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10 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

He means that when I say you are obsessed with the "sex" aspect of the matter and you reply by declaring me a man and all about sex and men care about sex too much and sex this and sex that, that it proves I am right by saying you are obsessed with the "sex" aspect of the issue.

Well, I think that its disgusting that any LDS person has that kind of attitude.  Be morally clean and pure in mind

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10 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

You are not perfect.  You should look to your own perfections and not tell me what to do. You have no right.  You are no prophet.  You are just a man, a imperfect man.  You have said that you are married   Do you really love your wife?  How would you feel if you had to share your wife with another man?  Are there any insecurities you have about your manhood, your ability to provide, your looks, your personality, etc.  How would you feel when she went to bed with him?  How would you feel when she was pregnant with his child?  How would you feel when she held his baby?  How would you feel when he was better looking than you?  Had a better job then you?  Made her happier than you?  Spent more time with her than you?  How would that make you feel?  Anyways, I think you could learn to be more sensitive about this subject and that would be pleasing to the Lord.  It is wrong to be rude and blunt about it.  Sometimes some people can't seem to see the forest for the trees.  I'm sorry if I have been offensive, but I am tired of uncharitable people posing as God.


11 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

You are not perfect.  You should look to your own perfections and not tell me what to do. You have no right.  You are no prophet.  You are just a man, a imperfect man.  You have said that you are married   Do you really love your wife?  How would you feel if you had to share your wife with another man?  Are there any insecurities you have about your manhood, your ability to provide, your looks, your personality, etc.  How would you feel when she went to bed with him?  How would you feel when she was pregnant with his child?  How would you feel when she held his baby?  How would you feel when he was better looking than you?  Had a better job then you?  Made her happier than you?  Spent more time with her than you?  How would that make you feel?  Anyways, I think you could learn to be more sensitive about this subject and that would be pleasing to the Lord.  It is wrong to be rude and blunt about it.  Sometimes some people can't seem to see the forest for the trees.  I'm sorry if I have been offensive, but I am tired of uncharitable people posing as God.


12 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

You are not perfect.  You should look to your own perfections and not tell me what to do. You have no right.  You are no prophet.  You are just a man, a imperfect man.  You have said that you are married   Do you really love your wife?  How would you feel if you had to share your wife with another man?  Are there any insecurities you have about your manhood, your ability to provide, your looks, your personality, etc.  How would you feel when she went to bed with him?  How would you feel when she was pregnant with his child?  How would you feel when she held his baby?  How would you feel when he was better looking than you?  Had a better job then you?  Made her happier than you?  Spent more time with her than you?  How would that make you feel?  Anyways, I think you could learn to be more sensitive about this subject and that would be pleasing to the Lord.  It is wrong to be rude and blunt about it.  Sometimes some people can't seem to see the forest for the trees.  I'm sorry if I have been offensive, but I am tired of uncharitable people posing as God.

I would not use such strong language such as you do.  You definitely lack the Spirit of the Lord.


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Just now, jewels8 said:



I would not use such strong language such as you do.  You definitely lack the Spirit of the Lord.


If I do not reply, it is because contention is of the devil.  I love the peace of the temple and hope to remind those that have been there how we should all be.

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4 minutes ago, jewels8 said:



I would not use such strong language such as you do.  You definitely lack the Spirit of the Lord.


I am sorry if it seems offensive, but hope everyone who has responded can make peace and not judge one another wrongfully but mind your own self.

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Just now, jewels8 said:

I am sorry if it seems offensive, but hope everyone who has responded can make peace and not judge one another wrongfully but mind your own self.

I hope we can feel the peace that the temple brings, for those that have gone there and have a good night

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37 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:


Oh yes it is. Read what He said to those who would not follow God's commands.

Ye den of vipers.

But I know how you view plural marriage. Horribly inaccurately and naively.

Childish, immature men, maybe. I know very few mature men who actually want more than one wife. And any I am aware of do so because they believe it has been commanded them. You know very little about what mature, righteous men actually want.

You shame yourself. I am declaring it shameful, but you bring it on yourself when you say awful things about God, men, and scriptural principles of truth because you can't see past your own selfish interests.

