Too Embarrased To Tell My Bishop


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Please. please i need an advice. I am 23 years old, I am an active member for 7 years (i was baptised when i was 17) A month ago I was diagnosed with HIV (before i joined the church i was doing drugs, that's the only way i could get infected). i really don't know what to do. I haven't told anyone. It was really hard at first but I finally found peace, I am not blaming God or anyone, i am not afraid to die either. My faith is strong. I am really ashamed to tell my bishop, and I don't really see a reason to tell him about it right now. With new medication i think I have another 10 years.

I am really confused, and i feel alone. Please if you have any kind of advice....

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Please. please i need an advice. I am 23 years old, I am an active member for 7 years (i was baptised when i was 17) A month ago I was diagnosed with HIV (before i joined the church i was doing drugs, that's the only way i could get infected). i really don't know what to do. I haven't told anyone. It was really hard at first but I finally found peace, I am not blaming God or anyone, i am not afraid to die either. My faith is strong. I am really ashamed to tell my bishop, and I don't really see a reason to tell him about it right now. With new medication i think I have another 10 years.

I am really confused, and i feel alone. Please if you have any kind of advice....

I am so sorry to hear of your plight. I urge you to see your Bishop, not to confess, but to get 'plugged in' to the resources for support the church has. You don't need to fight this alone.

The beauty of the atonement is that your past deeds don't matter. You have repented, and are therefore clean. Your Bishop won't judge you, or condemn you. He will help you.

See him and share this burden. That is a big part of his calling.

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Please. please i need an advice. I am 23 years old, I am an active member for 7 years (i was baptised when i was 17) A month ago I was diagnosed with HIV (before i joined the church i was doing drugs, that's the only way i could get infected). i really don't know what to do. I haven't told anyone. It was really hard at first but I finally found peace, I am not blaming God or anyone, i am not afraid to die either. My faith is strong. I am really ashamed to tell my bishop, and I don't really see a reason to tell him about it right now. With new medication i think I have another 10 years.

I am really confused, and i feel alone. Please if you have any kind of advice....

Unless you need his support, then there is no reason to tell your bishop. And, there is no reason to be any more ashamed to tell him of this than if you had gotten lung cancer from years of smoking prior to joining the Church.

I hope your faith remains strong, and you are blessed with peace and friends that will fill your life with joy.

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I'm in agreement with six. I think you should talk to your Bishop. Again not to confess because what you did before you were baptized has been erased but to get help with any resources available to you. Also would allow the Bishop to be aware of your special needs and to provide the blessings and spiritual guidance as you go through this.

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my sis and i were looking at profiles on one day and there was this guy on there that was very open about having hiv, knew finding someone on those conditions was not an option, but did want friends, said he did presentations to inform ppl about hiv. this was something he contracted before joining the chruch. i don't remember much more than that other than being very impressed. the point of sharing this is you aren't alone. i wish i could remember more, maybe would be someone that would make a good email pal. someone who has actually been there.

good luck

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You should talk to your bishop, not as a confession but for guidance and relief. Since you haven't told anyone, it might help your own peace of mind to talk to someone who won't misjudge you. He also has a responsibility to everyone in the ward boundaries for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Making him aware of your situation, even though you've repented of previous actions, would make it easier for him to help you, and for you to help yourself. Keeping people in the dark will never help.

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Most churches would rejoice that one who had struggled in sin, could be redeemed so gloriously. There's a beautiful testimony in this.

I remember back in the 1980s. We had a youth leader who fell away from God and the church...and into an alternate lifestyle. He contracted AIDS--which back then was indeed a death sentence.

He came back to God and the church. They not only forgave him publically--they restored him to leadership over the youth.

That was 20 years ago, and the story still sitrs my faith. :-)

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Please. please i need an advice. I am 23 years old, I am an active member for 7 years (i was baptised when i was 17) A month ago I was diagnosed with HIV (before i joined the church i was doing drugs, that's the only way i could get infected). i really don't know what to do. I haven't told anyone. It was really hard at first but I finally found peace, I am not blaming God or anyone, i am not afraid to die either. My faith is strong. I am really ashamed to tell my bishop, and I don't really see a reason to tell him about it right now. With new medication i think I have another 10 years.

I am really confused, and i feel alone. Please if you have any kind of advice....

Blue....10 years? You'll have alot more than that....My ex-wifes sister in law was diagnosed HIV positive in 1989.....she's still going strong today. Magic Johnson was diagnosed 18 years ago...he's still going strong too.

Follow your doctors advice to the letter and the virus may just stay dormant and even if it does progress there is still plenty of things you and your Dr. can do....So, 10 years? no way! The Lord will bless you....have faith.

