The War in Israel may be at it's end.

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The Hostages and Missing Families Forum released the following statement to the press:

In light of the news regarding the withdrawal of the maneuvering forces from Gaza, the Hostage and Missing Families Forum reminds us that the IDF entered Gaza after October 7 to bring about a complete victory for the State of Israel

The government's decision to withdraw the maneuvering forces from Gaza and switch to ongoing defense proves that the IDF was able to bring Israel many achievements and victories in the military arena and undermine Hamas' capabilities.

The Prime Minister and the War Cabinet - it's time to bring the State of Israel to absolute victory! The departure of the maneuvering forces should be the first step in the deal. Now, the hostages in Gaza must not be left behind!



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Iran, who for a long time has attacked Israel via proxies, finally attacked Israel from it's homeland.  


Iran launched a volley of over 200 cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones toward Israel on Saturday night, Israel said, in an apparent response to an attack on an Iranian diplomatic complex in Damascus, Syria, earlier this month.

This is the first time Iran has directly attacked Israel from Iranian territory, and the strikes set up a direct military confrontation between the two countries.

Israel's response: Dozens of drones and most missiles fired by Iran were shot down by Israeli, American and other allied forces before reaching Israeli territory, Israeli and U.S. officials said. Air-raid sirens blared across Israel and explosions were heard over Jerusalem as Israel's Iron Dome air-defense system kicked in.

Damage on the ground: A small number of missiles landed in Israel, causing light damage to a military base in Israel's south, Israel said. A child was seriously injured by shrapnel from an intercept. A former senior U.S. official said the attacks so far appear to be largely "performative," although Israel said it expects further waves.

U.S. response: President Biden met with his national-security advisers and reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to Israel's security. The U.S. military in recent days had rapidly repositioned its resources in the region in anticipation of an Iranian attack.



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19 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

For Iran to say that the matter is "concluded" pretty well tells me that Iran won't do anything further. They've made a show of force, and they don't want to do anything else lest Russia and China not protect them against the retaliation. 

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Yep.  Iran did something similar after the US did some similar attack a few years back.  We killed a senior baddie, they threw some token number of missles at some of our bases in Iraq.  A few news stories about some of our troops getting hearing damage and a TBI or two, Iran's media crowed to it's own people about how they rained down death and destruction on the great satan in defense and retaliation, and then everyone went back to business as normal.


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I believe that had the Abraham accords been continued under Biden all this would not have happened.  Our country has become so divided (especially with a hatred of Trump) that the democrats were not willing to give Trump any credit for anything (especially in the Middle East) and this is the result.  I wonder how soon that the left wing blames Trump for this whole problem.  From revelation of the restoration, we are told explicitly that although we hear of wars in foreign places – we know not the hearts of men in our own country.


The Traveler

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3 hours ago, mikbone said:

I bet Israel returns fire.

But Passover starts next week, Monday April 18 - Tuesday April 30.

Probably in May.

If the enemy attacks on the Sabbath, you defend yourselves on the Sabbath. Israel should not be waiting until May to respond to such aggressions.

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9 hours ago, Vort said:

If the enemy attacks on the Sabbath, you defend yourselves on the Sabbath. Israel should not be waiting until May to respond to such aggressions.

that, and from what little I know Israel is a secular state with a large non-Jewish or “Jewish in name only” population. The citizens probably care more about not getting blown up or shot more than not fighting back on the sabbath. 


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13 hours ago, mikbone said:

I bet Israel returns fire.

But Passover starts next week, Monday April 18 - Tuesday April 30.

Probably in May.

Well, Israel has been attacking targets in Iran for a lot of decades.  As well as killing Iranian targets in other countries for decades.  There's a longer history than even this article mentions:  Or even this one-sided history from Al Jazeera.  The Wiki article does it better justice. 

I'm guessing Israel figures this round of tit-for-tat is over.  "We finally hit them hard enough, and publicly enough, that they had to give their first actual response launched from their own country.  And it was a pretty pathetic response."

Although you read the comments section of the IDF twitter feed, and you'd think it's kicking off armageddon, end times, apocalypse, millennium, and the 2nd coming, all rolled into one.   That video of missiles in the background of the dome of the rock, is really riling up the sign-seekers from 3 different world's faiths.



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3 hours ago, mikbone said:

Gold is down

The NASDAQ is up 

Crude oil is down


The market is not impressed with Iran’s counter.

