Baby, it's cold outside


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33 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:


That's not the original song in the video you posted.  I can't say I'm a fan of the song one way or the other...but...

Context is King.  I think that song was original composed by a HUSBAND AND WIFE.  It was sung as a song BETWEEN A MARRIED COUPLE.  From what I understood, what you are hearing in the song is the debate between a wife trying to go to her parents and a husband keeping her least as a joke.  The real joke is that they composed it as a funny way to tell their guests that the party was over and it was time for the guests to leave.

Several years later he sold the song and it was sung in Neptune's Daughter where it won an award.  It is somewhat of a different aspect and take, and thus the context is different.  In the way it is presented in the song, as it is not the original, it could be interpreted several ways, though I do not think that it implies the specific type of harassment of the sort people are complaining about today.  The Red Skeleton clip that I'll post is rather unique in it's presentation compared to what some are talking about regarding the song today.

As far as the original, the HUSBAND was the one who sold the rights.  The WIFE supposedly had NOT agreed for the song to be sold and was particularly angry at this.

The version sung in Neptune's Daughter.

And yes, for you Star Trek fans, that appears to be Kahn in the first portion of the song. 

Edit: And no, I've never seen the movie myself.  The context Neurotypical discusses may have been an element of that movie (if not in the original song), but that seems like it may have been a tad risqué for the late 1940s cinema.  (though there are some notably mature films out there that did get filmed and shown, Gone with the Wind was particularly risqué at points and it was a decade prior).

Most people don't realize that she was Captain Kirk's daughter. lol

Edited by Emmanuel Goldstein
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32 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I'm going to have to ask for a source for this claim.  From what I understand, yeah, a hubby wrote it and hubby/wife sang it, but that's not the full story.  The full story is in the '40's, hollywood celebs were expected to perform at the parties to which they were invited, and Loesser/Garland wrote and performed this song at those parties.  In other words, they were doing what Hollywood celebs did - performing a bit.  That they were married at the time had no impact at all.  

I'm hardly well-versed in the romantic hook-up practices of post-WWII America, but I recognize a song about a dude pursuing an interested woman who is playing hard to get when I see one.    And I'm old enough to remember that we didn't start talking about the notion that a guy should romantically pursue his wife, until like 1992.

And the guy's name is Skelton.  Not Skeleton.

Image result for red skelton


Image result for skeletor

No no no!

You are mixing up 3 character.

Red Skelton, Skeletor, and Red Skull.




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2 hours ago, mikbone said:

When my daughter (comes home from Temple Square SLC mission in one week) at age 17 sang this song for me I was quite torn.

Talented performer and cute but...



On both this and Baby It's Cold Outside:

Does no one get the joke? What happened to senses of humor, world?

These songs are jokes, and funny ones at that.

Good grief world.

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4 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

On both this and Baby It's Cold Outside:

Does no one get the joke? What happened to senses of humor, world?

These songs are jokes, and funny ones at that.

Good grief world.

I understand the humor, but in the case of Baby, It's Cold, I don't think it's very funny. Bluntly put, a woman wants to get laid and is trying to find some way to excuse herself for the act, while her randy boyfriend is as helpful as he can be. Sure, I see the humor, but I just don't laugh at it.

The Oklahoma! song is another matter, in that I find it funny and sort of cute. Helps that she's talking about "kissing", but it's targeted at a woman's sexual desire and the fact that she's not supposed to exhibit or act on it. Which she's not. The joke only works if you also understand that men are allowed to act on their feelings, at least discreetly, which is not something I'm happy about. But for whatever reason, the joke works better for me in the case of Oklahoma! than the Christmas song.

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21 minutes ago, Vort said:

I understand the humor, but in the case of Baby, It's Cold, I don't think it's very funny. Bluntly put, a woman wants to get laid and is trying to find some way to excuse herself for the act, while her randy boyfriend is as helpful as he can be. Sure, I see the humor, but I just don't laugh at it.

The Oklahoma! song is another matter, in that I find it funny and sort of cute. Helps that she's talking about "kissing", but it's targeted attempt  a woman's sexual desire and the fact that she's not supposed to exhibit or act on it. Which she's not. The joke only works if you also understand that men are allowed to act on their feelings, at least discreetly, which is not something I'm happy about. But for whatever reason, the joke works better for me in the case of Oklahoma! than the Christmas song.



Austin Powers = Vort ?

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5 hours ago, Vort said:

a woman wants to get laid

Whereas this is one interpretation of it -- and in today's world perhaps an obvious one -- growing up I never read that into it.

Wanting to extend an evening with a girl I'm dating who feels like she needs to go is something I experienced when dating several times.  Sex wasn't the issue. The joke doesn't have to be made dirty, even if the writer intended it to be that way originally.

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5 hours ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Whereas this is one interpretation of it -- and in today's world perhaps an obvious one -- growing up I never read that into it.

Wanting to extend an evening with a girl I'm dating who feels like she needs to go is something I experienced when dating several times.  Sex wasn't the issue. The joke doesn't have to be made dirty, even if the writer intended it to be that way originally.

Yeah, I never got the idea that the woman was trying to maintain plausible deniability—it seems to me a classic case of the man pursuing/trying to woo a woman who was not initially disposed to accept him, but ultimately is persuaded by his “charms”, such as they are.

In that context, “say, what’s in this drink?” has always seemed a little creepy to me.  But it seems to me that my non-LDS friends of both genders often saw alcohol as something that helped them “loosen up” prior to an encounter between the sexes (whether that encounter ultimately involved intercourse or not); and being a teetotaler myself, I never really worried much about the “rules” of social drinking.

I know that as a conservative I’m supposed to be Very Concerned about #metoo, the prospect of false accusations ruining the lives of boys who are just being boys, etc.  But really, I have a hard time being as fearful for myself or my sons as some folks tell me I ought to be.  I can’t help but notice that in the vast majority of horror stories that I hear, the young man could have avoided the false accusation by abstaining from alcohol, extramarital sex, or both.  It seems to me that conservatives have more pressing concerns than trying to save the bacon of some kid facing social opprobrium for churlish/careless behavior.

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On 12/11/2018 at 10:18 AM, Vort said:

I've disliked this song since I got old enough to understand what it was actually talking about. I suppose the fact that I roll my eyes at radio stations that don't want to play it any more shows just how much I despise SJWs.

Been thinking about Vort's post for two days now.  Dislike the song because it's message is a violation of the law of chastity.  Dislike efforts to censor it, because those efforts are based on believing false things are true, and truth is important.  This is what a principled stand looks like. 

Everywhere else I see folks taking a half-principled stand, picking a side based on who they support more, or who they hate more.  But you start letting principles have the final say, and you get to just say 'stupid' whenever you see stupid.  

Everyone be more like Vort!

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On 12/11/2018 at 12:56 PM, Emmanuel Goldstein said:

Most people don't realize that she was Captain Kirk's daughter. lol

You know, I've never heard the term "Evil-gasm" before.  But, uhhmmm, it sooo fits.

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