Wife said she never loved me...ouch

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Guest MormonGator
8 minutes ago, Dillon said:

I am guessing the therapist that suggested divorce had a conversation or 2 with the wife alone and probably discovered many things the husband does not know. That is why I discredited the Postpartum and think it may just be a wife that is not in love and has realized a relationship takes some love to be intimate and not just plenty of money in the bank.

Gotta say it. Your opinion of women is a little troubling. Not gonna lie. I've really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt (in fact, I've bent over backwards doing so), but...

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1 hour ago, Dillon said:

I know women get depressed when they realize they have kids screaming whatever, and they have a name for it.  I am trying to be honest with the guy,  I think your wife is being honest.  Lets give it time and see who is right. I do hope its not me.

PPD is MUCH more than "women get depressed when they realize they have kids screaming whatever".  Such attitude is completely  disregarding a very real struggle @mormondad and his wife are going through.  That is not honest at all.  Read up on the truth of PPD: http://www.webmd.com/depression/postpartum-depression/default.htm

@Dillon, you mentioned in another post you have a hard time getting close to people on account of a tragic event you experienced earlier in life, and that you are working on it.  You'll need time to work through your psychological hardships, and I hope the people in your life are filled with charity and patience as you walk on your journey and come to a point where you are ready for a respectful relationship.  Let's likewise have charity and patience with @mormondad  and his wife as they work through this psychological hardship.

Edited by Jane_Doe
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2 hours ago, Dillon said:

Maybe I didnt type my response clear,    postpartum depression has NOTHING to do with the fact that this woman does not love this man.


I'll give you a PPD case.  My case.  The way it manifested was that I believed that my husband was going to kill my child.  So I did everything I could to save my child from my husband including trying to kick him out of my house.  Now, what's interesting about this case is I also went through pre-partum where while I was pregnant everything about my husband made me mad.  I got mad because the hair on his legs are rough on my skin.  So, I didn't want him sleeping in the same bed.  I got mad when he watched football.  I got mad when he's in the house.  I got mad when he's out of the house.  Now, I have 2 kids - 2 difficult pregnancies... That's a long time for my husband to have put up with it.  But he did.  And I'm forever and forever and forever grateful that he saw me beyond my PPD.

So yes, you need some education on it, my man.  Are you married?


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20 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Gotta say it. Your opinion of women is a little troubling. Not gonna lie. I've really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt (in fact, I've bent over backwards doing so), but...

 LOL, I am losing another brother,  all in the name of "we cannot call a woman anything other than sweet, pure, and innocent." 

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1 hour ago, Dillon said:

 LOL, I am losing another brother,  all in the name of "we cannot call a woman anything other than sweet, pure, and innocent." 

No one said that at all.  In fact, @anatess2 vividly described how she was an irrational terror-- because of a medical condition, not because she wanted to be.

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2 minutes ago, Dillon said:

 LOL, I am losing another brother,  all in the name of "we cannot call a woman anything other than sweet, pure, and innocent." 

No Dillon.  You're losing another brother because the way you talk about women is like they're all evil money-hungry leaches that are out to get you.

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Guest MormonGator
Just now, Dillon said:

Why is it the divorce rate has sky rocketed and it is known that women today are the lead instigators in divorce, yet we still cannot blame women for it, or anything else for that matter, out loud?

You need to stop blaming "them" and start treating people like individuals. No more stereotyping. A man who stereotypes all women like how you do is just as bad as a woman who stereotypes all men as cheaters. 

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1 minute ago, Dillon said:

Why is it the divorce rate has sky rocketed and it is known that women today are the lead instigators in divorce, yet we still cannot blame women for it, or anything else for that matter, out loud?

Because this is a false statistic.  Men are just as culpable as women in the breakdown of the family unit.  Stop projecting.

Just so you know, I'm a Mens' Rights Activist.  And even I think you're full of crap.

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1 hour ago, Dillon said:

Why is it the divorce rate has sky rocketed and it is known that women today are the lead instigators in divorce, yet we still cannot blame women for it, or anything else for that matter, out loud?

