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On 7/6/2017 at 1:01 PM, MormonGator said:

So few people smoke cigarettes anymore that I'm sure they'll go away shortly. Cigarettes are sort of a thing of the past. 

I work on a smoke free campus. That's supposed to include outside of doorways and at bus stops around campus. I regularly use a particular entrance for one building and the smokers are lined up near the top of the driveway into the building (they can't get too close). I can only hope they are not doctors and nurses. I don't think smoking is a thing of the past; it's just hidden. I also lived in Seattle for years and all the tourist literature said what a healthy town it was. Actually, I saw more people smoking there than I did in cesspits like DC and Philly. 

My stepfather died from lung cancer. Of course we asked him to quit over the years, but nope. My mother says she is down to 3 cigarettes a day. Big deal. What do you want, a medal?

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Guest MormonGator
12 minutes ago, dahlia said:

I work on a smoke free campus. That's supposed to include outside of doorways and at bus stops around campus. I regularly use a particular entrance for one building and the smokers are lined up near the top of the driveway into the building (they can't get too close). I can only hope they are not doctors and nurses. I don't think smoking is a thing of the past; it's just hidden. I also lived in Seattle for years and all the tourist literature said what a healthy town it was. Actually, I saw more people smoking there than I did in cesspits like DC and Philly. 

My stepfather died from lung cancer. Of course we asked him to quit over the years, but nope. My mother says she is down to 3 cigarettes a day. Big deal. What do you want, a medal?

I get what you are saying @dahlia but smoking rates are declining. In a generation or so, it'll be over.
:: evil laugh:: I just posted from NPR and the Huffington Post. Take THAT @Vort

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On 7/5/2017 at 7:43 PM, Ironhold said:

Starbucks? Land of hipsters and $5-a-shot coffee-flavored mop water? 

If word got out that anyone saw me in a place like that it'd be dismissed outright as false. 

Is this where I ask how do you know what Starbucks coffee tastes like? :D  

Even though I am not in Utah, my ward is filled with Utahans because they come here from BYU to go to grad and med school. So, I'm always trying to figure out if what they do is Mormon culture gone crazy or proper Mormon behavior.  I bought an expensive liquor for my son the other Christmas because that's what he wanted. I don't have an issue getting 1 bottle of something for a gift, but probably wouldn't want to be seen with a shopping cart full of cases of beer (which was in front of me the other week). 

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1 hour ago, dahlia said:

Is this where I ask how do you know what Starbucks coffee tastes like? :D  

Even though I am not in Utah, my ward is filled with Utahans because they come here from BYU to go to grad and med school. So, I'm always trying to figure out if what they do is Mormon culture gone crazy or proper Mormon behavior.  I bought an expensive liquor for my son the other Christmas because that's what he wanted. I don't have an issue getting 1 bottle of something for a gift, but probably wouldn't want to be seen with a shopping cart full of cases of beer (which was in front of me the other week). 

Same here.  If it's what my non-LDS friend wants and really appreciates, I'll get him one as well.  They are not under convents to not partake.  

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I'd probably never go to somewhere like Starbucks, known for their coffee. Dunkin Donuts is different because of the name "Donuts" they are known for the donuts that they sell. I like to avoid the appearance of evil, not necessarily for what my other LDS friends might think to judge me, but what non-LDS or newer members might think about the example I am setting. A friend of mine who is a very recent member had a big misunderstanding recently when she saw returned missionaries on facebook posing in shorts and skirts that went above the knee, or other members that she knows who have been to the temple wearing tank tops or other things that showed the shoulders liberally. She's never been to the temple but her daughter has and she impressed upon my friend the sacredness of garments, not even willing to extrapolate too much on them to her own mother until she had been herself. So my friend didn't feel like going to the temple was worth her time if it was something that only some people are held to a certain standard about. Of course we shouldn't make judgements but we have to understand that it is a natural thing to do and we have to be aware of others who are watching us, looking for answers. I watched my brother, who was the only strong member in our immediate family, and my grandparents and aunt and uncle for the longest time, looking at how happy they were and what they were doing differently. Others may be watching to gauge whether the plunge to investigating is even worth it if those with the "happy families" in the church truly are different or if they're just faking and just as corrupt as everyone else. We can explain the nuances of "Everybody needs Christ's Atonement" once they're here but those examples we set will stay with people, especially when we no longer represent just ourselves but take on the name of Christ and represent Him.

I would never serve anything in my home that I would not serve Christ if He came to visit. Just assuming the WoW is stuff He has advised me not to do to help me become closer to Him, I assume that He would not ask for any of that stuff. I do not view myself separate from non-members just because I have made covenants and they have not. The goal of this life is for everyone to make those covenants to feel the Spirit touch their lives and return to our Heavenly Father. I would not take the mindset, "Oh, it's ok if you sin or do something that draws you further from God but not for me, because I'm special and have made special promises." I would want to encourage the Spirit to be able to touch them if they ever came to my home or spent time with me and I can't do that if they are partaking in things that will hinder that Spirit being able to enter. I am a member missionary all the time and always, especially in my own home serving guests. If they cannot drink anything other than wine or beer or coffee to feel comfortable, then they probably need the gospel most of all in their lives because that's quite a crutch to just normal healthy human mind, let alone their spirit.

Also, no matter what other people's status of covenant is, it is seen as an endorsement by me to buy someone else or provide someone else with things that go against my standards. I'm basically saying, "Yeah, that's ok" which does break my covenant, in my opinion.

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/6/2017 at 10:01 PM, NeuroTypical said:

Jews don't recognize Christ as the Messiah.

Protestants don't recognize the Pope as the successor of Peter.

