces and efforts are undertaken to drastically change our culture for the worse, particularly through force of government, then more drastic (in-kind) measures are warranted. We are not bound by the selective and self-serving constraints of so-called political correctness.

In this case, a kiss isn't just a kiss. It is highly symbolic of disturbing and harmful things, against which there is a moral obligation to stand.

Thanks, -Wade Englund-

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I ponder this, and I ponder some of the posts in this thread, and I am reminded of Isiah 5:20 " Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

Also, I 2 Timothy 3 - 7: 

3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.


The politically correct and "evolved" mind amongst us are neither. They simply attempt to poison the well. 


ETA change pesky typo

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6 hours ago, Godless said:

Learning how to handle contrary views isn't something that should be reserved for adulthood. By all means, teach your morals to your children, but also teach them that there are people out there who don't share your morals. As I said earlier, you can't erase the LGBT community from our society. Whether you agree with them morally or not, there's nothing wrong with teaching your kids that they're out there and that they're otherwise normal, productice members of our society and nothing to be afraid of or intimidated by. That's an important step to stopping the tide of hate that comes with blind ignorance.

So we'd be okay with a fade-out that instead of showing LaFou gayly dancing with another man, showed him gaily attired in Klansman's robes?  After all racists, too, are out there and they are otherwise normal, productive members of society and nothing to be afraid of or intimidated by.

Of course not!

I think that in principle, we probably agree that a) even in a pluralistic society there are some things that kids of certain ages aren't ready to be exposed to; b) parents should retain ultimate authority to make those sorts of decisions on behalf of their minor children; and c) parents should be gearing their children's upbringing overall towards an ability to respectfully disagree while holding fast to one's own principles.    What we really disagree about, are which types of behavior are morally wrong and which ideas and practices parents should be inculcating/protecting their children against.

The trouble with bludgeoning our opponents with the virtues of living in an ideologically diverse society is that ... in our heart of hearts ... we don't really want to live in an ideologically diverse society.

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14 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

So we'd be okay with a fade-out that instead of showing LaFou gayly dancing with another man, showed him gaily attired in Klansman's robes?  After all racists, too, are out there and they are otherwise normal, productive members of society and nothing to be afraid of or intimidated by.

Of course not!

I think that in principle, we probably agree that a) even in a pluralistic society there are some things that kids of certain ages aren't ready to be exposed to; b) parents should retain ultimate authority to make those sorts of decisions on behalf of their minor children; and c) parents should be gearing their children's upbringing overall towards an ability to respectfully disagree while holding fast to one's own principles.    What we really disagree about, are which types of behavior are morally wrong and which ideas and practices parents should be inculcating/protecting their children against.


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1 hour ago, skalenfehl said:

Gay scene? What? Don't people understand that love should only be between a woman and a giant horned animal?!?

I have thought that Belle might have a rough time for a while transferring her feelings for the Beast over to the Prince after the transformation. But after reading this post, I guess she shouldn't even try; just accept that her love is dead and go on with her life without him.

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1 hour ago, SilentOne said:

I have thought that Belle might have a rough time for a while transferring her feelings for the Beast over to the Prince after the transformation. But after reading this post, I guess she shouldn't even try; just accept that her love is dead and go on with her life without him.

Haha, good point. Buuut, we'll let it slide just this one time because, after all, he turns out to be a prince, and very handsome, and rich, and everything a girl covets who lives a provincial life. I suppose "there really is something there that wasn't there before." Just not Mr. and Mrs. Buffalo. :P

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17 hours ago, skalenfehl said:

Gay scene? What? Don't people understand that love should only be between a woman and a giant horned animal?!?

It's a funny comment. But I've seen serious ones on facebook implying that there shouldn't be a problem with the gay thing because there's a greater problem of bestiality in the film. Typical leftist thinking. ;)

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1 hour ago, The Folk Prophet said:

It's a funny comment. But I've seen serious ones on facebook implying that there shouldn't be a problem with the gay thing because there's a greater problem of bestiality in the film. Typical leftist thinking. ;)

Did I mention Stockholm Syndrome? Anyway, the arguments are all silly. People arguing in favor of their version of worldliness. I mean, look at The Little Mermaid. Always envying, coveting and wanting to be "part of that world." Never mind. I'm outta here. 

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On 3/11/2017 at 9:24 AM, The Folk Prophet said:

It's a funny comment. But I've seen serious ones on facebook implying that there shouldn't be a problem with the gay thing because there's a greater problem of bestiality in the film. Typical leftist thinking. ;)

The thing is, apologists for bestiality didn't trumpet the release of the film as a boon for their cause.  Apologists for gay sex, trumpet the film as precisely that.

They can't laud the significance of Disney's approving acknowledgment of gay relationships in one moment, and then dismiss the film's pop-cultural impact as negligible in the next moment.  The positions are mutually contradictory.  Either they were just plain stupid when they proclaimed the film as a "step forward", or they're just plain lying to us now.

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Guest MormonGator
6 minutes ago, Rob Osborn said:

I teach my children that homosexuality is a gross sin. I believe parents have a profound influence on them developing the correct gender attributes and attractions. I am completely boycotting the film. Hope Disney burns.

And in other news, Rob Osborn has joined the gay-lesbian LDS alliance to promote tolerance and understanding. 

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Guest MormonGator
10 minutes ago, Rob Osborn said:

Thanks. I appreciate your kindness and understanding. Its hard to find allies. Again, much thanks.

Very welcome. I'm so compassionate and understanding that I amaze myself sometimes. I'm humble and good looking too. 

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On 3/11/2017 at 9:24 AM, The Folk Prophet said:

It's a funny comment. But I've seen serious ones on facebook implying that there shouldn't be a problem with the gay thing because there's a greater problem of bestiality in the film. Typical leftist thinking. ;)


1) thats not even funny

2) it doesn't even come close to that. the stockholm argument is more reasonable but still falls short of being as dire or as heavy or as accurate in consequences as the SSA issue...

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