In regards to talking to your Bishop....if it will make you feel better to know he knows then do it. You have nothing to be ashamed about....would you be ashamed to talk to your Bishop if you had some kind of Cancer? Be strong, have faith and fight hard...the Lord WILL bless you. Godspeed.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please. please i need an advice. I am 23 years old, I am an active member for 7 years (i was baptised when i was 17) A month ago I was diagnosed with HIV (before i joined the church i was doing drugs, that's the only way i could get infected). i really don't know what to do. I haven't told anyone. It was really hard at first but I finally found peace, I am not blaming God or anyone, i am not afraid to die either. My faith is strong. I am really ashamed to tell my bishop, and I don't really see a reason to tell him about it right now. With new medication i think I have another 10 years.

I am really confused, and i feel alone. Please if you have any kind of advice....

Okay. That happened BEFORE you joined the church.

TECHNICALLY -according to the religion- you were forgiven when you were baptized.

If you want to tell him though, that is fine. It isn't who you are now, so you shouldn't be emberassed.

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I have always looked and thought as my Bishop as a father of the ward some one I can sit down with and have a chat about what is going on in my life. The bishop is not just there to go and confess your sins he can be a friend as well. Why should you be embarrased no matter if you joined the church after it happened or not. It is something you did in your pass and you have stopped doing it and moved on and are making a better life for yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Username-Removed

I am so sorry to hear about your illness. I hope that you do indeed have a long life, longer than you expect.

My bishop really is one of my best friends. And, before I was baptized, I too did indeed have a past. What convert doesn’t? After all, isn’t that why we joined, to get rid of the past and make change? The fact is, this is now. The slate was wiped clean when you were baptized! Isn’t it a good feeling that the Lord is on your side!!

I certainly don’t tell my bishop things that happened in the past. I know that I have been forgiven. Let me repeat that.... I KNOW that I have been forgiven! So, it really doesn't matter what people think. Oh sure, they will think things, make conjecture, and even gossip. Isn't it nice to have the Lord on your side?

I am involved with stake activities on occasion. I am often reminded just how lucky I am. What would it be like to still be in the world I was in all these years later? I often think of the work Heavenly Father has me do, to help others. He uses my past experience to strengthen others all the time. At the same time, my life is absolutely wonderful. I often say to myself, "what was I thinking ... way back then?" Then I realize I simply didn’t know the truth. But I recognized it when I saw it, and followed it. Isn’t it powerful to know that, even when in the depths of sin, that you recognized that truth existed on this earth …. And followed it?

Recently I have had the fortune of being blessed by a general authority. I can’t even begin to describe it. But I promise you, the Lord does lead this church. I saw his influence in the eyes of that General Authority. Aren’t we all lucky to know that he indeed is there working with our leaders, as well as us? There is no doubt that there are people (in and out of the church), that wonder – what was that convert doing before he joined …. HAHAhahaha!!! Searching for truth, and looking towards the future, not the past!!!! Isn’t it nice to have the Lord on your side?


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey friend!

I hope that you can find the support that you need. What are you the most confused about? What makes you hesitate to talk to your bishop? Why do you feel you need to talk to him? Is it just that the burden is heavy and you want support? Whatever you need...whatever you are afraid of, make it a matter of prayer. I am sure that you are! :) Just the other night, I was telling the Lord that I needed a friend. I just moved my fam to this new neighborhood and am finding it hard to make friends. Today I ran into one of my best friends from high school. She just moved a few miles away from me. Little blessings that mean a lot!! He may bring you people in your ward or neighborhood who are going through the same thing or people you may help with your wisdom and knowledge and compassion.

You are strong!! What courage you have!! What an amazing person you are to have come so far.


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I am truly touched by the Holy Sprit to read of the compassion for this brother. Isn't this what the Gospel is all about. With tears running down my cheeks I feel the atonement evident here through the Lord's hands in these latter-days, namely each of you who care and are caring.

May you each be abundantly blessed and for you brother, it is not where you have been but where you are the direction you are headed that matters.

All my compassion,


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You don't need to talk to your Bishop to confess any sin committed before baptism. As others have said, any previous sin was washed away when you were baptised and you were given a whole new clean start.

What talking to your Bishop can do for you though is give you support and strength at a time when you need it. And please be assured that whatever you talk to the Bishop about will remain in confidence between you. He will never pass that on to anyone else without your knowledge. He may ask you if you mind him sharing with someone who could be of help - but if you said no then he would not discuss you without your consent.

He can also give you a blessing - which is priceless.

Don't go through this worrying experience alone. With medical science and the help of the Holy Ghost may you have many happy and healthy years. :)

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brotha/Sista trust for real I got a homie who has HIV for 21 years you got more then 10 years just keep healthy as possible. Now the thing with him is he doesnt want to live an longer until he found he has a gift an thats to push the awareness of HIV. you now have the power as you always had to push the awarness of HIV use this time you have left to really make a difference. MUCH LOVE TO YA

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