The economy and commodities are such a weird confusing mixed bag of conundrum in my mind – I am not sure how good of an indicator (especially in the short term before the election) such things are.  In the entire history of civilization there has never been a drop in money supply that was not followed by a depression – I must emphasize a depression not a recession!  We are currently experiencing a drop in the money supply.  With war looming something very serious must give in our economy and supply chain. 

I am not an expert, nor do I pretend to understand all possibilities, but it sure looks to me like all efforts are being made by both political parties (as well as the corporate and financial structures) to kick the can down the road and blame the other party for everything and definitely not to take any responsibility (even a minor responsibility).  I am concerned that any give that arises in either the economy or supply chain will result in a cataclysmic seismic shift.  And with our borders open I am concerned that the first effort of terrorists will be soft targets on our infrastructure which will exacerbate any financial or supply chain problem.

My hope and trust is in the revelations given recently (in the last few years of General Conference).   I am counting on the miracles President Nelson spoke of.  (woops sorry about the ending with a preposition).   I am of the mind and impression that things are so already in motion that the coming election will not matter much one way or the other.


The Traveler

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33 minutes ago, Traveler said:

The economy and commodities are such a weird confusing mixed bag of conundrum in my mind – I am not sure how good of an indicator (especially in the short term before the election) such things are.

While I basically  agree with you, I think we’re in the minority. At the end of the day voters care about guns, LGBT issues, and abortion rights-but they care much deeper about feeding their families and retirement. If the economy is lousy in November, it generally means the voters are going to “throw the bums out.”

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3 hours ago, Traveler said:

We are currently experiencing a drop in the money supply.

Is this the drop you're referring to?



If so, I'm having a hard time getting worried about a coming depression. I'd love to see 10x the size of that drop, to get us back to 2020 levels before we shut down the economy and made the money printer go brrrrrrt...

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13 hours ago, Vort said:

If the enemy attacks on the Sabbath, you defend yourselves on the Sabbath. Israel should not be waiting until May to respond to such aggressions.

Full-scale all out war is the only way for Israel to defend itself. All they have had is constant harassment and violence directed against them for over 70 years. No, they have a right to exist in peace.

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3 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I'm having a hard time getting worried about a coming depression.

Agree. I think that predicting the future of the economy is a fool’s game. If I wake up every day and say “today is the day the economy will crash.” I’ll eventually be right. If I also say “Today is the day I’m going to die.” every day, eventually I’ll be right about that too. Neither statement makes me a prophet. 

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2 hours ago, LDSGator said:

When it comes to economic predictions, everyone became a prophet in 2009. I met so many people who “knew the economy would crash” and say they saw it coming. Oddly, their prophecies didn’t stop them from losing everything. Or warning the rest of us. 

Saddest thing in the world - I saw a post from someone near the bottom of the 2008 economic downturn, saying he was selling all his retirement stock while he still had some left and putting it somewhere safe.    

The market has gone up roughly 500% since the 2008 bottom.   If dude put it in cash or gold or something, it's probably lost like a third of it's value, because of inflation.

And that's how you end up spending your golden years working, unable to retire.  (Divorce is the other reason people end up there.)

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1 hour ago, NeuroTypical said:

Saddest thing in the world - I saw a post from someone near the bottom of the 2008 economic downturn, saying he was selling all his retirement stock while he still had some left and putting it somewhere safe.    

The market has gone up roughly 500% since the 2008 bottom.   If dude put it in cash or gold or something, it's probably lost like a third of it's value, because of inflation.

And that's how you end up spending your golden years working, unable to retire.  (Divorce is the other reason people end up there.)

To be fair, I’m sure some people probably did see it coming, but it’s like a historic college football game-more people say they were there then actually were there.  

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4 hours ago, LDSGator said:

When it comes to economic predictions, everyone became a prophet in 2009. I met so many people who “knew the economy would crash” and say they saw it coming. Oddly, their prophecies didn’t stop them from losing everything. Or warning the rest of us. 

One of my all-time favorite movies is The Big Short. It's the story of a few guys who saw the cracks in the CDO dam and got rich off of it. And according to the movie (grain of salt, I know) at least one of them DID try to raise alarms at the SEC and WSJ.

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14 minutes ago, Phoenix_person said:

One of my all-time favorite movies is The Big Short. It's the story of a few guys who saw the cracks in the CDO dam and got rich off of it. And according to the movie (grain of salt, I know) at least one of them DID try to raise alarms at the SEC and WSJ.

That’s right up my alley. Thank.


There was a whistleblower for Madof that tried calling the SEC several times as well.

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