I do. Others find keeping the Word of Wisdom hard. Some find keeping the law of tithing hard. Some find everything God would have us do hard. Finding something hard isn't relevant to the right or wrong of it. How YOU feel about plural marriage has no bearing on it at all.

Okay. I am a man. I probably like sex too much. I'm definitely not patient enough, charitable enough, or selfless enough. I sometimes upset my wife. I would certainly upset a second one sometimes. If I don't overcome any lusts I have I will not make it.

What does any of that have to do with whether polygamy was commanded of God, will or won't be in the Celestial Kingdom, is or is not practiced by our Father in Heaven, and whether or not you're humble enough to accept whatsoever thing God seeth fit to inflict upon you?

I don't believe you.

Prove me wrong...please.

This I really don't believe.

When you blaspheme against my God I will defend Him. Un-apologetically.

I have no patience for those would would criticize God and His ways.


you hypocrite, you criticize God every day when you sin.

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1 hour ago, The Folk Prophet said:

And I have no respect for faithless women who would dare criticize the Almighty because of their own puny mortal selfish views on the eternities.

its pretty much the same thing.  Whether adultery or polygamy, its the same thing.  

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5 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

its pretty much the same thing.  Whether adultery or polygamy, its the same thing.  The Law of Sarah for polygamy is a farce, as it doesn't have to be folllowed.  Women are treated as objects in the Doctrine & Covenants to bear the souls of men.  And can be given to another without regard to how they feel or if they want to or not.  And they can be destroyed if they won't obey.  I really can't see how the Father loves His daughhers as much as His sons under those conditions.

As far as emotionally, it really is essentially the same thing.  And anyone who says to simply grow up, needs to simply  live up to being kind about it.

Edited by jewels8
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5 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

As far as emotionally, it really is essentially the same thing.  And anyone who says to simply grow up, needs to simply  live up to being kind about it.

Remember how we talked about Wendy before?  You just called her MARRIAGE an cheating affair.

I would urge you to truly be sensitive to people's feelings (and all the Wendys in the world) and be very careful of your words- they can cut like razor blades.

Edited by Jane_Doe
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In ancient times, if a woman had to marry her husband's brother, she didn't have a choice.  Well, what if she didn't feel comfortable with the arrangement?  I don't believe a woman , or anyone for that matter, man included, okay, or child, should be forced to do anything they are uncomfortable with.  What if she isn't attracted to him?  What if in the next life a woman is told to marry a man she isn't attracted to?  I just don't think she should have to deal with that, but yet the Lord has told men to marry certain woman before  and no one asked the woman how she felt about it.  And I know of no instance where she could chose for herself.  And I doubt that God will allow a woman to chose for herself in the eternities because it just doesn't seem to be the way He does things.

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1 minute ago, jewels8 said:
6 minutes ago, Jane_Doe said:

Remember how we talked about Wendy before?  You just called her MARRIAGE an cheating affair.

I would urge you to truly be sensitive to people's feelings (and all the Wendys in the world) and be very careful of your words- they can cut like razor blades.

In ancient times, if a woman had to marry her husband's brother, she didn't have a choice.  Well, what if she didn't feel comfortable with the arrangement?  I don't believe a woman , or anyone for that matter, man included, okay, or child, should be forced to do anything they are uncomfortable with.  What if she isn't attracted to him?  What if in the next life a woman is told to marry a man she isn't attracted to?  I just don't think she should have to deal with that, but yet the Lord has told men to marry certain woman before  and no one asked the woman how she felt about it.  And I know of no instance where she could chose for herself.  And I doubt that God will allow a woman to chose for herself in the eternities because it just doesn't seem to be the way He does things.

That is not what I meant and you know it.  That is ridiculous and I refuse to contend on it.  I think I made it very clear what I was alluding too.

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4 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

That is not what I meant and you know it.  That is ridiculous and I refuse to contend on it.  I think I made it very clear what I was alluding too.

What you mean to say is NOT what is coming across.  That's why I urge you to mind your words.

(I likewise urge this of everyone, including myself).

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1 hour ago, jewels8 said:

I mean look to your own imperfections

I am well aware of what you mean. You mean because someone dared stand up to your childish rant about one of the principles of God given in the scriptures you need to return in kind and accuse said person of all the same things you feel accused of in some sort of, "I know you are but what am I" sort of game.

