Ranking Sin


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according to mainstream Christianity what are the worst sins??




child molestation



physical abuse

psychological abuse

can ya rank 'em?

I understand that all sin keeps us out of god's presence, but there are some sins classified as worse than others....

The reason I ask is because I have recently seen a very rabid Christian who is committing fornication, wantonly, that says we should kill gays, and bomb abortion clinics. It made me wonder...maybe fornication is not too serious any more to some.

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I have recently seen a very rabid Christian

Anyone who is a "rabid" Christian worries me.

That being said, here's what the Book of Mormon teaches about the severity of certain sins:

"And this is not all, my son. Thou didst do that which was grievous unto me; for thou didst forsake the ministry, and did go over into the land of Siron among the borders of the Lamanites, after the harlot Isabel.

Yea, she did steal away the hearts of many; but this was no excuse for thee, my son. Thou shouldst have tended to the ministry wherewith thou wast entrusted.

Know ye not, my son, that these things are an abomination in the sight of the Lord; yea, most abominable above all sins save it be the shedding of innocent bblood or denying the Holy Ghost?

For behold, if ye deny the Holy Ghost when it once has had place in you, and ye know that ye deny it, behold, this is a sin which is unpardonable; yea, and whosoever murdereth against the light and knowledge of God, it is not easy for him to obtain forgiveness; yea, I say unto you, my son, that it is not easy for him to obtain a forgiveness." (Alma 39:3-6)

So, to answer the question:

1. Denying the Holy Ghost

2. Murder

3. Sexual sin

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according to mainstream Christianity what are the worst sins??




child molestation



physical abuse

psychological abuse

can ya rank 'em?

I understand that all sin keeps us out of god's presence, but there are some sins classified as worse than others....

The reason I ask is because I have recently seen a very rabid Christian who is committing fornication, wantonly, that says we should kill gays, and bomb abortion clinics. It made me wonder...maybe fornication is not too serious any more to some.

I would probably rank them as follows:

1. murder

2. child molestation

3. rape

4. physical abuse

5. psychological abuse

6. adultery

7. fornication

8. homosexuality (only if acted upon)

Obviously ALL sin is bad. I was reluctant to included homosexuality because, that in and of itself is NOT a sin, but the act is. I think fornication is becoming too commonplace these days, and people don't think of it as a sin. I was watching "chuck" last night and someone mentioned how this couple was taking it slow, and that they should just give it up and "do it" already. It's sad but true.

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according to mainstream Christianity what are the worst sins??


adultery: Bad enough that the victim is allowed to remarry, since an eternal covenant (or lifelong in my case) has been broken

murder: Can't take it back. In my theology, the victim may have lost the chance to encounter salvation.

rape: combines adultery/fornication with physical abuse, as well as invading the spiritual covenant between two people who are one. Can lead to murder, and often results in violent hatred--even toward the victim (Tamar).

child molestation: Jesus says it would be better to have a millstone tied around the neck and be tossed in the sea, than face the judgment for this one.

homosexuality: It's a combination of fornication/adultery and sinning against God's nature. It may well indicate that God has given one over...that there is already rebellion in one's spirit.

fornication? A sin against God and against the body. It's so common, we tend to downplay it's significance, but God seems to take it personally--since it intimately involves "the Temple of the Holy Spirit."

physical abuse: In marriage, this is the opposite of one's vows to shelter and protect and even be willing to give one's life for his spouse.

psychological abuse: Jesus says that if we say to our brother (so certainly to our spouse) "Thou fool," we shall be in danger of hellfire.

can ya rank 'em?

I understand that all sin keeps us out of god's presence, but there are some sins classified as worse than others....

The reason I ask is because I have recently seen a very rabid Christian who is committing fornication, wantonly, that says we should kill gays, and bomb abortion clinics. It made me wonder...maybe fornication is not too serious any more to some.

They are all "off the charts" imho. "rabid Christians" are often guilty of abuse or gluttony, and occasionally of fornication (we hate the sin we do, and can smell it in others a mile away).

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according to mainstream Christianity what are the worst sins??




child molestation



physical abuse

psychological abuse

can ya rank 'em?

I understand that all sin keeps us out of god's presence, but there are some sins classified as worse than others....

The reason I ask is because I have recently seen a very rabid Christian who is committing fornication, wantonly, that says we should kill gays, and bomb abortion clinics. It made me wonder...maybe fornication is not too serious any more to some.

Just for fun I thought I would give an ancient perspective from the Dead Sea Scrolls. There is one document called the Angles of Mastermoth. These were the elete dark angles of Satan commissioned to tempt those that covenant with G-d. Their prime tool was said to be pride - in particular the temptation to believe that G-d loved them more than others.

Along this line it is my personal belief that the more one knows of and covenants with G-d the greater is the sin. To me it is not the "wickedness" of the sin but the wickedness of the sinner that defines the higher ranked sin. The closer one is to G-d the more tragic and wicked is the sin that they commit for they turn from a brighter light to worship and follow Satan and deny a greater power than those that have no real light or relationship to G-d and turn to Satan in darkness.

The Traveler

The Traveler

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please don't nobody take offense at the fact that I didn't put Mormons in the Christian world. I think that we are different, and the same.

If there were no difference, there would be no purpose, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. But we do share the common thread of, Christ as our center.