No one here said anything about women being perfect.  Quite the opposite actually.  

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3 minutes ago, Dillon said:

Why is it the divorce rate has sky rocketed and it is known that women today are the lead instigators in divorce, yet we still cannot blame women for it, or anything else for that matter, out loud?

We are not talking about "women".  We are talking about woman--and a man, and their children.  Your opinion on their particular scenario has now been offered; and if you want to pursue your vendetta against all women--this isn't the place.

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3 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

You need to stop blaming "them" and start treating people like individuals. No more stereotyping. A man who stereotypes all women like how you do is just as bad as a woman who stereotypes all men as cheaters. 

I thought it was rapists.  All men are rapists or would-be rapists.

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Ok I get the points made. and good points.  I promise if I were talking to you instead of typing none of what i am saying would sound near as harsh. I have been around alot of females and although I have learned through experience, you would be surprised to know that a lot of my "take" on women I learned from other women.  Yes, other women taught me how other women are.

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1 minute ago, Dillon said:

Ok I get the points made. and good points.  I promise if I were talking to you instead of typing none of what i am saying would sound near as harsh. I have been around alot of females and although I have learned through experience, you would be surprised to know that a lot of my "take" on women I learned from other women.  Yes, other women taught me how other women are.

2 possibilities:

1.)  You need to find better women friends.

2.)  You need to better understand what your women friends are saying.

I still have a suspicion this is projection.  Who hurt you?

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Guest MormonGator
2 minutes ago, Dillon said:

Ok I get the points made. and good points.  I promise if I were talking to you instead of typing none of what i am saying would sound near as harsh. I have been around alot of females and although I have learned through experience, you would be surprised to know that a lot of my "take" on women I learned from other women.  Yes, other women taught me how other women are.

I seriously hope you find peace my brother. You are in my prayers. 

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Just now, Dillon said:

Women taught me what women want, women taught me how women can be, how nasty they can be, how deceiving they can be, conniving, superficial, I could go on.  Yes ladies and gentlemen women taught me these things about women.

Where was your mother in all this?  She's one of the women who taught you all these things?

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1 hour ago, Dillon said:

Ok I get the points made. and good points.  I promise if I were talking to you instead of typing none of what i am saying would sound near as harsh. I have been around alot of females and although I have learned through experience, you would be surprised to know that a lot of my "take" on women I learned from other women.  Yes, other women taught me how other women are.

@Dillon, what you're doing in this post is called "deferring blame".  It is neither healthy nor productive.

You are NOT a helpless victim of everyone around you, to be drifted around whimsically with no control.  You are a son of God: you have power and responsibility.  Right now you need to use that power to take responsibility for your own words and perceptions.  Quit blaming others for your bad behavior and start acting like the son of God you are.  

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1 hour ago, Dillon said:

Women taught me what women want, women taught me how women can be, how nasty they can be, how deceiving they can be, conniving, superficial, I could go on.  Yes ladies and gentlemen women taught me these things about women.

That's a trash excuse for an "education".

There are many good sons and daughters of God on this forum.  Would you be willing to learn a real education?

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Women taught me what women want, women taught me how women can be, how nasty they can be, how deceiving they can be, conniving, superficial, I could go on.  Yes ladies and gentlemen women taught me these things about women.



No actually I got the same talk from mom like everyone else.  Treat women with respect, love all that stuff.  And thats fine. Its great. Its the way it should be.  But I learned from an early age women dont want that.  God made my mom, she is in her sixties, he made all woman back then.   See the devil started sending women to earth about 1985, maybe a little earlier.

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Just out of curiosity, is there anyone reading this thread who DOESN'T think Dillon is way off base on a lot of important things?  Anyone saying "yeah, that Dillon is sure raising some good points"?

I'm asking, not trying to humiliate or single out or be snarky or anything, but as a way of pointing out something obvious.  If you're the only person who seems to be believing what you believe, isn't it appropriate to maybe evaluate if your perspective might need some re-aligning?


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