The difference is, I suppose is that I don't particularly care what you think of me.

I have every right to tell you what you should do. I have been commanded by God, just as we all have been, to preach God's word and declare His. His gospel is repentance, humility, obedience, and submission to His will.

When and if you say you are unwilling to submit to ANYTHING that God would ask of you, you are in the wrong.

I do not need to be prophet. I have the words of the prophets declaring this again and again. Be submissive to His will in all things. Be willing to submit to all things. Take up your cross and follow Him. Respect Him. Honor Him. Trust Him. Have faith in Him. I all things.

As to how I would respond if God commanded that my wife took another husband -- well I would be the best brother-husband ever. I would willingly do as my Father commanded, and I would willingly support my wife and her other husbands. I would put off myself and my selfish needs and wants and I would do as I had been asked by He who I trust beyond all others. I trust in Him, have trusted in Him, and will trust in Him forever.

I don't claim it would be easy. But I would do it if God asked.

It is that simple really. If you say the same you are right. If you say differently you are wrong. There is no getting around faith, trust, humility and obedience in the Gospel.

1 hour ago, jewels8 said:

Anyways, I think you could learn to be more sensitive about this subject and that would be pleasing to the Lord.  

And I think you could learn to be way, way, WAY less sensitive about this subject and that coddling your selfish interests instead of standing firm for the Lord's principles does no one any good. All this so-called "sensitivity" has done nothing but spoil the world into being a bunch of selfish "me, me, ME!" brats.

Moreover, I would be sensitive if you had simply stated that plural marriage was a difficult idea for you. When you state that you don't respect our Father in Heaven because of it and basically consider him disgusting, I lose that sensitivity very quickly.

1 hour ago, jewels8 said:

I'm sorry if I have been offensive

You don't have the ability to offend me.

1 hour ago, jewels8 said:

but I am tired of uncharitable people posing as God.

I'm pretty sure you don't understand what charity actually is. I'm certain that meaningless comments like this are useless driven meant to score points on the argument board rather than to actually make a real point.

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1 hour ago, Vort said:

Okay, I'm not real happy about my apparent reputation for  being -- what, nasty? Intolerant? Critical? If you look through the great bulk of my posts, I think you will see a much different story.  But, whatever. I have written what I have written, and I've tried to be truthful. If that makes me unwelcome, I suppose I have no one to blame but myself.

To  be clear, there are fundamentally only two types of posts/posters I object to:

  1. Trolls. Not the silly, jokey kind,  but the actual trollish kind. The person who enters or begins a conversation solely to throw a brickbat and then watch the melee ensue.
  2. Hypocrites.  By that, I mean Church members who trade on their religion to score political points, such as those who try to pressure the Brethren into adopting their own pet doctrinal beliefs (e.g. homosexual "marriage", female Priesthood ordination, or as in the present case, prohibiting a widower from being sealed to another wife). This class also includes those who are not members, but who nevertheless try to play on their connections to the Church to bolster their point, usually by claiming themselves as former members who finally saw reality and escaped the cult.

That's really it. And of the two, it's really only the second that I deeply object to. Trolls are like petty thieves or someone who farts in an elevator -- it's just the way some personalities are. To some extent, we just have to tolerate them and their immaturity. The latter is much more devilish, and what kind of Saint would I be if I refused to raise a warning voice? If you look through my seventeen million posts on this board, I do believe you will see the above pattern. I am very far from perfect, and have needed to apologize on numerous occasions. But I don't just grouch around being nasty for the fun of it.

Hey hey hey... I LOVE Vort at his most Vort-ish.  I like the direct punch-in-gut dose of no-nonesense.  It's when I know I (or someone else) are just way out of doctrinal left-field to be completely out of the ballpark.  I'm not much into the "there, there now..." or the passive aggressive "you suck bless your heart" molly-coddling.

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1 hour ago, jewels8 said:



I would not use such strong language such as you do.  You definitely lack the Spirit of the Lord.


Interesting that you feel that way. Have you read the scriptures and the strong language of pretty much every prophet and apostle ever? You clearly haven't read or chose to turn a blind eye to the Savior's strong language.

I'm afraid I don't put much stock in your accusation.

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