When Wokism Comes Home to Roost


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is it also “classic” when it happens in reverse? 



Conservatives at one time disliked government power, and hated OSHA rules when they pushed around a company. But a sitting senator questioning a CEO about “wokeism” is a-okay. 

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2 minutes ago, Vort said:

 I don't understand. Where was there any refusal to serve a group in Carborendum's video?

No, but it’s the same basic thing. People refusing to wear a gay pride pin, government demanding a response, etc. There are many similarities here. 

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4 minutes ago, Vort said:

 I don't understand. Where was there any refusal to serve a group in Carborendum's video?

What I don't see is where any conservative Christian has gone to Democrat Senators to ask for relief from oppression by their Republican Senators.

I also don't see where any conservative organization has silenced other voices at their places of work.

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1 minute ago, Carborendum said:

What I don't see is where any conservative Christian has gone to Democrat Senators to ask for relief from oppression by their Republican Senators.

Doesn’t this video shows that? Someone complained to Cotton, he brought it up to the Krueger CEO…(Awful stores, btw. Go Publix). 

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Compelled speech is bad, and one oughtn't do it.  But voluntary entering into an employment situation that requires some sort of party line gets towed, is ok, as long as there are other jobs available.  Refusing service (like when a Chipotles refuses to sell a burrito to a cop on his lunch break, because guns are icky and make people afraid) is bad.  But refusing to bake a cake or design a website that promotes something contradictory to the bakers/website developers personal beliefs, is ok.  Speech is important, compelled speech is bad.  Folks/companies should be able to discriminate and refuse service, but some protections for certain classes is ok.  (Assuming people don't want blacks or women or gays or mormons or whoever freezing to death because the gas company refused service.)

As far as what's happening in the video: Government overreach is bad.  Monopoly oversight is a tad less bad. Politicians working the camera to make political points to help with agendas and elections?  Well, good or bad, it's gonna happen.


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6 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Assuming people don't want blacks or women or gays or mormons or whoever freezing to death because the gas company refused service.)


I’ve thought about that before, just because of my own beliefs that a company has the right to pick their customers. It’s obviously horrific to let gays/mormons/anyone die, but a company has that right, I guess. That said, that’s why monopolies are bad. If Fred Smith won’t sell you heating oil, go to Sallys place. Problem solved. 

Just to be clear though, you could save yourself 99 problems by just baking the cake or serving the Focus on the Family crew who wants to eat at your diner even if you despise them. Their money is just as green. 

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6 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

Just to be clear though, you could save yourself 99 problems by just baking the cake or serving the Focus on the Family crew who wants to eat at your diner even if you despise them. Their money is just as green. 

Heh.  Jack of Masterpiece Bake Shop seems quite comfortable having his shop used by both sides as a vehicle to get a case in front of the supreme court.  Multiple times.  He's gained international customers, gives interviews and goes on the lecture circuit.

And Lorie Smith, the website designer whose case is being argued in the SCOTUS right now, didn't even wait for a gay couple to hit her up - she took the initiative and sued just on the principle of the thing.

Folks from every side are willing to die on the hill of "it's the principle!"

It ain't about despising anyone.  It's about how compelled speech is evil, and should not be codified in law.

Back in 2020 during the height of the BLM riots, roving mobs of protesters were moving through the streets and outdoor cafes looking for white privilege to fight.  Anyone who didn't lift their hand to show support was surrounded by angry yelling spitting violent people.  There were some assaults on people the mob thought were fascists or racists or whatever.

This guy certainly thought he'd save himself 99 problems:


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1 minute ago, NeuroTypical said:

Heh.  Jack of Masterpiece Bake Shop seems quite comfortable having his shop used by both sides as a vehicle to get a case in front of the supreme court.  Multiple times.  He's gained international customers, gives interviews and goes on the lecture circuit.

That’s great, glad it’s working for him. However, he probably needs all those jobs to pay for legal fees. 

If someone wants to open a bakery just to exclude gays so they can get rich on the lecture circuit, I highly advise them to find something better to do with their time. 