Mormons don't recognize each other at Starbucks on Sunday.

Oddly, some Jews DO recognize Christ as the Messiah.  I thought it very odd and wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't dated a girl who was of this "sect".

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Guest MormonGator
7 hours ago, curan said:

Growing up my family kept a six pack of beer in the refrigerator for friends that enjoyed a beer. 

 I do the same thing, along with some champagne and a bottle of scotch for friends who visit.  

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The SLC airport smoking rooms were phased out last year, and are now gone

There is a Starbucks in the Marriott downtown, that is next to the Gallivan center. The Gallivan center is a popular spot in the winter, to go ice skating, and the Starbucks in the Mariott is a popular place where the skaters buy hot chocolate. It’s packed full of kids and teens buying hot chocolate.  I’d wager they sell more hot chocolate than coffee on winter weekends. I’ve bought hot chocolate for kids there, myself  

There’s no way to know what is in a Starbucks cup by looking at it.  It’s a huge assumption to think it is always coffee and kind of weird to worry about what other people are drinking! ??


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Guest MormonGator
7 hours ago, Blueskye2 said:

 It’s a huge assumption to think it is always coffee and kind of weird to worry about what other people are drinking! ??


It's weird-though it's also human nature. Humans are nosey and like pestering others about their choices. 

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7 hours ago, Blueskye2 said:

The SLC airport smoking rooms were phased out last year, and are now gone

There is a Starbucks in the Marriott downtown, that is next to the Gallivan center. The Gallivan center is a popular spot in the winter, to go ice skating, and the Starbucks in the Mariott is a popular place where the skaters buy hot chocolate. It’s packed full of kids and teens buying hot chocolate.  I’d wager they sell more hot chocolate than coffee on winter weekends. I’ve bought hot chocolate for kids there, myself  

There’s no way to know what is in a Starbucks cup by looking at it.  It’s a huge assumption to think it is always coffee and kind of weird to worry about what other people are drinking! ??


I’ve gotten hot chocolate at Starbucks before, and—blech.  I think McDonalds serves better hot chocolate.

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14 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

It's weird-though it's also human nature.

Not so weird - Starbucks market themselves strongly as a coffee joint.  They don't market themselves as a "various hot beverages" joint, nor as a cafe.  They want their name to equal coffee - to the point that the word "coffee" triggers a knee-jerk thought of "Starbucks".  (Just not to quite the extent that "Kleenex" means "facial tissue" - but almost.)

Yeah, sure fine, folks will occasionally be wrong about what's in the cup (and stupid enough to waste time on the thought), but that's at least in part because Starbucks work hard to ensure they are.  And, perhaps, because as @Just_A_Guy said, everyone reports that Starbucks beverages are expensive yuck, so addiction is about the only thing that can explain their continued existence.

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Guest MormonGator
2 minutes ago, zil said:

 so addiction is about the only thing that can explain their continued existence.

Actually, there are other explanations-eltiism is one. Some people who shop at Starbucks do so only to show everyone else they can afford 6$ a day on coffee while the same cup of DD coffee will run you about 2.50. Another one is trying to appear trendy. I know of people who don't like lattes/espressos/expensive coffee but drink it because it's cool. So there are other reasons than "addiction".   



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Just now, MormonGator said:

Actually, there are other explanations-eltiism is one. Some people who shop at Starbucks do so only to show everyone else they can afford 6$ a day on coffee while the same cup of DD coffee will run you about 2.50. Another one is trying to appear trendy. I know of people who don't like lattes/espressos/expensive coffee but drink it because it's cool. So there are other reasons than "addiction".  

Meh - they're addicted to "trendy" and "showy". ;)

McDonalds was like that when I was in Moscow - it was the hip place to be - all the wealthiest mafia types ate there.  (Ditto Pizza Hut - but you had to be even wealthier to eat there.)

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Guest MormonGator
8 minutes ago, zil said:

Meh - they're addicted to "trendy" and "showy". ;)


How else can you explain people buying organic peanut butter for 15$ while Jiffy you can get for 5$? 

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13 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

My workplace give me free hot chocolate packets, and free hot water!   I even got a free mug for helping with some project.  Oh, and free wooden stirrers too. 

One of my fantasies in law school was that when I hung out my shingle, hot chocolate would flow freely in my office.

Never quite worked out that way.  I envy you. ;)

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Huh.  We get free hot chocolate (already made up in a machine) - never tried it.  Free coffee too, but whatever.  Not sure if the tea is free.  Free raspberry-flavored whatever-it-is, too.  But you have to pay for it if you want soda or food.  There is no Postum, free or otherwise. :rolleyes:

(NOTE: The definition of "free" in this scenario is actually a lie.  Money that otherwise would have gone elsewhere, like into your paycheck, is used to pay for these things.  Offer cannot be exchanged for cash.  Not valid in New Jersey.  Hot chocolate is known by the state of California to cause cancer.  Removal of tag (if any) punishable by $500 fine and up to 3 weeks in purgatory.)

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6 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

My workplace give me free hot chocolate packets, and free hot water!   I even got a free mug for helping with some project.  Oh, and free wooden stirrers too. 

Same here, but the official coffee maker at my work doesn’t make coffee. She makes some kind of awful crap that is not drinkable. However!  If I add one of those free packets of hot chocolate to the cup of bad coffee, then it is better. Or!  I can just make the 5 minute drive to the Sev. 

People who don’t drink coffee, do all kinds of weird things when they do make coffee. And my works seems to always assign the coffee making duties to someone who has never made coffee in their life. 

I.e. Keeping the day old coffee in the caraf and brewing poorly measured and low grade grinds into the day old coffee.....there ought to be laws against that sort of thing. 

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