What to Make of LDS/Evangelical YouTube Videos


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One of my guilty pleasures is YouTube. Lately I have noticed an increasing number of Evangelical/LDS interaction videos. There's a Pastor Jeff hosting a series. Another Evangelical is touring the state, visiting wards, even touring a temple (probably one open for public visiting prior to opening for members). There are some reaction videos too--one by the Sword of Joseph questioning Pastor Jeff's motives. 

I've only seen watched portions of a few of these but am wondering what is going on. Is it simply the algorithm targeting me as one who is interested in this material or has there been an increasing general interest? Thoughts?

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11 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

One of my guilty pleasures is YouTube. Lately I have noticed an increasing number of Evangelical/LDS interaction videos. There's a Pastor Jeff hosting a series. Another Evangelical is touring the state, visiting wards, even touring a temple (probably one open for public visiting prior to opening for members). There are some reaction videos too--one by the Sword of Joseph questioning Pastor Jeff's motives. 

I've only seen watched portions of a few of these but am wondering what is going on. Is it simply the algorithm targeting me as one who is interested in this material or has there been an increasing general interest? Thoughts?

Yes, the algorithm.

I see a good number of religious videos, but of a different type.  So, I don't even know who Pastor Jeff is.

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I think there is interest among members of our church in seeing how our beliefs are viewed by other Christians. I think we often view ourselves as being misunderstood and if only people could see what we really believe they will think differently about us and see we really are Christian. And when these individuals say complementary things about our church that's just proof that our feelings are justified. And everyone likes to be complimented, right?

But as to why it's showing up in your feed is entirely algorithm based. I've watched a few of these types of videos and now they keep showing up.

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15 minutes ago, laronius said:

I think there is interest among members of our church in seeing how our beliefs are viewed by other Christians. I think we often view ourselves as being misunderstood and if only people could see what we really believe they will think differently about us and see we really are Christian. And when these individuals say complementary things about our church that's just proof that our feelings are justified. And everyone likes to be complimented, right?

But as to why it's showing up in your feed is entirely algorithm based. I've watched a few of these types of videos and now they keep showing up.

There's also the fact that a lot of mainline Christians are coming to realize that somehow we're doing a pretty good job of holding things together and pushing back against the modern world. They're curious as to how we're getting it done and want to learn more about us. They know we can be allies for the greater good, and are going from there.

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32 minutes ago, laronius said:

I think we often view ourselves as being misunderstood and if only people could see what we really believe they will think differently about us and see we really are Christian. And when these individuals say complementary things about our church that's just proof that our feelings are justified. And everyone likes to be complimented, right?

You aren’t wrong. LDS beliefs are deeply misunderstood, especially in states with large Evangelical populations. To be fair, I think Catholic, Evangelical and Jewish beliefs are probably misunderstood in Provo, Idaho, etc.

It’s not an insult to Catholics, Evangelicals, LDS or anyone else. Generally speaking we all misunderstand religions we aren’t part of. 


Edited by LDSGator
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4 hours ago, laronius said:

... I think we often view ourselves as being misunderstood and if only people could see what we really believe they will think differently about us and see we really are Christian. ...

I'm skeptical that this will ever happen.  The folks who say nice things also say, "But they don't believe in the same Jesus, therefore they aren't Christian."  Their definition of "Christian" rigidly demands belief in the creeds.  And a lot (seriously, a lot) of comments under otherwise positive posts are downright hateful - violently so (I don't mean they're proposing physical violence, I mean the level of hatred is downright sinful, aggressive, angry, erupting, spewing, growling, snarling - huh, weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth level).  Apparently, Matthew 5's sectarian translation is "Love your enemies, unless they're Mormons."

Edited by zil2
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23 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

To be fair, I think Catholic, Evangelical and Jewish beliefs are probably misunderstood in Provo, Idaho, etc.

I agree.  I think many life-long members of the Church never learn / have cause to learn much about other faiths.