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Just now, LDSGator said:

If someone wants to open a bakery just to exclude gays so they can get rich on the lecture circuit, I highly advise them to find something better to do with their time. 

Oh, he did no such thing.  He wanted to serve God with his artistic talents.  They found him first, he didn't go looking for them.

(And take a look at my last post - edited after you posted.)

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20 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

It ain't about despising anyone

I used to think it wasn’t about that either, but now I’m not sure. It’s obvious that people dislike their own kind, so it’s easier to accept that they dislike someone they disagree with so strongly. After all, if you dislike people who share the same basic views as you do, it makes it easier to dislike someone who disagrees with you, especially about such loaded topics like sexuality and religion. 

And that guy in the picture is a wise man. 

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1 hour ago, NeuroTypical said:

As far as what's happening in the video: Government overreach is bad.  Monopoly oversight is a tad less bad. Politicians working the camera to make political points to help with agendas and elections?  Well, good or bad, it's gonna happen.

I think the point is being lost here, so let me make it clear if the title on the OP didn't do so.  This is not about bakers and Chipotle serving or not serving customers.  That's a completely different issue.

This is about ANY group or individual that does everything they can to fight one side of the argument and then realizes that the side they signed up for is now going to oppress them. 

It's basically a case of "you made your bed, now you've got to lie in it."

If I were Senator Cotton, I would be of the position that, yes, I'll vote to help you out.  But you've basically tied my hands so that my vote doesn't mean much.  So, how do you expect me to carry the water (go through extra efforts to try to persuade the other side) when you've cut off my hands?

And as the senator says, I'm sorry this is happening to him.  But what do you expect Republicans to do about it? 

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16 hours ago, Carborendum said:

I think the point is being lost here, so let me make it clear if the title on the OP didn't do so.  This is not about bakers and Chipotle serving or not serving customers.  That's a completely different issue.

This is about ANY group or individual that does everything they can to fight one side of the argument and then realizes that the side they signed up for is now going to oppress them. 

It's basically a case of "you made your bed, now you've got to lie in it."

If I were Senator Cotton, I would be of the position that, yes, I'll vote to help you out.  But you've basically tied my hands so that my vote doesn't mean much.  So, how do you expect me to carry the water (go through extra efforts to try to persuade the other side) when you've cut off my hands?

And as the senator says, I'm sorry this is happening to him.  But what do you expect Republicans to do about it? 

That doesn't make any sense. Politics is about bringing groups of people together. If our side doesn’t find a way to get past this “You made your bed now ha ha ha” then the Kruger guy will say “Okay to heck with you too. I’m going to work with the democrats now.” 

If the GOP goes down this road, they’ll have no chance. 

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The point I keep waiting for someone to make on the “gay wedding cake” debate, is:

No one has said the baker has to make the cake taste good . . . 

Isn’t there an old canard about never picking a fight with a person who is alone with your food?

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40 minutes ago, Vort said:

I admit that I hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE that people call marijuana-laced brownies and such "edibles".

I think it was last year that I came across this cookbook and was confused for a bit because don't most cookbooks consist mostly or entirely of recipes for edible stuff?


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13 minutes ago, Vort said:

As @SilentOne pointed out, the use of the word "edibles" is confusing. In addition, it seeks to normalize marijuana consumption.

Oh okay. A lot of people choose edibles over smoking because it's easier on the lungs. At first, I was confused by the term as well but I’m glad people have the options.  They are also far more discreet so people can take them for anxiety, depression without being obvious. 

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2 hours ago, LDSGator said:

Oh okay. A lot of people choose edibles over smoking because it's easier on the lungs. At first, I was confused by the term as well but I’m glad people have the options.  They are also far more discreet so people can take them for anxiety, depression without being obvious. 

The simple truth of the matter is that people are putting weed, cannabis, and CBD oil in just about everything. 

A few weeks ago I was live-streaming some radio station from a good distance away (the station I listen to in Canada?) and there was an advertisement on where a CBD shop was advertising its wares. I remember that the offerings included CBD - based pet products and a number of other things. 

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