The Hobby Thread


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On 1/20/2024 at 12:09 PM, Jamie123 said:

I am very interested in philosophy, though I'm not as involved with it anything like enough to call it a "hobby". When my daughter was little I used to talk about it with her. Sometimes I would read to her from Plato's Republic to see what she made of it. As she got older though, she started studying philosophy as a subject at school, and our conversations became something like this:

Me: So you've been learning about Kant? Didn't he believe in dualism?

Daughter: No, that was Descartes.

Me: Kant believed in dualism too. The noumenal world and the phenomenal world?

Wife: If you're going to disagree with her, why ask her in the first place?

Me: I'm sorry, I may not know much about Kant, but I do know for a fact that Kantian dualism is a thing. I have read about it.

Wife: Why do you have to argue all the time?

Me: We're not arguing, we're having a conversation.

My dad said this was his feelings as we each moved out. He thought the dinner conversations had finally gotten more interesting.

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On 1/18/2024 at 1:49 PM, mikbone said:


I might have gone a little overboard after reading Ready Player One.  The arcade simulator plays like 500 games (from X-arcade). I had my twin bro help me customize it.  It’s been in the garage for the last 6 mo due to the current home remodel.  

Robotron is my favorite.

The project itself is way cool, but it's the stickers that put it over the top.

I'm a Defender man myself.

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15 minutes ago, Vort said:

The project itself is way cool, but it's the stickers that put it over the top.

Some of them are obscure.  You may not recognize Ultraman, Rainbow Man, Cover Art for Elric of Melnibone, Track & Field game.  Bannana Splits.

All from my youth.  We watched some crazy TV while living in Hawaii from 76-78’

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13 hours ago, Vort said:

I'm a Defender man myself.

I practically lived in arcades in my pre-teen years.   But no matter how I tried, I simply lacked the hand-eye coordination for all the dang buttons.   Seriously?  A reverse button?  What, they couldn't afford a 4-way joystick?


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7 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I practically lived in arcades in my pre-teen years.   But no matter how I tried, I simply lacked the hand-eye coordination for all the dang buttons.   Seriously?  A reverse button?  What, they couldn't afford a 4-way joystick?


I worked here during high school:

Bills itself as the largest arcade in the world, but to be fair, I’ve heard of other places claiming the same. 

It was a video game junkies dream job. 

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A sample of the current area my players are exploring.





The Verdant Cavern


This massive cavern is warm and humid.  There are several points of interest, all of which must be encountered to assemble the key into the final areas leading to a confrontation with the evil druidess.  The dark Ranger will be encountered again in this adventure.  The cavern is about 1.5 miles long and wide.  The evil druidess Marisil inhabits and controls this sub level.  She has ties to one of the apprentices of Halaster, to be determined later.  Druid spells function normally in this cavern, as though the PC was outdoors.

The lighting in the cavern is like that of sunlight behind clouds.

The entrance to Masil’s cavern is locked.  The broken parts of a stone charm are in four locations in the cavern that must be located, put together and placed into the “lock” of her front door.



The areas are numbered, but can be encountered wherever the DM chooses in the cavern.


1.  “The temperature of the tunnel has been slowly getting warmer.  Ahead of you some sort of light source begins to appear.  You walk out of the tunnel onto a shelf above a massive cavern.  Sweeping away from you is a massive forest, one like you would expect to find on the surface.  A fine mist obscures your view about a mile outward.  The walls stretch out of view into the mist as well.”


The shelf has a “trail” that leads down into the forest.  If the PC’s check, they will notice an absence of animal sounds.  There is a deathly still in the air.


“The trail brings you towards the floor of the cavern.  Shaggy trees reach uncomfortably close as you descend.  A sense of menace emanates from the shadows as you reach the floor.  On the edge of the forest is a small clearing, surrounded by stone menhirs, each about three feet tall and carved with spiral patterns, creating a roughly circular area about one hundred feet across.  You will have to pass between two of the menhirs to leave the shelf onto the cavern floor.

Inside the circle you can see thick vegetation — rich green shrubs, some of which bear succulent berries or bright white or red flowers; small trees, their branches thick with fruit; thick growths of fern; and near the center is a great willow-tree, its ancient trunk black and gnarled. Its green and leafy branches seem to protectively surround a small hut with a round door and a stone chimney.”


This is the only “safe” area within the cavern for the PC’s.  It was the home of the original inhabitant, a powerful underground druid, who was slain by Marisil.  While Marisil was able to slay the druid, she has been unable to break the power of the menhirs, which function as a giant circle of protection from evil.  The creatures of the evil woods can penetrate the barrier, but suffer the effects of a protection from evil spell.


Inside the hut are a few house items, a bed, a table and two stools.  There is nothing of value here, except a “safer” place to sleep.


Sleeping here creates only a 25% chance of attack during the night/rest period.  The sentry PC’s will know that they are being watched by malevolent creatures outside the circle.


The watchers are either twisted trolls (4), twisted treants (10), or twisted gnomes (11).



2.  “As you strike deeper into the forest, the trees become older and larger. Their bark is black, their branches thick and forbidding. Undergrowth is thick in places, and in others, entirely absent.  Mushrooms sprout from rotting logs, and some trees are covered in thick growths of shelf fungus. The shadows are deeper here as well. On occasion, you are startled by sudden movements, only to look and see nothing. Even so, the persistent feeling of being watched never goes away, and grows only more pronounced the farther you go.”