Sorry, I am off subject - allmosthumble

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Please don't nobody take offense at the fact that I didn't put Mormons in the Christian world. I think that we are different, and the same.

If there were no difference, there would be no purpose, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. But we do share the common thread of, Christ as our center.

Sorry, I am off subject - allmosthumble

I don't think you are terribly far off thread allmosthumble.

The OP calls for a ranking according to mainstream Christianity.

I refrained from responding because I didn't think I could speak for mainstream christianity.

The LDS church is certainly not considered mainstram here in Australia.

I could have taken an educated guess I suppose, but I was waiting to read the responses from our mainstream christian friends here on the site.


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It is my understanding that if you are married and sleep with another it is adultry. If you are not married and sleep with another it is fornication.

I really appreciated PC's comments and Traveler's. Sin is Sin anyway you look at it. Some sins are worse than others, and Traveler is right, we are judged by the knowledge we have, so that can actually make a sin even worse, because of our knowledge and our relationship with God.

None of us our perfect, we are all striving, hopefully, toward perfection, and I am so grateful for the law of repentance and the opportunity it affords each of us to be forgiven from most of our sins.

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according to mainstream Christianity what are the worst sins??




child molestation



physical abuse

psychological abuse

can ya rank 'em?

I understand that all sin keeps us out of god's presence, but there are some sins classified as worse than others....

The reason I ask is because I have recently seen a very rabid Christian who is committing fornication, wantonly, that says we should kill gays, and bomb abortion clinics. It made me wonder...maybe fornication is not too serious any more to some.

when the show "All In The Family" was on the air.....during one segment while Archie was talking about God and the 10 commandments to the Meathead he said....."It must be pretty important if God put in the top 10.
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Last night on BYU-TV there was a re-showing of a fireside given by the Pres of BYU-I and his wife on the Law of Chastity.

We have watered down the severity of that sin, both the world (who thinks it 'quaint' or outright stupid) and the church (I'll do my 6 months of 'repenting' and that will be that). Fornication and/or adultery are bad. Period. No two ways about it. Right up there with shedding innocent blood and denying the HG.

But we have made it a 'wink and a nudge' and all is alright...

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is my understanding that if you are married and sleep with another it is adultry. If you are not married and sleep with another it is fornication.

I really appreciated PC's comments and Traveler's. Sin is Sin anyway you look at it. Some sins are worse than others, and Traveler is right, we are judged by the knowledge we have, so that can actually make a sin even worse, because of our knowledge and our relationship with God.

None of us our perfect, we are all striving, hopefully, toward perfection, and I am so grateful for the law of repentance and the opportunity it affords each of us to be forgiven from most of our sins.

Josie to me the word fornication is what most people do in the world. And we LDS people are taught in the Law of Chasity not to do. Have sex before marriage!

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Sixpack is right. We (the world) has watered down the sexual sinning. fornication is starting to be everywhere. Man, I hope the 2nd coming is on the horizon. I'd hate to raise kids in this world.

Ok here goes so if you think I got it wrong go ahead and tell me so. I think that the 2nd coming is on its way. When I think of it remember the earth was cleansed with water and now the earth is warming. Isn't the 2nd cleanse be of fire. Maybe this is what they meant? Your thoughts. Ooops, sorry off topic. Don't Sin (or any one of the above sins very bad for you)! :unsure: do you get it thats me trying to be funny hahaha.

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I am reminded of the joke about when Moses came down from Mt Sinai. He told everybody that he had good news and bad news.

The good news he said was that he talked G-d down to only 10 commandments.

The bad news he said was that Adultry was still one of them

The Traveler

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<div class='quotemain'>

Sixpack is right. We (the world) has watered down the sexual sinning. fornication is starting to be everywhere. Man, I hope the 2nd coming is on the horizon. I'd hate to raise kids in this world.

Ok here goes so if you think I got it wrong go ahead and tell me so. I think that the 2nd coming is on its way. When I think of it remember the earth was cleansed with water and now the earth is warming. Isn't the 2nd cleanse be of fire. Maybe this is what they meant? Your thoughts. Ooops, sorry off topic. Don't Sin (or any one of the above sins very bad for you)! :unsure: do you get it thats me trying to be funny hahaha.


It was warmer 600 years ago than it is now, and the world wasn't consumed by fire, so don't be duped by the GW crowd acting like this is the end.

Bruce McConkie talked of 'the nuclear holocaust that surely shall be', which would be much more likely to cleanse with fire than Algore's pipe dreams of fame...

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I feel sexual sin is one of the worst sins there is. but it is also a very hard sin to understand especially these days. Some people will say to me, well what about my parents, they arn't in the church and they had sex when they were young so your telling me they are bad people?

I guess what we individually have to be aware of is our own knowladge. A bit like when we were little kids if no one told us to not put our hand in the cookie jar then we wouldn't have known any better :P

However we, as later day saints, DO know better and the world would be a lot happier place if it also did.

Think about a world that follows just that one standard no sex before marriage! What a happier place it would be! No teenage pregnancies. Lack of STDs (or even non)! Family units would be a lot more secure.

I personally feel sexual sin is like a plague and is spreading. Pornography, adultery and worser still devastating acts such as child abuse.

The world sure needs its savior and I have great faith that this world won't have to wait much longer.

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