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Just now, zil2 said:

I'm skeptical that this will ever happen.  The folks who say nice things also say, "But they don't believe in the same Jesus, therefore they aren't Christian."  Their definition of "Christian" rigidly demands belief in the creeds.  And in a lot (seriously, a lot) of comments under otherwise positive posts are downright hateful - violently so (I don't mean they're proposing physical violence, I mean the level of hatred is downright sinful, aggressive, angry, erupting, spewing, growling, snarling - huh, weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth level).  Apparently, Matthew 5's sectarian translation is "Love your enemies, unless they're Mormons."

You are absolutely correct. 

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2 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

Correct again, and I understand why people don’t bother learning about other religions. After all, if you think your religion is true why bother?

Yes, though I suspect with many, it just never occurs to them (that is, they don't dismiss the idea, they never have the idea).  That was certainly my case until maybe a decade or two ago, and I grew up in low-density Zion, where at times, my brothers and I were the only LDS in our school.  It still never occurred to me to learn about other faiths - religion isn't exactly a common subject among elementary, middle, and high school students.  (And then I went to BYU, where everyone is a member anyway, right? :D  If there were those of other faiths there at the same time I was, I never knowingly encountered them.)

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2 minutes ago, zil2 said:

Yes, though I suspect with many, it just never occurs to them (that is, they don't dismiss the idea, they never have the idea).  That was certainly my case until maybe a decade or two ago, and I grew up in low-density Zion, where at times, my brothers and I were the only LDS in our school.  It still never occurred to me to learn about other faiths - religion isn't exactly a common subject among elementary, middle, and high school students.  (And then I went to BYU, where everyone is a member anyway, right? :D  If there were those of other faiths there at the same time I was, I never knowingly encountered them.)

I went to a fairly orthodox Catholic high school. To their credit we learned about Protestantism, evolution, atheism and a little bit about Hinduism and Islam. Obviously they weren’t in depth classes but I always admired them for teaching us the basics of philosophies that disagreed with them.    

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I’ve watched several of his videos and I can at least say he’s respectful. But I’m sure the algorithm knows I am looking for Pentecostal/Protestant crossover content too :D  

Maybe he’s playing the long con and trying to witness to us. But if he does it like we’re supposed to by just being kind, sharing, and being genuinely ok if we don’t bite, then he’s doing it right. If he listens thinks about our message and shares his when applicable, and is respectful of one’s decisions and treats people with love, what else matters?

And in all honesty, if that’s his way of proselytizing, send an army of them to Utah. As long as they’re willing to learn while engaging with us and listen to the spirit (even if they don’t end up in the church) that’s all one can ask. I think is be more angry if he DIDNT “witness” to us if he really felt that way. 

Edited by CommanderSouth
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I don't know Pastor Jeff, nor do I subscribe to his channel. However, I give him credit for being pretty upfront about what he's doing. Of course, he's trying to convert LDS to Trinitarianism--he's an Evangelical PASTOR! So, there's no cunning in his approach. At the same time, he's definitely not hostile, angry, aggressive, or even disrespectful. @CommanderSouthis exactly right. If the Restoration is true and Pastor Jeff is sincere, he might be the one to convert. Either way, at least he's not condescending. BTW, I agree with those here who said that it's predominantly the algorithm. 😉

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Yeah. I finally watched the video. Well at least half of it. I gave up. I don’t see deception in what he’s doing. I mean, sure, he’s saying he is searching for truth. But much like most, he thinks he has it so he’s not engaging too hard with the content. 

I don’t see that as maliciousness. I also don’t think he’s wrong. He says up front he wants to learn. And I believe it. He’s never said he is questioning what is true. You have to be open to the gospel (of any flavor) to be truly receptive. He isn’t. But I’ve never heard him say he was. He’s searching for truth in the broad sense. Not questioning what IS true. So until then as long as he witnesses like we witness, it’s a win win. Besides, if you don’t care what an evangelical pastor says, don’t watch his content :)  I guess I just understood his witnessing as implied. The fact he’s engaging with us while still discussing his beliefs said that to me without words. 

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