3.  “A rocky clearing lies before you down a short rocky slope. It contains a number of old, crumbling walls and ancient columns, and in the center is a low, table-like altar. Surrounding the altar are at least 20 robed figures, all chanting in unison. Beside the altar, bearing a wavy-bladed dagger is an elven woman, dressed in a black hooded cloak and a fearsome demon-mask.  A rush of movement catches your eye, and out of the sky overhead, two winged figures flutter down to land atop two of the columns, where they perch, chattering excitedly.  Bound to the altar you see a goblin, staring in horror at the cloaked woman who steps forward, brandishing the dagger.”


The PCs will have to act quickly. If they hesitate too long, the cloaked figure will sacrifice the goblin and use her dying life-force to summon a vrock.  The vrock will immediately sense the party and attack.


DM's note:  my party attacked before the cultists could kill the goblin. 


1 hooded figure AC 8 HD 5 hp 55 AT 1 D 1-4 THACO 15


20 cultists AC 8 HD 3 hp 35 AT 1 D 1-6 THACO 17


2 quasit  AC 2 HD 3 hp 50 AT 3 D 1-2x2/1-4 SA/SD see below mr 25% THACO 17


The wounds caused by its claws drain 1 point od dexterity unless a saving throw versus poison is made. Dexterity loss remains for 2-12 rounds.  DT good, DT magic.  Regeneration 1/round. Invisible at will.  1/day 30’ aura of fear.  Immune to cold, fire, and lightning.  +1 weapon to hit.



Vrock (tanar’ri) AC -5 HD 15 hp 200 AT 5 D 1-4+7x2/1-8+7x2/1-6 SA/SD see below mr 70% THACO 10


Vrock’s are the birdlike demon.  They can attack once every three rounds with a spore attack. A spray of spores automatically inflicts 1-8 damage on all opponents within 5 feet. Once the spores have hit, they implant themselves just below the surface of the skin and begin to grow and sprout. Victims suffer 1-2 damage per round from spore growth. The spores continue to grow for 10 melee rounds, at which time the victim is covered with thick, vine-like growths. The spores can be killed by a bless, neutralize poison, or similar spell or by being sprinkled with holy water. Slow poison stops the growth.


Deafening screech1/day: everyone within 30’, stunning them for 1 round (Constitution check to avoid the stun).


Vrocks have the following spell-like powers at 10th level of spell use: darkness, infravision, detect invisibility, detect magic, dispel magic, mass charm, mirror image, and telekinesis. They can attempt once per day to gate in 2-20 manes, 1-6 bar-lgura, or 1 nalfeshnee. There is a 50% chance of success.





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1 hour ago, LDSGator said:

Have you ever seen someone who is really really good play Defender? The little ship moves so quickly around the screen back and forth! It’s actually quite impressive.

I’m awful at that game. 

At my best, I could turn the machine over pretty regularly. (Of course, playing that much often made me want to turn the machine over in a more literal way.)

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Just now, Vort said:

At my best, I could turn the machine over pretty regularly. (Of course, playing that much often made me want to turn the machine over in a more literal way.)

Dude that game was incredibly hard. Hats off bro, that is legit impressive.  

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Just now, LDSGator said:

Dude that game was incredibly hard. Hats off bro, that is legit impressive.  

Thanks, but don't be impressed. I spent literally a hundred or more dollars (in 1982 money) playing that stupid game. Saving for my mission, but I would lose some portion of my $3.whatever an hour playing Defender.

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Just now, Vort said:

Thanks, but don't be impressed. I spent literally a hundred or more dollars (in 1982 money) playing that stupid game. Saving for my mission, but I would lose some portion of my $3.whatever an hour playing Defender.

Gauntlet bankrupted me as a teenager.

2 minutes ago, Vort said:

Nothing beats the ending to Mario Kart 64.


I LOVE that series. 

This is one of my favorite video game level music themes. 


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Mario Kart 64 is a gem, and Double Dash for the Gamecube is one of all time favorite games. I still play it 2024. I’m average-below average. That’s being generous.  

Melissa and I have a rule. Anything we say while playing Mario Kart against one another can not be held against us in the future! 

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Some of my hobbies:

Puzzles of all kinds—Crosswords, Cryptograms, Sudoku, Jigsaw, etc. I go through a lot of variety puzzle books.

Music. Love to listen to most genres. Lately, I’ve been listening a lot to oldies, Nancy Sinatra, Joan Baez, Arlo Guthrie, Mamas & Papas, Doobies, Led Zepplin, ZZ Top. 

Piano.  My arthritis is limiting my amount of play time.

Crocheting. Again arthritis is limiting how much I can do.

Travel. I’m a retired airline employee so have flight benefits the rest of my life.  I’m planning a trip to Germany/Austria/Liechtenstein for April. My younger sister asked me to be her tour guide for this trip.

Reading. I belong to a neighborhood book club which gets me reading genres I typically don’t read.

Other interests include sewing, baking, my grandchildren, camping, and digitizing family photos. I’m also writing a history of my dad for the family. I collect pens and pencils and other office supplies, nativities, snow globes, angels, nutcrackers (the German soldier kind), and souvenir spoons from everywhere I travel, 

Edit: I have my Ham Radio license and monitor and listen daily to certain local repeaters. 

Edited by classylady
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